Profile for David Anderson

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David Anderson
Associate Professor
Archaeology & Anthropology
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
David Anderson
Associate Professor
Archaeology & Anthropology
Specialty area(s)
Egyptian archaeology, Late Prehistoric period Native America, origins of complex society, technology in archaeology, 3D documentation of archaeological remains.
Brief biography
Dr. Anderson is an Associate Professor of Archaeology in the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology. His primary research focus is the Predynastic and Early Dynastic periods and the formation of the Egyptian state. He is an archaeologist with over 30 years of experience conducting archaeological research in the eastern United States and Middle East on both prehistoric and historic sites. He is the Director of the El-Mahâsna Archaeological Project which is investigating the formation of the ancient Egyptian centralized state and the origins of Egyptian religion and divine kingship. He specializes in the integration of computers and archaeology, utilizing 3D capture, CADD, GIS, Geophysical sensing and database management to facilitate collection and analysis of field results.
Current courses at UWL
ARC 100: Archaeology: Discovering Our Past
ARC 101: Orientation to the Archaeological Studies Major
ARC 196: Archaeology: An Introduction to Lab and Field Methods
ARC 200: World Archaeology: Origins and Development of Human Culture and Society
ARC/HIS 295: Pyramids, Temples and Towns! The Archaeology of Ancient Egypt
ARC 300: Cultural Resources Management
ARC/HIS 302: Egyptian Hieroglyphs: The Language and Culture of Ancient Egypt
ARC 395: Graduate Preparation Seminar
ARC 402: Field Methods in Archaeology
ARC 445: Research Methods in Archaeology
Ph.D. Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, 2006
Dissertation Title: Power and Competition in the Upper Egyptian Predynastic: A View from the Predynastic Settlement at el-Mahâsna, Egypt.
M.A. Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, 1995.
Thesis Title: Susquehannock Longhouses and Culture Change During the Contact Period in Pennsylvania.
A.B. Anthropology, concentration in archaeology, University of Chicago, 1990; also completed the requirements for A.B. in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations (Egyptology), University of Chicago, 1990
Teaching history
Associate Professor of Archaeology, Department of Sociology and Archaeology, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse. July 2012 – present.
Assistant Professor of Archaeology, Department of Sociology and Archaeology, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse. August 2008 – June 2012.
Adjunct Research Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. October 2006 – August 2008.
Part-time Instructor, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. 2000-2006.
Teaching Fellow, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh. Fall 1993 ‑ Spring 1994; and Fall 1994 ‑ Spring 1995.
Teaching Assistant, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, Fall 1992 ‑ Spring 1993.
Lecturer, Docent Training Program, Education Department, Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA.
Outreach Lecturer, Department of Education, The University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania. September 1991 ‑ August 1992.
Professional history
Associate Professor of Archaeology, Department of Sociology and Archaeology, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse. August 2012 – present.
President, Board of Governors, American Research Center in Egypt, April 2021-present.
Vice President, Board of Governors, American Research Center in Egypt, April 2018-2021.
Professional Member, Board of Governors, American Research Center in Egypt, April 2015-April 2018.
Assistant Professor of Archaeology, Department of Sociology and Archaeology, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse. August 2008 – 2011.
Project Director, El-Mahâsna Archaeological Project of the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. 1996-present (formally of the University of Pennsylvania Museum - Yale University - Institute of Fine Arts, New York University Expedition to Abydos, Egypt. 1996 – 2009).
Archaeology Manager/Senior Prehistorian, Cultural Resources Group, GAI Consultants, Inc. Homestead, PA. Full Time: November 2007 – August 2008, part-time August 2008 – June 2010.
Adjunct Research Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. October 2006 – August 2008.
Senior Archaeologist/Principal Investigator and Operations Manager, Cultural and Natural Resources Section, Michael Baker Jr., Inc. Moon Township, PA. January 2006 – October 2007
Senior Archaeologist/Principal Investigator and Operations Manager, Cultural Resources Section, Michael Baker, Jr. Engineering, Inc. Moon Township, PA. September 1999 – December 2005
Part-time Instructor, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Fall and Spring semesters, 2000-2006 (with the exception of Spring 2004).
Archaeological Principal Investigator (Cultural Resource Specialist II), Cultural Resources Section, Michael Baker Jr., Inc. Coraopolis, PA. September 1997 - 1999
Assistant Registrar, Loans, The University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania. September 1990 ‑ August 1992.
Assistant to the Registrar and the Conservator, The Oriental Institute Museum, University of Chicago. October 1989 ‑ June 1990.
Assistant to the Registrar, The Oriental Institute Museum, University of Chicago. October 1987 ‑ May 1989.
Research and publishing
Selected Publications and Research Reports
2011 “Evidence for Early Ritual in the Predynastic Settlement at el-Mahâsna.” In Egypt at its Origins 3: Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium ‘Origin of the State, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt in London, 27th–July 1st August 2008, edited by Friedman, R. F., Fiske, P. N. (Ed.), (pp. 28 pages). Leuven: Peeters Publishers and Booksellers.
2007 “Zoomorphic Figurines from the Predynastic Settlement at el-Mahâsna, Egypt.” In The Archaeology and Art of Ancient Egypt: Essays in honor of David B. O'Connor. Edited by Zahi Hawass and Janet Richards. Supreme Council of Antiquities Press, Cairo. (Distributed by American University in Cairo Press.)
2006 Power and Competition in the Upper Egyptian Predynastic: A View from the Predynastic Settlement at el-Mahâsna, Egypt. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
2002 "Elites Among the Monongahela? Evidence for Emergent Social Complexity in Southwestern Pennsylvania during the Protohistoric Period". Archaeology of Eastern North America. Volume 30, 2002.
2002 "The Disappearance of the Monongahela: Solved?" with James B. Richardson, III, and Edward R. Cook. Archaeology of Eastern North America. Volume 30, 2002.
1999 “The Predynastic Period in the Abydos Region.” In Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt. Compiled and edited by Kathryn A. Bard. Routledge Press.
1994 Archaeology: Tools and Technology. Teacher's Guide. Thematic Loan Kit, Educational Loan Collection. Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
1994 Archaeology of Western Pennsylvania and the Monongahela Indians. Reference Manual. Thematic Loan Kit, Educational Loan Collection. Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
1994 The Monongahela : Prehistoric Pennsylvanians Students' Book. Thematic Loan Kit, Educational Loan Collection. Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
1994 Archaeology: Tools and Technology. Students' Book. Thematic Loan Kit, Educational Loan Collection. Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
1992 "A Pewter Effigy Pipe from Pennsylvania in the Collections of The University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania." Pennsylvania Archaeologist, 62(1): 73‑78.
1988 "A Report on Previously Unanalysed Material from Cueva Morín. " Gleach, Freeman, Anderson, et. al. Chicago Anthropology Exchange, 17 (Autumn), 1988. pages 61‑68.