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Are you interested in human emotion, memory, motivation and personality? Learn to better understand the mind and behaviors with a psychology degree.

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Undergraduate programs


Undergrad major Undergrad minor

Psychology is vast area of study with many sub-disciplines. All share the common goal of better understanding the mind and behaviors. UWL offers courses in many subfields including developmental, cognitive, neuroscience, experimental, social, clinical, counseling and cross-cultural.

Child & Youth Care

Undergrad minor

Students who complete the minor are expected to:

  • Identify the role of individual and family factors associated with children
  • Differentiate typical from atypical human development
  • Apply theories, concepts and research findings to promote child well-being
  • Identify the purpose and structure of community and government systems in promoting and advocating for child well-being


Undergrad minor

A growth field in the sciences over the last four decades, neuroscience has its roots in philosophical questions about life, human nature and thought. While biology and psychology answer aspects of these questions, core philosophical questions — such as the natural relationship of the mind to the brain or of the self to the other — still remain and drive novel research. These questions are at the heart of neuroscience, which is the study of the nervous system — the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system — and its impact on behavior and cognitive function.

Gerontology Certificate

Undergrad certificate

Gerontology is the study of aging. Aging is a multifaceted human experience that begins at birth. Every individual undergoes changes in their social lives, cognitive health, emotional responses, and physical bodies as they develop. At UWL, Gerontology offered as a certificate, meaning this topic can be interwoven with any academic area of interest that a student majors in such as economics, exercise and sport science, health education and promotion, philosophy, political science, psychology, therapeutic recreation, or sociology.

Graduate programs

School Psychology

Teacher license Graduate degree Students earn an MSEd after the first year and an Ed.S after the second in this NASP-conditionally accredited program.

Areas of study

Educational Specialist - Ed.S.

Master of Science Education - MSED

School Psychology Online

Teacher license Graduate degree An asynchronous online program for Wisconsin Educators to become licensed as School Psychologists by earning a MSEd and EdS in a 4-year program.

Featured courses

  • General Psychology
    PSY 100 | 3 credits
    A comprehensive introduction to contemporary basic principles and theories of behavior and related processes along with supporting scientific evidence and applications. Topics include sensory processes, perception, learning, memory, motivation, emotion, developmental change, measurement, social interaction and abnormal behavior. Offered Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • Abnormal Psychology
    PSY 204 | 3 credits
    This course introduces students to various clinical presentations of psychopathology that may occur throughout human development from a trauma-informed perspective. It provides an overview of specific psychological disorders as well as disorder-specific etiological considerations, associated clinical features, defining characteristics, and diagnostic criteria. The course also includes overviews of current treatments for the major disorders, and ethical considerations in mental health care. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or PSY 212; sophomore standing. Offered Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • Social Psychology
    PSY 241 | 3 credits
    This course provides a comprehensive overview of theories and research in social psychology - the scientific study of how our thoughts, feelings, and behavior are influenced by our social context. Topics may include social cognition, social perception, the self, attitudes and persuasion, prejudice and discrimination, conformity and obedience, aggression, helping behavior, and interpersonal relationships. Students are encouraged to think about how social-psychological theories and research can be applied to understand current events as well as everyday social experiences. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or SOC 110. Students may only earn credit in SOC 330 or PSY 241. Offered Fall, Spring, Summer.
  • Behavior Modification
    PSY 315 | 3 credits
    This course will examine the theory and techniques of systematic behavior management and behavior control. Applied social learning theory, reinforcement, shaping, modeling, cognitive and rational techniques, extinction, aversive procedures, and token economies will be covered. Course will include the planning, execution, and evaluation of a personal behavior self-modification program, and several other opportunities to apply behavioral principles to everyday experiences. Prerequisite: PSY 100; PSY 204; PSY 212. Offered Annually.
  • Human Motivation
    PSY 320 | 3 credits
    This course examines contemporary and historical psychological conceptions, principles, and theories of human motivation. Concern is given to physiological, cognitive, emotional, and social factors that influence human's desires, aspirations, and behaviors. Practical applications to multiple areas including education, industry, health, and everyday situations will be considered. Prerequisite: PSY 212. Offered Occasionally.
  • Research Methods: Lecture and Laboratory
    PSY 331 | 4 credits
    This course provides an introduction to experimental and other research methods as used in psychology. The emphasis is on the scientific method, techniques of data collection, and the principles and theories employed in the study of behavior and mental processes. The laboratory portion develops skills in observation, formulating research ideas and hypotheses, designing and conducting research, data analysis, and scientific report writing. Lect. 2, Lab 4. Prerequisite: "C" or better in PSY 100 & STAT 145; complete ENG 110 or ENG 112, & CST 110; combined GPA of at least 2.25 in these four courses; completion of 30 cr.; three other credits in PSY. Open to psychology majors only. Offered Fall, Spring.
  • Adulthood
    PSY 358 | 3 credits
    An overview of the 'journey of adulthood' including both continuity and change. It introduces students to major historical and theoretical perspectives on adult development as well as primary methodological techniques for studying adult development. It examines milestones and transitions in traditional developmental domains (physical, cognitive and social and emotional) and explores individual responses and adjustments to these experiences. Prerequisite: PSY 212 or gerontology emphasis. Offered Annually.
  • Psychology and Law
    PSY 377 | 3 credits
    This course examines a variety of ways that psychology intersects with the legal system. Topics include criminal profiling, false confessions and eyewitness misidentification, forensic assessment of competency and insanity, jury selection and decision-making, the impact of race in criminal sentencing, the philosophy and psychology of imprisonment, workplace harassment and discrimination, and roles for psychologists in the legal system. Prerequisite: PSY 100 or SOC 110 or SOC 120 or ANT 101. Offered Occasionally.
  • Cognitive Processes
    PSY 435 | 3 credits
    This course examines theories, models, and related experimental research concerning human mental processes. Topics include acquisition of information, memory, decision-making, problem solving, and language. Prerequisite: PSY 100; PSY 321 or PSY 331; junior standing. Offered Occasionally.
  • Research Capstone: Revise and Resubmit
    PSY 488 | 3 credits
    This course gives students the chance to revise and replicate their PSY 331 (Research Methods) study. The focus is on learning from mistakes, implementing feedback, and applying classroom knowledge to hands-on projects. Students will also get experience submitting an IRB (ethics board) protocol and presenting at a university-wide research conference. Prerequisite: grade of "C" or better in PSY 331; PSY major; junior standing. Offered Annually.
  • Overview of Child and Youth Care
    CYC 301 | 3 credits
    As the overview course in the child and youth care minor, the class addresses current issues in the field of child and youth intervention. Taking a multidisciplinary approach, students will explore factors that place children and youth at risk. The class also provides a preliminary investigation of systems theory, program design, interventions, and advocacy. Prerequisite: grade of "B" or better in PSY 212. Offered Annually.
  • Social Policy for Children and Families
    CYC 310 | 3 credits
    This course is designed to examine current and proposed child and family policies. Specifically, the goals of the course are to enhance students' understanding of (a) the basics of child and family development and the complex nature of childhood risk and resilience; (b) current policies and safety net programs, particularly in the areas of child protection and family strengthening, their evolution over time, and their strengths and weaknesses; (c) recent reform efforts and new directions in policy; and (d) building community connections. Prerequisite: grade of "C" or better in CYC 301; PSY 212. Offered Annually.
  • Family Systems Theory
    CYC 411 | 3 credits
    This course focuses on the study of the family as a system. Students will examine developmental stages, life cycle patterns, and family interactions using a systems framework. The application of family systems theory to at-risk families will be discussed. Prerequisite: PSY 212. Offered Annually.
  • Introductory Neuroscience
    NEU 200 | 3 credits
    This course will introduce the student to the interdisciplinary study of neuroscience through an investigation of the contributions made by biology, philosophy, and psychology. In so doing, the student will come to see the unique methodological and theoretical approaches each discipline brings to the discussion, and why it is that these different perspectives matter. The course will address the relevant introductory concepts associated with these discussions and engage a number of pertinent topics including learning, memory, attention, and perception, and the interrelationship between these processes. Prerequisite: grades of "C" or better in BIO 105 and PSY 100. Offered Annually.
  • Capstone Seminar in Neuroscience
    NEU 490 | 1 credit
    A seminar-style course designed for students to review and discuss primary literature on current subjects of importance in neuroscience. Students are expected to participate and lead discussions of research literature, develop and write novel review articles, and actively participate in the assessment of the neuroscience interdisciplinary minor. This course should follow the completion of the other courses in the core curriculum of the neuroscience interdisciplinary minor. Prerequisite: NEU 200; PHL/PSY 333; BIO 415 or BIO 446; BIO 465. Pass/Fail grading. Offered Fall, Spring.
  • Neurophysiology
    BIO 465 | 3 credits
    An examination of the nervous system beginning at the cellular level and working up to neuronal systems. Topics covered include the ionic basis of membrane potentials, synaptic communication, organization of functional circuits of neurons, and systems within the brain and/or spinal cord which control learning and memory, vision and motor function. Exploration of these fundamental neurophysiology topics from the basis for understanding a variety of student-selected topics which will be covered later in the semester. Late-semester topics often include higher-order aspects of brain function or challenges to the nervous system, such as the repair of brain or spinal cord injury, degenerative disease states, dyslexia, or consciousness. BIO 467 is an optional laboratory course which can be taken concurrently. This course is taught largely at an undergraduate level. Graduate students will have additional course requirements/expectations. Prerequisite: BIO 105, CHM 103, and either BIO 312 or NEU 200; junior standing. Offered Annually.
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