Searching for jobs/internships
A page within Academic Advising Center & Career Services

The resources below will take you through the process of applying for jobs and internships: where to begin searching, how to prepare applications, how to network and interview, writing thank you notes, and finally, accepting a job offer.
How to Find Jobs and Internships
Job Basics blocks
Getting Prepared to Search
Prep Block
Building and Using Your Network
You often hear “It’s all in who you know!” and it’s true. A high percentage of all job seekers find their positions through referrals. Networking is not only a strategy in your job search; it’s a necessity. Your network will introduce you to people and possibilities that may lead to a professional opportunity and extends beyond just the people you know; it’s the people they know too! Below are some tips and ideas to get you started in building and using your network.
1. Brainstorm your contact list
Identify everyone possible that could serve as a contact to your field of interest or who may have a connection for you.
- Employers – People you have met through career events, professional meetings, internship and work experience, etc.
- Family Friends – People who know your career background and interests and may be of assistance in their profession or organization.
- Faculty Contacts – Faculty members who have relationships with alums or other professional contacts.
- Alumni – Recent alums you know, alums who attend career events, etc.
- Professional Associations – Alums from your professional organizations or professionals in local professional organizations.
- Social Networking sites – Connect with professionals and alumni on LinkedIn and Facebook. Don’t just establish a social media presence—work it. Reach out. Interact. You will get out of social media what you put into it.
2. Network Preparation
Just like an interview, you should prepare for approaching one of your contacts virtually or in-person. It’s time for you to develop a game plan. Whom would you like to meet? What is your goal of this connection? When you have a list, research their background and then develop questions that reflect your research.
A good strategy is to ask the contact about themselves and their experiences, including college experience. Most people enjoy talking about themselves and you can use that to get conversations started and to ask general questions. As a result most people will reciprocate your interest and ask about your background and skills. Make it easy on your contacts and ask detail-oriented question. Avoid directly asking for jobs. The question makes your contact feel like you are only using them to find a job and not actually wanting to connect with them.
3. Reach out to your contacts
Develop a brief introduction of yourself and identify what interests you about your contact’s background, position, or organization. What you say about yourself will depend on the medium but should be brief.
- Examples: “Hi, my name is Sara Student. I’m glad I have a chance to meet you to learn more about your management trainee program. I have a degree in psychology and have worked in retail for five years. I think my skills would fit nicely with your program.”
- “Nice to meet you. My name is Sara Student. This May, I will be graduating with a degree in mathematics. I would be interested in learning more about what opportunities your organization might have that fit my interest in statistics and research.”
- “Hello, my name is Steve Student. I was an intern at Mayo Clinic. I understand you work as a Med Tech. I would be interested to know more about your career path and any advice you might have for a new professional.”
- “It is nice to speak to a UW-La Crosse alum, Mr. Smith. I understand that you are the Vice President of Marketing at the ABC Company. I would be interested in talking to you further about your role and what skills you look for in new college graduates.”
4. The Thank you
After you meet a contact, it is absolutely necessary to send a thank you note. Tell your new contact how nice it was to meet them and also refer to particularly helpful advice they provided you. Everyone likes to be appreciated.
Using Social Media in Your Search
Social media is a great way to stay in touch with friends and relatives, but it also can be a useful tool in your job search. Employers are using social media sites to both promote their organizations and connect with potential job candidates. By following a few basic tips, you can use social media to get in front of hiring managers.
1. Create a profile that gives a positive impression of you
Think of it as your online resume: What do you want it to say about you? Hiring managers can get a stronger sense of who you are and if you’re a good fit for their company through your profile.
2. Be aware of keywords you include in your profile
This is particularly true for sites focused on professional networking, such as LinkedIn. Many employers do keyword searches to find profiles that contain the skillsets they’re seeking in potential hires.
3. Don’t mix personal with professional
The social media you use in your job search has to present you as a potential employee—not as a friend. Follow the rules for writing a resume. Don’t include photos, comments, or information you wouldn’t want a potential employer to see.
4. Make sure your profile is error-free
Would you send a resume full of misspellings? (Hint: The answer is No) The same holds true for your online profile.
5. Choose appropriate contact information
Your e-mail address or social media handle should be professional—a simple variation on your name, perhaps—rather than suggestive or offensive.
6. Connect
Many organizations have embraced social media as an extension of their hiring practices and provide information you can use to research the organization and connect with hiring managers and recruiters..
- Consider joining the UW-La Crosse Alumni Network on LinkedIn. Alumni are very loyal to their alma mater and might have some really valuable advice for you.
- Check your college/university’s social media groups: Many times, employers join such groups.
- Check social media groups focused around your field of interest or career.
- Attend career fairs, conferences, employer info sessions – network whenever and wherever possible
- Search for the social media pages, profiles, and videos of organizations that interest you. Many organizations post job descriptions, information about salaries, and more.
- Ask questions. Even something as broad as “Is anyone hiring in [industry]?” may bring responses, and asking questions about a specific organization—“What’s it like to work at Company X?” can give you insight into the organization and its culture.
- Remember every communication must be professional and to the point. Do not use online abbreviations or slang, and proofread every communication.
7. Be patient, but persistent
Remember working professionals have demanding schedules and may not respond immediately. If you do not get a response within two weeks, contact them again reiterating your original message and ask if there is a better way to contact them.
8. Stay connected
Keep in touch with recruiters or other decision makers you may interact with in cyberspace. There may not be an available opportunity at their organization right now, but that could change, and you want to be considered when it does. This includes brief emails every few months to say hello and ask them how they are doing. People are more willing to help when they feel like they know you.
Courtesy of the National Association of Colleges and Employers.
Applying for Jobs
Applying Block
What You Need to Know About Applicant Tracking Software
Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) have become increasingly popular within many company and organization’s recruiting and human resources practices. ATS allow for human resources partners to manage their candidates during every step of the hiring process in a more efficient manner. Among other functions, ATS will collect, sort, and filter through thousands of resumes in order to identify applicants with the highest algorithm scores. Employers vary on their use of ATS, but those that choose to use them can have an automatic rank happen. When submitting your online application, it is important you are mindful of these tools and highlight your previous experiences in the best way possible.
TIPS to consider with ATS:
- Carefully tailor your resume, cover letter, and other application materials for each position you apply to
- Directly address qualifications found in the job description
- Include resume keywords in your application materials based on the job description
- Focus on the most impactful information in your experience section
- Keep your resume formatting simple so the ATS can accurately review it
Check out this article: What's an ATS? How to Write a Resume to Beat the Applicant Tracking System
Tips and Tricks
When you believe you are ready to submit your application, be sure to consider these tips and tricks:
- Does someone in your network work at the company you are applying to? If so, be sure to connect before submitting your application. They may be able to speak on your behalf, or there may be a separate referral link for the position.
- Many organizations, not all, send email confirmation when your application is submitted. If you don’t receive one, don’t be afraid to follow-up to make sure your application is complete.
- Be sure to fill out EVERY section as completely as possible. Attached supplemental materials are often included at the end of the application packet, so they are not always seen - utilize text boxes if they are offered!
- Most will require a profile and resume that can be used every time you apply. You can apply for more than one position at an organization.
- This can be a long process, so schedule time daily to search and work on your materials.
- Keep records – use a spreadsheet to track your applications. Include details like position, company, closing date, materials, name of contacts, etc.
- Set weekly, or even daily, email alerts/job agents sent to you to avoid missed opportunities
- Utilize key words, skills, and qualifications in your search terms
- Look for appropriate years of experience, degrees and titles
- 0-2 years, entry-level
- Bachelor’s degree - not HS, Associate’s or Master’s
- Not senior or director
- Watch posting dates; some may be old. Check out the actual corporate website too for position and company info.
- Look for Career or Employment sections from homepage
- Submit your documents as PDFs to allow for formatting to stay consistent.
Applying Internationally
This information is intended for US students planning to apply to international jobs. For information on applying for jobs in the US as an international student (F1 or J1), contact your international student advisor.
GoinGlobal (UWL student access through Handshake) is the leading provider of both country-specific and USA city-specific career and employment information. Our unlimited access subscription database features 38 Country Career Guides, 53 City Career Guides for the United States and Canada, corporate profiles and more than 16 million internship and job listings within the USA and around the world.
Both the GoinGlobal Country Career Guides and the City Career Guides provide professional advice and insider tips on such topics as:
- Job search tools - online and face-to-face resources
- Employment trends in major industries - learn more about growing industry areas and focus your job or internship search!
- Executive recruiters and staffing agency contacts - great contacts for students and alumni/professional job seekers
- Work permit regulations - clearly explains the important details for international students and professional job seekers
- Salary ranges and cost of living data - take the guesswork out of planning for career moves and relocations
- Professional and social networking groups - get a head start on making connections for career development
- Résumé/CV writing guidelines
- Interviewing and cultural advice
Each Career Guide contains more than 500 employment resources, all with detailed explanations and hot links directly to the latest information. All USA City Career Guides include links to H-1B visa employers for every state!
The Key Employer Directory features corporate profiles for 450,000+ companies in industries such as consumer goods, consulting services, finance, and information technology. A mixture of local and multinational employers for more than 190 countries are featured and include data on sales, revenues, brands, officers, key contacts and more. Use the profiles to prepare for interviews or find business intelligence facts on specific companies.
Tips and Guidelines
A resume is a summary of your educational and professional experiences, and this may include: colleges attended, internships, job shadows, volunteer experiences, work experiences, research or other relevant information, depending on what you are submitting it for.
- Employers review resumes very quickly, approximately 15 seconds on first review, making these guidelines essential to follow.
- The best resumes briefly describe job tasks, skills, and concrete accomplishments accurately and honestly while still being succinct.
- Good resumes are effectively tailored to position for which you are applying.
- Be clear and concise; avoid a narrative format.
- Make sure every word on your resume is important and contributes to your goal of obtaining an interview.
- Resumes are searchable, so use terminology that connects your experiences to the position.
- Create an original document. Use Microsoft Word, do not use templates. If you don’t know where to start, look at the resume examples on the Career Services website.
- Make your resume neat and easy to read. Use a clear and crisp font. Times New Roman, Arial, and Calibri are good examples.
- Be consistent with the use of fonts and bullets to maintain uniformity throughout your resume.
- Accent the positive. Emphasize your strengths and accomplishments.
- Make certain your resume is current; do not send it with an outdated address or phone numbers. You might see a resume with two addresses, local and permanent. If you aren’t getting mail at your permanent address, you don’t need to include it. Likewise, your ‘home’ phone number is unnecessary, if you have a cell phone.
- Don’t include personal information such as weight, marital status, date of birth, and photograph.
- Don’t use paragraphs or full sentences. Use bullet points with phrases, leading with action verbs. This eliminates the need to use personal pronouns, like "I" and "my". You also don’t need periods.
- Use dates in the employment and experience sections; however, avoid excessive use of dates in other categories, such as volunteering or involvement.
- Don’t include salary requirements or wages from previous jobs. If a job announcement asks for salary requirements, include that information in your cover letter.
- Length should be dictated by the amount of information you have to convey. Never try to crowd two pages of information on to one page.
- Please use an e-mail address that conveys a professional image. For example, not
- Include a cover letter with your resume whether you are sending it by mail, email or faxing it to an employer. For more information, see the cover letter section on the Career Services website.
- If you print your resume, as a rule, stay with conservative paper colors such as white, off-white, or gray. The same rule applies to the use of color with fonts. Remember resumes may need to be faxed or copied and the quality of the copy will diminish with colors. Print only on one side of the paper and should be printed on a quality printer.
As you prepare your resume, think about how an employer would look at it. If it is well done, it will communicate your competence and your interest in the position. On the other hand, if it is disorganized or has mistakes, it will show a lack of attention to detail. PROOFREAD! PROOFREAD! PROOFREAD!
Resume Sections and Headers
Block for resume sections
Begin with your name as the heading. Your name should be the largest item on the page, so try for a 18-24 size font.
Follow your name by including your accurate contact information where you can be reached (phone, email address, etc.). Your present and/or permanent address can also be included. E-portfolios, such as your LinkedIn profile, can also be included in this area.
For graduating seniors, use your personal email address. University email addresses will not be accessible after graduation.
Education Section
List your degree, institution, major(s), minor, special concentration or emphasis, institution city and state, and graduation month and year. Include your grade point average if you feel it is to your advantage, usually above a 3.0. You can give your major or minor area grade point average if either is better than your overall grade point average, as long as you identify what it represents. Use an online GPA calculator to provide accurate information.
Students from UW-La Crosse graduate in May, August, December and January. Even if you participate in the May graduation ceremony but take summer classes, August is your official graduation date. Your name will not appear on the official May graduation list. This is very important if an employer calls to verify your degree.
If you attended more than one institution, or received more than one degree, list the most recent school and degree first.
As a general rule, omit high school information after your first semester of college.
Academic honors or awards (dean's list, scholarships, honors graduate, etc.) may be included in this section or listed in a separate section labeled "HONORS AND AWARDS". List the number of times you have received an honor (i.e. Dean’s List – 4 semesters).
Education graduates should include Wisconsin subject code number(s) and grade level(s) for education majors. Current certification numbers are available on the Wisconsin DPI web page.
Other Possible Sections to Include
Consider categorizing and prioritizing your experiences related to the job description and position you are applying for. Here are some examples of the experience headings you might use:
- Relevant Experience
- Related Experience
- Professional Experience
- Sport Management Experience
- Accounting Experience
- Lab Experience
- Research Experience
- Undergraduate Research
- Related Coursework and Projects
- Marketing Experience
- Customer Service Experience
- Internship and Project Experience
- Activism and Social Justice Experience
- Technical Competencies
- Campus and Community Involvement
- Leadership
- Multicultural Experience
- Additional Employment Experience
- Teaching Experience
Writing Effective Bullet Points
Writing Effective Bullet Points
Bullet points are often the hardest part of a resume to write. When crafting your bullet points, it is important to go beyond just describing your “duties” at a job. One of the strategies you can use is to think of the “5 W’s and How”.
WHO: Who did your job help? The company? Clients? Customers?
WHAT: What happened with the results of the job? If you did research, was that information published? If you had to do a report or presentation, what was done with the information?
WHEN: When did this happen? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Talking about how often you did something is an easy way to show productivity in your job.
WHERE: Where did your duties occur? Did you have to travel for a job? Were you responsible for interacting with people outside of your organization?
WHY & HOW: Why did you do this? How did your job duties help or benefit to the organization’s ability to function?
Bullet Point Formula
Use this formula as a starting point when writing your detailed bullet points.
Skill (power verb) + What you did (job duty) + Results/Outcome (how/why)
BEFORE: Made a documentary
AFTER + “HOW”: Filmed a 10 minute documentary using the X3000 camera
AFTER + “WHY”: Filmed a 10 minute documentary on AIDS awareness for a class presentation
AFTER + “HOW” + “WHY”: Filmed a 10 minute documentary on AIDS awareness for a class presentation using the X3000 camera
Before |
American Marketing Association (AMA) Fall 20XX - Present Member
After |
President, American Marketing Association (AMA), La Crosse, WI Fall 20XX - Present
Before |
University Bookstore, La Crosse, WI June 20XX - Present Sales Associate
After |
Sales Associate, UW-La Crosse University Bookstore, La Crosse, WI June 20XX - Present
*Adopted from University of Iowa Pomerantz Career Center for Leadership and Career Advancement
Securing References
References serve as contacts who can positively speak of you. Professors, intern supervisors, advisors, and previous or current employers are usually considered the most significant references. Focus on contacts who know you in a professional or academic setting instead of relatives. Prior to submitting any application, confirm your reference is willing to serve as one. Keep your reference updated throughout your application process and be sure to share your resume and the job description with them.
For each reference list their name, title, place of employment, business telephone number and email address. It is also helpful to list how you know that person. You should have at least three references, but may need up to five.
For education graduates who are certified and are seeking teaching positions: List names, titles, schools, addresses, and telephone numbers (school and home) of professionals who have agreed to serve as references.
Sample Resumes and Templates
Sample Expandables
General Resume
Eagle Advantage Action Verbs
Cover Letters and Professional Correspondence
There are two basic types of cover letters: letters of application and letters of inquiry.
- A letter of application is used to apply for a position currently available.
- A letter of inquiry is sent to express interest in working for a particular employer.
For letters of application, specifically, the goal is to show how your background fits the particular job and organization to which you are applying.
- You are also demonstrating to a prospective employer you are a fit for the organization and you have a specific interest in working there.
Address letters to an individual by name and title, whenever possible.
- If you do not know their name, your salutation should be gender neutral, such as "Dear Personnel Manager;" or "Dear Hiring Manager."
Proofread all letters for mistakes. Use spell check.
Utilize the Writing Center in Murphy Library, 2nd floor, if you need assistance with grammar, punctuation, structure, or proofreading.
- Be prepared! Review information on the organization and the position well in advance of the interview. Be prepared to talk about your assets and how they relate to the organization and position.
- Be comfortable discussing everything on your resume, some interviewers will use it as their only guide for the interview.
- Practice! Have a friend ask you common interview questions.
- Dress appropriately. A positive first impression gets the interview off to a good start. Many employers now have a business casual work environment, however, most prefer or expect professional dress for interviews. Always error on the conservative side when choosing interview attire including jewelry, make-up, and perfume and cologne.
- Utilize positive nonverbal communication to show your interest. A firm handshake, a smile and good eye contact are very important.
- Be positive. Keep answers to questions positive and upbeat, do not offer or dwell on negatives.
- Use examples from professional internships, work experiences, projects, achievements, and college and community involvement. Interviewers often hear the same answers from several candidates, but the stories you tell are unique to you.
- Listen attentively to the interviewer. If you do not understand a question, ask to have it restated.
- Let the interviewer control the questions while you control the answers. Controlling the answers means that you will be deciding what to say and what examples to give as a result of your interview preparation.
- If you do not know the answer to the question, don't be afraid to admit it.
- If you think your answer may have been too short, ask the interviewer if you answered the question or if he or she would like additional details. If you think your answers are too long and the interviewer does not maintain eye contact with you, stop and ask if you are answering the question.
- Be honest. Any information you give is subject to verification.
- Being nervous is normal. If you are interested in the position whether it is a new employer, or a promotional opportunity with your current employer, you will be nervous. The interviewer is interested in getting to know you and as a rule, will try to relieve your anxiety. Thorough preparation and practice can alleviate anxiety.
- At the conclusion of the interview, if you are still interested, politely reaffirm your interest in the position.
Job Offers and Negotiating Salaries
Evaluating a Job Offer
First, make sure you know enough about the organization, the job, and the details of each offer to weigh one offer against another. If you lack information, seek it out by asking the employer, researching the organization, and talking to others who work at or are familiar with the organization or job. Ask your career services staff if they have had feedback from past students who have taken jobs with the organizations you are considering, and check to see if your career office has an alumni adviser to help you make contact with alumni working for these organizations.
There is no perfect formula for making your decision, but one of the best ways to begin is by making a list of all of the features that are important to you in your first job. These may include such items as the type of work you’ll be doing, the organization’s reputation/prestige, training program, salary, specific benefits, location of job, opportunity for advancement, work environment, opportunity for free time (evenings and weekends), opportunity for travel, colleagues with whom you’ll be working, and so forth. Add every possible item you can think of to your list.
Evaluating a job offer blocks
What matters most to you?
After you have all the features on your list, rank them in order of their priority to you. For example, type of work may be most important to you, followed by salary, and then specific benefits.
Next, look at each job offer you are considering, and rate the features of each using a scale of one to five (with five being excellent and one being poor). For example, if ABC Company’s offer provides a great starting salary, you’ll most likely give that feature a “5” under ABC. If XYZ Company’s offer provides a lesser starting salary, XYZ might earn a “3” rating for salary. (See the sample below.)
After you have finished rating all the features for all your offers, add up the scores for each offer. Although this is an inexact science, it is a way to demonstrate which offer provides you with the most of whatever features are important to you.
Weigh your options carefully
In the final analysis, remember to weigh carefully what is most important to you. Don’t be unduly swayed by the job title or the prestige of the organization and how it will impress your relatives. While it is helpful to get advice from family and friends, you are the one who will be going to work every day. You need to be sure that your job will be a good experience for you and will allow you to achieve your initial goals. Remember, though, that no job is perfect or able to meet all your needs. Consider the factors that you are willing to compromise on or have met in other ways. For example, if you enjoy travel and your job provides little opportunity for it, you can use long weekends and vacations for this interest.
Keep in mind that while you want to make the best possible decision at this moment in time, your decision is not permanent. The odds are great that you will not remain in your first job, or even with your first employer for your entire career. As you progress in your career, you will continue to learn which features are of highest priority for you (your priorities will also probably change with time) and how to find the best opportunity to have these priorities met. Good luck!
Sample rating system
Sample Rating Sheet for multiple offers
Feature (in order of importance) | ABC Company |
MNO Company |
XYZ Company |
Challenging Work | 4 | 5 | 4 |
Advancement Opportunities | 3 | 4 | 2 |
Medical Benefits | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Salary | 5 | 3 | 5 |
401(k) or other retirement plan | 4 | 4 | 3 |
Dental benefits | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Training program | 3 | 4 | 4 |
Life insurance | 4 | 4 | 3 |
Job location | 5 | 4 | 4 |
Workplace environment | 4 | 3 | 4 |
Opportunity to travel | 4 | 2 | 2 |
Tuition reimbursement for cont. ed. | 5 | 2 | 1 |
Total Rating: | 50 | 46 | 41 |
Create your own list of features that matter to you and list them in order of importance, with the most important feature appearing at the top of your list. Then, rate the features of each company’s offer on a scale of one to five (5=excellent; 1=poor). In the sample to the left, the offer from ABC Company has the highest rating, indicating that ABC’s offer provides more of the features that matter to the sample job seeker. This is one way to compare job offers. |
Negotiating Successfully
Negotiating blocks
When to negotiate
- Negotiation should always take place after an offer has been extended to you – never before!
- Only negotiate with an employer if you are truly interested in the position. Otherwise you are wasting both yours and the company’s time.
- Be respectful throughout the process and do not wait until the last minute to negotiate an offer.
- When salary is substantially below typical salary averages for similar positions. Research is important in determining the salary averages.
- You have additional qualification that may not have been considered such as internship experience, outstanding academic achievements or unique technical skills.
- You have other offers and will only accept if a better offer is negotiated.
- When your first offer is not your first choice, contact your preferred employer and inform them that you have another offer but they are your first preference. Ask them what their timeline is in making a decision and inquire if there is any more information you might be able to provide them to help in their decision making.
- Note that some organizations (especially larger ones) bring all new graduates in at the same "level" – examples: education, retail, sales, management, bank and claims trainee positions. These companies have done their research and they do their best to offer a competitive salary or have established salary and compensation standards.
How to negotiate
- Make sure to always negotiate with courtesy and respect – consider that you are building a long-term relationship.
- Have as much information available as possible when beginning the negotiation process. Have an understanding of the standard salary and package for the position you are being offered.
- Negotiate with creativity and flexibility. Do not automatically go straight to salary increase – think about other areas to negotiate on as well. Focus on the item that is most important to you. Do not bring a long list of items to negotiate.
- Ask the employer in a tactful way if the salary offer is open to negotiation. It is important that you illustrate you are genuinely interested in the position and you have a realistic understanding of the salary and/or benefits. For example: “I am definitely interested in the position, can we talk about the salary?”
- Be open to compromise. If the employer is unable to negotiate at this time, set a definite time in the future to reopen the discussion. At that time, you will have demonstrated your benefits to the organization.
- If they are unwilling to negotiate, consider the fact that you may have to make an immediate decision. Not all employers are open to negotiation for all positions. This is particularly true for fields where candidates are plentiful and in unionized organizations.
- Create a budget for your expenses and then decide what your minimum amount of salary you will accept. Don’t forget to account for taxes taken out of your paycheck.
What to negotiate
- Negotiation should be focused on a few key things that are most important to you – do not come in with a large list of requests that you expect to have filled.
- Below are some common negotiable items:
- Timing – This refers to the amount of time you have to decide whether or not you will accept the offer. It could also refer to the start date of the position if you choose to accept.
- Compensation – For recent graduates, this is not a largely negotiable area in most cases. Know what the typical compensation is for someone with similar credentials in the field you are entering. If at all possible, have the employer provide a number first. If they ask you for a salary number, provide them with a reasonable range. You may also be able to negotiate for a sign-on or annual bonus, relocation assistance, stock options, or other items.
- Benefits – Many companies will have a set healthcare/dental package or choice of two for you to select from – make sure to look closely at what is being offered. Some other areas to examine include annual/sick/personal leave, retirement plans, disability and life insurance, travel reimbursement, annual salary review. Also consider tuition reimbursement, special trainings, and other professional development opportunities that may be available to you.
- Miscellaneous – Think about additional items that may be of interest, such as cost of hardware necessary for the position (computer, phone, etc.), graduate school timeline, or a non-compete clause.
How to accept an offer
- Notify the employer, preferably by phone, that you are prepared to accept the offer and that you are looking forward to joining the organization.
- Request an offer letter or email which includes the salary, start date, benefits and all other details outlined in the offer.
- Always reply with an acceptance letter or email outlining all the details of the offer even if you verbally accepted the position.
- Once you have accepted an offer, it is unethical to continue your job search. The employer has made a commitment to you and you need to reciprocate that commitment.
Salary Calculator
Here are some sites you might use to get a sense of a fair salary, given the job, location, and your level experience:
- - an inside look at companies and salaries (video on using
- Salary Calculator - salary data by job title and location, both free and "for a fee" reports available from homefair
- Salary and Compensation Resources from the Riley Guide - listing of other salary resources to explore
- Salary resources from the CareerBuilder website
- Educate to Career - Salary Calculator
- Cost of Living Calculator - from Bankrate, compares cost of living between cities