Our people
A page within Academic Advising Center & Career Services

Administrative Team
- Academic Advisement & Career Service Director
- 1214 Centennial Hall
- bvianden@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8517
- Academic Advanced Associate Director (Institute)
- 1233 Centennial Hall
- mnauman@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8627
Specialty areas:
-Academic Advisor for first year students in: Biology (BIO)
-Academic Advisor for undeclared students in the: College of Business Administration (CBA), College of Science and Health (CSH) and College of the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities (CASSH).
- Career Services Associate Director (Institute)
- 1219 Centennial Hall
- bleahy@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8633
Specialty areas:
Career Advising for the School of Education and the College of Business Administration
- Internship Coordinator/Career Advisor
- 1217 Centennial Hall
- cpearson@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6951
Specialty areas:
College of Business Administration career advising
- Employer Relations Coordinator
- 1218 Centennial Hall
- rlee@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8362
Specialty areas:
Coordinator of our job and career fairs, information sessions, and on-campus interviews
Campus contact for Handshake, our online jobs, internships, and events platform
Academic Advisors
- Academic Advanced Associate Director (Institute)
- 1233 Centennial Hall
- mnauman@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8627
Specialty areas:
-Academic Advisor for first year students in: Biology (BIO)
-Academic Advisor for undeclared students in the: College of Business Administration (CBA), College of Science and Health (CSH) and College of the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities (CASSH).
- Navigate Functional Lead
- 1215 Centennial Hall
- jschweiger@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6950
Specialty areas:
-Academic Advisor for undeclared students in the College of Science and Health (CSH), College of Business (CBA) and College of the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities (CASSH)
-Master Advisor Program Coordinator
- Academic Advisor
- 1213 Centennial Hall
- kmorrison@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6950
Specialty areas:
First-year advising for Exercise and Sport Science and Communication Studies
Undeclared advising for all colleges except School of Education
- Academic Advisor
- 1221 Centennial Hall
- kherberg@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6953
Specialty areas:
- Academic Advisor
- 1211 Centennial Hall
- hmoe@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6914
Specialty areas:
Academic Advisor for first- and second-year Psychology
Academic Advisor for first year Sociology
Academic Advisor for undeclared students in the College of Science and Health (CSH), College of Business Administration (CBA), and College of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CASSH), and Transfer students
- Academic Advisor
- 1209 Centennial Hall
- nnovak2@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6950
Specialty areas:
Academic Advisor for first-year students with declared majors in Biology (BIO), Communication Studies (CST), and Race, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (RGSS).
Academic Advisor for undeclared students in the College of Science and Health (CSH), College of Business Administration (CBA), and College of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CASSH).
- Academic Advisor
- 1222 Centennial Hall
- skrueger@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6961
Specialty areas:
Academic Advisor for first-year students declared into Political Science & Public Administration, as well as first and second year students declared into Psychology.
Academic Advisor for undeclared students in the College of Science and Health (CSH), College of Business Administration (CBA), and College of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CASSH).
- Transfer Advisor
- 1231 Centennial Hall
- bhawkins@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6880
Specialty areas:
Undeclared Admitted Transfer Students
Prospective Transfer Students
- Academic Advisor
- Centennial Hall
- ldavis@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8624
Specialty areas:
Academic Advisor for first-year students with declared majors in Biology and Political Science & Public Administration.
Academic Advisor for undeclared students in the College of Science and Health (CSH), College of Business Administration (CBA), and College of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CASSH).
Career Advisors
- Career Services Associate Director (Institute)
- 1219 Centennial Hall
- bleahy@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8633
Specialty areas:
Career Advising for the School of Education and the College of Business Administration
- Career Development Coordinator
- 1212 Centennial Hall
- mgordy@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6952
Specialty areas:
Career Advisor for the College of Arts, Social Sciences, & Humanities
- Career Development Coordinator
- Centennial Hall
- shines@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.5017
Specialty areas:
College of Science & Health (Health, Exercise, & Recreation)
Undergraduate programs: Exercise & Sport Science (ESS) - Fitness, Pre-Professional, and Sport Management tracks, Health & Wellness Management, Nuclear Medicine Technology, Public Health & Community Health Education, Radiologic Science (Radiation Therapy, Radiologic Technology, Diagnostic Medical Sonography emphases)
Graduate Programs: Athletic Training (AT), Clinical Exercise Physiology, Medical Dosimetry, Occupational Therapy (OT), Physical Therapy (PT)
Pre-Health Student Resource Center
- Pre-Health Student Resource Center Coordinator
- 1209 Centennial Hall
- jbench@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.6957
Specialty areas:
Coordinate programming, outreach, group advising, and assessment in the Pre-Health Student Resource Center
- Pre-Health Advisor
- 1209 Centennial Hall
- chelixon@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8925
Specialty areas:
Radiologic Sciences
Nuclear Medicine Technology
Biology, Pre-PA
- Pre-Health Academic Advisor
- 1223 Centennial Hall
- lgenznievinski@uwlax.edu
- 608.785.8141
Specialty areas:
Radiologic Sciences
Nuclear Medicine Technology
Biology, Pre-PA
- Pre-Health Academic Advisor
- Centennial Hall
- mbatty@uwlax.edu
Specialty areas:
Radiologic Sciences
Nuclear Medicine Technology
Biology, Pre-PA
Exercise and Sport Science, Pre-Professional track
Peer Advisors

- Student
- jones4349@uwlax.edu

- Student
- downs2049@uwlax.edu

- Student
- lee1303@uwlax.edu

- Student
- diaz5354@uwlax.edu

- Student
- bostwick1601@uwlax.edu
Front Desk Student Staff

- Student
- rice7824@uwlax.edu

- Student
- piazza4552@uwlax.edu