Profile for Terry Lilley

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Terry Lilley
Pronouns: He, Him, His
Associate Professor
Race/Gender/Sexuality Studies
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Terry Lilley Pronouns: He, Him, His
Associate Professor
Race/Gender/Sexuality Studies
Specialty area(s)
Poverty, Sex Work, Violence and Violence Prevention, Social movements, Sociological theory
Brief biography
Dr. Lilley is a sociologist whose teaching and research revolves around intersectional analyses of social justice-related organizing and public policy. He is a 2015 Provost Teaching Excellence Award winner and was awarded the Most Accessible Faculty Award in 2012 by Students Advocating Potential Ability (SAPA), now known as DREAM (Disability Rights, Education, Activism, and Mentoring).
Current courses at UWL
RGS 100: Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Class; RGS/SOC 150: Introduction to Social Justice; RGS 308: Justice and Film; RGS 320: Violence and Gender; RGS 321: Sexual and Racial Violence in the United States; RGS 322: Identity-Based Violence Prevention; RGS 328: Sex/Work; RGS 340: Objectively Biased: Knowledge Systems as Power Systems; RGS 374: Poverty as Public Policy; First Year Seminar
Ph.D. Sociology, University of Delaware