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2025 Call for Proposals

The 2025 Celebrating our Montessori Children Conference proposal submission is closed. Thank you for your submissions!

Submission deadline: June 24, 2024
Notification date: July 2024

Our 11th Regional Montessori conference promises to be a wonderful day for renewal, networking, and learning new ways to support every learner. As Montessorians, we have the awesome opportunity to engage each one of our learners in joyful, even exuberant learning every day. Please include a brief statement of how your proposed session addresses individual, child-centered learning.

We anticipate offering sessions that would address the following strands: Families, Infants/Toddlers, Children's House, Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, Early Adolescence, General, and Administration/Leadership. We welcome topics that could address the interests of several audiences.

We welcome proposals addressing any of the following topics:

  • Encouraging creative expression through storytelling, drama, visual arts, music, dance, creative movement
  • Nurturing problem solving and imagination
  • Exploring variations and extensions that “spark” deeper learning
  • Understanding emotional intelligence and emerging leadership skills
  • Innovative lessons and activities in traditional Montessori curricular areas, as well as new ways to integrate learning across curricular areas
  • Social and racial inequities, particularly as they affect children and youth of color in Wisconsin
  • Designing inclusive learning environments for learners with special needs
  • Differentiated learning opportunities for learners who struggle as well as those who excel
  • Response to intervention (RtI) in public Montessori schools
  • Collaborating with families of children with exceptionalities
  • Trauma informed care
  • Dual language learners
  • Peaceful interactions among learners and adults
  • Social justice
  • Outdoor learning/nature
  • "Friend raising": community relationships, including fund raising
  • Family support: parenting tips the "Montessori way", family engagement
  • Administrative collaboration
  • Do's and don'ts for starting an independent Montessori school
  • Global learning
  • other topics that you think would be of interest to area Montessorians and families

Please submit your form by June 24, 2024.

We will notify presenters by July 2024.

Thank you for supporting Montessori in our region!