Suicide Prevention Summit
Wednesday, September 17, 2025
8:45 a.m.–4:15 p.m.
Student Union, UW-La Crosse
521 East Ave North | La Crosse, WI 54601
Increase your understanding of suicide, its prevalence, and the risk factors for specific populations, and acquire tools for prevention, assessment, and intervention.
Who Should Attend
Thank you to our planning committee members!
Tim Blumentritt, B.S.W., Care Center
Karlene Buckmaster, CSW, Social Worker, La Crosse County Health Department
Christine Hughes, M.S.W., Gundersen Health System
Kirsten Krueger, M.S.Ed., Tellurian, Inc.
Amy Kuester, CRS, Great Rivers 211
Vincent Loera, M.S.W., APSW, Mayo Clinic Health System
Deb Mahr, R.N., Kaitlin's Table
Jennifer Mueller, LP, Nystom & Associates
Jenny Root, CSW, La Crosse County Human Services
Hallie Schmeling, Great Rivers 211
Maria Towle, M.S.W., LCSW, CSAC, Stein Counseling & Consulting Services LTD
Visit the La Crosse Area Suicide Prevention Initiative's website to learn more about their community activity and involvement.