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Equity and inclusion

A page within Academic Advising Center & Career Services

Logo for the AACCS office

Inclusion Statement 

Our office welcomes all students. Further, our office recognizes the need to offer an explicit welcome to those who have been marginalized based on race, ethnicity, country of origin, citizen status, ability, class, gender, sexual orientation, age, spirituality, and all the other complex identities that make us who we are.  

Equity Statement 

We recognize that historically and presently, different levels of power have allowed some people to flourish at the expense of others. We understand that as individual people and as an office, we have upheld inequity. We are committed to providing students not just equality of opportunity, but equality of outcomes. Continued growth, humility, and empathy will lead to a more equitable society, and we are excited to take on that lifelong challenge.  

Our Commitment  

We acknowledge that for our words to have meaning, they must lead directly to action. As part of our commitment, we are actively preparing ourselves to serve all students, particularly those who have been marginalized, by participating in targeted professional development, engaging in critical dialogue, and holding each other accountable for our words and actions.  

We commit to the following action steps to advance our inclusion and equity statements: 

  • Listen, believe, and center the stories of marginalized people in our work 
  • Learn and reflect on systems of oppression and our role in those systems as we serve students in partnership with fellow allies 
  • Engage in constant self-growth through regular dialogue and participation in diversity and inclusion programming 
  • Build a community that values collaboration, equity, and relationships over competition and exploitation   
  • Develop more equitable resources and programming for our students as they navigate their unique academic and career development processes 
  • Advocate alongside students, staff, and faculty whose identities make them targets for discrimination to ensure we move closer to equity 
  • Evaluate and adapt our work and atmosphere based on our continuous learning and the feedback from our community 


We are committed to continually evaluating and improving upon our resources and our space to ensure all students feel safe, welcome, and supported by our office. We invite any feedback regarding your interactions with our team, your perceptions of our physical space, your experience at any of our events, and anything else you would like to share with us. You can share this feedback via our anonymous survey. 

Similarly, if you have experienced an encounter that you would like to report as a hate or bias incident, please complete the Hate/Bias Incident Report through the Center for Transformative Justice. 
