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Academic department handbook

A page within Academic Affairs


I. Preface

Note from Provost Dr. Betsy Morgan: This handbook exists to provide up-to-date practical information for chairs and university staff (Dean's Assistants, Academic Department Associates (ADAs), University Services Associates (USAs), etc.). In addition, the handbook focuses on the roles, responsibilities, and the professional development of department chairs. Whenever possible, this handbook links to existing web pages to maximize currency. Users are invited to submit feedback, notice of broken links, and/or edits/modifications to The handbook is updated annually.

Background. Dr. Becky LeDocq (Math) created this handbook building the content UWL's talented and committed chairs and ADAs including Kary Auby, Sibbie Weathers, and Mary Grattan. The development of the handbook was, in part, based on the recommendations of a Provost's Faculty and Staff Academic Leadership Development Task Force (2015).   This handbook was updated in July 2021 by Mary Grattan, Krista Shulka, Kathy Thoen, Antoni Walker, Taylor Wirkus and Becky Yoshizumi.  

Note from author Dr. Becky LeDocq:  This guide draws heavily from the “Guide for Department Chairs” at Knox College (Galesburg, Illinois). The general outline and tone of the guide was exactly what I was hoping to provide for chairs at UWL. In the Preface of the Knox College guide, they encourage others to use their materials. I borrowed heavily from this guide in deciding the outline of this handbook and, in some cases, included paragraphs or sections virtually verbatim with minimal changes to make them fit the UWL structure. These paragraphs an indicated throughout the handbook with an “asterisk”. I want to thank Knox College for allowing this use of their wonderful materials.

Preface Expanding Group

A special note to new chairs and university staff...

The purpose of this Handbook is to help those with little or no administrative experience get a general feel for what the job entails and to simply serve as a resource for new and experienced chairs alike. Along the way you will find a lot of “Nuts and Bolts” on just what you need to do as well as some more thoughtful discussion on topics that are, hopefully, especially helpful for new chairs and university staff. It is impossible to cover everything that might arise in your role as department chair or university staff, so a list of contacts for people that can help with specific questions/concerns is given in the appendix.

There are also many resources available, both electronic and paper, that deal with many of the “non-campus specific” duties of department chairs. Such duties may include conflict resolution, running effective meetings, and leadership skills. A collection of these resources is included in the appendices.

II. The Core Functions (Year-At-A-Glance, Budget, Personnel, Curriculum, Assessment, Leaves, Course Scheduling, Reports)

II. Content

A. Year at a Glance


July      August September

Start of new fiscal year


Academic Program Review self study due (if applicable)

General Education Assessment - Assessments Results and Action Steps due July 1


Prep offices for new faculty

Summer Grades Due


Communicate with student workers regarding schedule/start date


Create faculty door signage


Week before meetings week - full day chairs’ workshop

Run 10 day major/minor reports


Spring & Winter Intercession schedules due late September


Spring and Winter Intercession textbooks orders due two weeks after schedules due.

20 day notice for Promotion Retention Tenure (PRT) reviews 

October      November December      

Personnel Month (w/ November)


 Retentions (2nd year)


 Instructional Academic Staff Career Progression

General Education Assessment - Assessment Plan (Task & Rubric) due


Major/Minor changes due

Spring registration


Distribute Fall SEIs. SEI’s/Smart Evals begin 2 weeks before the end of classes. Double check the site to make sure all question sets are in place and that the appropriate classes are deleted.

Merit decisions due to Dean’s Office

Retentions (3-4 years)

Summer school - enter basic offerings if known even if full information about staff/times are  as yet unknown


Fall Commencement


Graduate Hooding Ceremonies


Fall Grades Due

January February March

Winter Intercession Grades Due


Create faculty door signage

Run 10 day major/minor reports


Summer & Fall schedules due early February


Summer and Fall textbooks orders due two weeks after schedules due.  Normally the Friday prior to Spring Break


Major/Minor changes due

April      May June     

Fall registration

Giving Day (Foundation)

Scholarship Events


Student Employee Appreciation Week


Distribute Spring SEIs. SEI’s/Smart Evals begin 2 weeks before the end of classes. Double check the site to make sure all question sets are in place and that the appropriate classes are deleted


Catalog changes due (CAT)


Outside Activities Reports due electronically

Purchasing - end of the fiscal year deadlines start the beginning of May

Spring Commencement


Graduate Hooding Ceremonies


Spring Grades Due


Faculty Annual Report due June 1 - Digital Measures


End of fiscal year (June 30)

Dept Annual Report due July 1st

New Student Orientation

Program Assessment Report due (every three years)

Distribute SEI results to faculty/IAS

Annual Review for IAS and university staff (Due to HR by June 30)

B. Budget

Once you've been appointed chair, notification will be sent to various offices on campus, including the Business Services Office, which will set you up for online access to the departmental account(s). Every department has at least one budget (the basic departmental budget) and may have many more. Access to information on these accounts is through WISER (see Section III below).

The fiscal year is June 30 through July 1.

There are lot of acronyms and terms associated with the budgets at UWL. These can be a bit confusing initially, but will quickly become a part of your vocabulary.

C. Personnel

Department chairs are considered the supervisor for various types of employees within the department. Depending on the department, these may include faculty, academic staff, university staff, and/or students. Different personnel procedures are associated with each employee type.

The Human Resources Office is your source of information for policies, procedures, benefits and services for all campus personnel. Every department chair will be involved in personnel decisions for faculty and/or academic staff (instructional or non-instructional) and at least one university staff member: the Academic Department Associate (ADA) or University Services Associate (USA). Other types of employees will be more variable across departments.

i) Recruitment

i. Recruitment

It is likely that at some point in your tenure as department chair, you will have the opportunity to recruit new faculty or staff. This process begins with requesting the position. This is required whether you would like to retain a position that has opened up due to a retirement in your department, or you are requesting a new position. For faculty and instructional academic staff, the process for requesting a position can depend on the funding source. Check with your College Office for more information.

Recruitment Blocks

a) Search and Mechanics

The Human Resources webpage has all of the pertinent information on the mechanics of the recruitment process. Included are process and approval flow charts, search and screen planning and procedures, advertising guidelines and templates, and information on hiring a foreign national. There is also a Toolkit which provides materials on confidentiality requirements for interviewing, interview question banks, and tips on preparing for the interviews. Make sure that you contact HR prior to starting your search. They will help lead you through the process, including lessons on how to use PeopleAdmin. All searches now use electronic submission of application materials and search committees will access these materials through this software. As the search progresses, the approval process for bringing candidates on campus and eventually for hiring will all be accomplished through PeopleAdmin.

b) Importance

It would be difficult to exaggerate the importance of searches to the department and the university, most especially searches for tenure-track faculty. Each person in the department affects the success of the program, and a new person will invariably bring change to the department. A search is about shaping the department, not just adding a person. Even if a department wanted to replicate exactly a person who's just retired or left for another job, this is never possible. Each search provides the opportunity for a department to think again about mission and identity, about new perspectives or approaches that might be brought in, as well as any common characteristics you would like to preserve. Diversity in terms of gender, race, class, ethnicity, and region of country are important, as well as the obvious characteristics of field, methodology, intellectual perspective, or type of graduate training.

Searches are a great deal of work, but the stakes are high, so it's worth it! A search can even be fun: the intellectual stimulation of talking with people newly immersed in their fields and the camaraderie of working closely with colleagues on an important task. The prospect of a new colleague—something that may not happen very often—can also be exciting in itself.

ii) Annual Reviews

ii. Annual Reviews

Annual Review Blocks

a) Faculty

UW-System rules require that all faculty be reviewed annually (See UWS 3.05 and UWL 3.05 Periodic Review). For tenured faculty, this review is typically accomplished by the Merit Review Process, which is a part of the department bylaws. In addition to the merit review, probationary faculty also go through an annual Retention Review (both contract and non-contract years). Details on the retention process can be found on the Academic Affairs webpage under resources.

Both the candidate and the department create electronic reports through Digital Measures. The chair is typically responsible for creating the department report: Retention Report-Departmental. Information on using Digital Measures (at individual and department level).

b) Academic and University Staff

UW-La Crosse requires that all academic staff members have a performance review annually (See UWL 10.06 Annual Review). In some cases, this review may be used to determine whether the staff member’s contract is renewed. The process for this annual review may vary by department, so check your bylaws. Commonly the process mirrors that of retention for probationary faculty. (Retention at UWL)

More information for Academic and University Staff reviews can be found on HR's website for performance management.

iii) Promotion

iii. Promotion

Promotion Blocks

a) Faculty

The promotion process for faculty is well documented and there are lots of resources available for both the department and the applicant. In particular, the Human Resources webpage has faculty promotion resources. The Human Resources site includes a description of what needs to be prepared by the department and the promotion schedule with important deadlines. Typically, recommendations for promotion are due from the department chairs to the deans or division officers in early November.

As is the case with retention, Departmental Promotion Reports are created in Digital Measures. Link to information for department chairs concerning departmental reports in Digital Measures.

b) Academic Staff

Promotion for Instructional Academic Staff was, until recently, referred to as “Career Progression” so don’t be surprised to see this on various webpages. Department Chair e-Portfolio Guidelines and resources for Academic Staff can be found on the Human Resources page. The process is meant to mirror the faculty promotion process, but the dates may differ.

D. Curriculum


*Taken in large part from the Guide for Department Chairs, Knox College, Galesville, IL

Central to the identity of a department is its curriculum: the courses that are offered, for both non-majors and majors, and the structure of the requirements for the major and minor(s) in the department. This is an area where the big picture is very important, and where the big picture is easily lost. Some things to consider:

  •  What are the goals of the department's curriculum as a program — for majors, minors, non-majors?
  • Are these goals well-supported through the current offerings of the department?
  • Is the major serving well those students who will not be going to graduate school in your discipline, as well as those who are?
  • How up-to-date is your collective knowledge about what is currently considered by graduate schools to be the most important preparation for graduate training?
  • How up-to-date is your collective knowledge about the preparation students need for other pathways? For example: Anthropology and Sociology students who are interested in urban planning or science students interested in public health. The more the department is in the habit of thinking about these issues, the stronger the sense of department identity will be. Talking about the curriculum can help build collegiality, can help newer members of the department feel invested in the mission of the department, and can help you articulate departmental goals and achievements, both internally and externally. These issues are also central to the ongoing responsibility for assessment at the department level; see the next section for further details.

If you haven't routinely been discussing the large curricular issues, here are some occasions that can serve as a stimulus to such discussion:

  • one or more colleagues will be retiring soon
  • one or more new colleagues have recently been hired
  • there have been significant new developments in your field, which raise both curricular and staffing issues
  • the department is experiencing a significant change in enrollments or in number of majors (either declining or expanding)
  • students are expressing considerable interest in areas not currently covered by the department
  • strong majors have not been getting into graduate school
  • the department will soon be up for its Academic Program Review
E. Assessment

Assessment Content

i) General Education Assessment

General education courses are assessed on a schedule determined by the General Education and General Education Assessment Committees (both Faculty Senate Committees). Everything you are likely to need relating to on this topic can be found on the Faculty Senate General Education Assessment page. This website includes background information, timelines and due dates, and log-in information for your work as chair.

ii) Departmental/Programmatic Assessment

Departmental Assessment should emerge from clear programmatic student learning outcomes. You will be required to assess your program as part of your regularly-scheduled Academic Program Reviews (every seven years if all is well). More on this later.

It is good practice to include programmatic consideration/coverage in yearly and/or biennial assessment reports so you have record of this. Your College may require more frequent reviews or have additional requirements, so you should check with your previous chair or Dean.

F. Sabbatical and Leaves
G. Course Scheduling

Course Scheduling Blocks

i) The Mechanics (Courses and Textbooks)

Scheduling courses can be a big job for any department chair, but especially for those of larger departments with more course offerings. This a situation where the former chair, if available, can be of significant help. Make use of previous semester schedules and the knowledge of how to avoid conflicts with other courses in other departments.

As chair, you need to be aware of the University’s standard meeting times. We are all aware of the times for the traditional 55-minute course. Issues sometimes come up in offering “x-classes” - There are restrictions on when you can offer x-classes. This information can be found in the Standard Meeting Patterns section of the Classroom Scheduling Policy.

Course schedules are due in WINGS on a consistent schedule. You will receive an email indicating that the prior year’s courses for that semester have been “rolled over” in WINGS and you can begin updating the course schedule for that semester.

Fall Schedule – due in mid-February

Winter Schedule – due in mid-September

Spring Schedule – due one week after the Winter Schedule

Summer Schedule – due in early January

Chairs and ADAs/USAs have permissions within WINGS allowing access to functions beyond those of faculty. Chairs and ADAs/USAs can modify many aspects associated with the schedule of classes, they can access all class lists associated with their department (and can email the students in a class), they have additional textbook screens and have access to Post Enrollment Requisite Check (PERC) pages and milestone reports. Also, as indicated below, major/minor reports, and SEI and TAI information.

Textbooks are another area that need to be addressed once schedules are determined.  UWL is a textbook rental school which means there are stipulations on how much a book can cost, how long it can be used, etc.  Textbook Rental is a great resource of information to find out how the process works.  

ii) Other Considerations*

(*Taken in large part from the Guide for Department Chairs, Knox College, Galesville, IL)

Course scheduling is a big and complex job, as it calls on you to balance out the interests and skills of each member of the department, and then to balance faculty preferences with the needs of students (both majors/minors and non-majors). The better relations are within the department, the easier it will be to work out this balance in an amicable way. Here are some of the things to take into account.

Other Considerations Blocks

a) WHO teaches which courses?

There are somewhat different issues involved in introductory and more advanced courses.

Introductory courses often have the largest enrollments and the broadest range of students in terms of ability and interest. Some faculty love teaching the intro course in the department, others may find it an intimidating challenge, and others may be sick of it after having taught it for decades. While there may occasionally be a reason to do otherwise, the first principle should be to share the load.

Upper-level courses: In some departments, where there is significant overlapping of expertise, the governing principle is that no one individual "owns" a course. If more than one person is interested in a course, it gets passed around. In other departments it is less likely that such sharing would occur, because of specific training of faculty members in certain areas. Here the issue is to insure that an appropriate range of courses are taught at the upper levels, that significant areas of the discipline are represented, and that each faculty member has an appropriate share of both upper- and lower-level courses.

b) WHEN are which courses taught?

Over the course of the year: The big task of the chair in scheduling is to think about which courses need to be offered in a given year, in which terms, and in how many sections. Which courses have to be available for majors? What about General Education courses that are open to all? Or 200-level courses that might get a mix of majors and non-majors? Which courses must be offered in a strict sequence? You want to aim for a fairly even spread of different levels of courses throughout the year. Look at the previous year's schedule and enrollment figures to see if there were any problems, or if it might serve as a model. You might want to have a guideline in place for balancing the various needs, which would help make sure everyone is on the same page.

There may be considerations beyond your department as well. Are your majors also required to take certain courses in other departments? This often happens in the sciences, and those departments have long been in the habit of coordinating scheduling to avoid conflicts; other departments may want to keep this in mind as well. Sometimes it's not an issue of a required course, but just something you will be encouraging majors in your department to take. If you haven't thought of this at the time of doing your initial scheduling for the upcoming year, you will have another chance to consider it when the Registrar sends you a draft of the schedule. Check this not only for accuracy within your own departmental listings, but for courses in other departments with which you might want to coordinate.

When setting up time schedules for specific courses, let new faculty know what the practice is in the department for the number of meeting times each week. Sometimes this is flexible, sometimes not.

Within each term:

Once you've settled on which courses are going to be taught in which term, the big challenge is to decide on time slots for each course. Here are some of the factors to take into account:

  • You need to have a spread across the day, including something in the first and last periods of the day.
  • As much as possible, schedule in different periods courses that majors might want to take together in one term.
  • If you have some courses that can be taught MWF and others TH, do take advantage of the TH time slots.
  • Faculty tend to have strong preferences about which periods they like to teach, and sometimes have particular needs, often dependent on the age of children and the starting time of their schools. But children grow up, and if you've established a departmental culture where people accommodate each other's needs, taking turns at unpopular tasks (including teaching, say, in 1st period), then this will go easier. When you ask faculty for their preferences on time slots, ask that they give you a range of choices.
  • Room preferences: Some faculty have strong preferences about which rooms they teach in. Ask for these preferences (again, giving more than one option) when you ask them for their preferred schedule for the coming year. If there's a very popular room that not everyone can have, make sure all get turns; you may also need to coordinate with other departments in your building.
c) HOW MANY STUDENTS can be in a course (setting enrollment caps)?

Enrollment caps are set at the same time that the schedule is made up for the year. It is useful to have a departmental understanding for the normal cap in various levels of courses. Apply these across the board, unless there is a reasonable case for an exception. Chairs are typically asked to save a certain number of seats in Fall Semester introductory and general education courses for incoming freshmen. In these courses, set the initial enrollments lower.

The university’s funding from the state is largely based on overall student credit hour (SCH) production. The Dean’s Office should be consulted on discussions of workload formulas, enrollment caps and other department level plans that affect overall SCH production for an individual instructor, a program or a department. Occasionally, the Dean’s Office and/or Provost’s Office may need to be more directly involved in workload and SCH production due to the fiscal implications for the unit and the university.

d) Complicating factors

You think you've got everything figured out for the long run, and then one of these things happens:

  • A person goes on leave or is granted release time in a grant. It's good for people to take such leaves/releases, even though it means you'll have some juggling to do, especially if you're not authorized to hire a replacement.
  • A person has course-released time for a specific college/university task or part time administrative appointment. These tasks are very important to the college. Try being proud that someone from your department has been asked to take on one or another of these, at the same time that you scramble to figure out how to make up for the gap in departmental offerings.
  • A faculty member would like to team-teach a course. You need to consult with the Dean on any team-teaching arrangement to determine how load is determined in such a situation.
H. Reports

Reporting Blocks

i) Annual Report

At the end of each academic year, each department is required to submit an Annual Report to the appropriate Dean. The contents of these reports are used to help the Deans prepare their College Annual Report which is given to the Provost. Your Dean may give additional information as to the format and content required for the annual report. Departmental Annual Reports are typically due in late June. The ~300 word summary is posted annually to the Provost’s webpage.

ii) Program Assessment Reports

Programs are required to report on their assessment plan, results, and feedback loops. Traditionally a biennial report, as of 2015-2016, UWL is transitioning to a three-year rotation and a reporting mechanism through Taskstream and assessment software also used for General Education assessment. The purpose of the reports is to succinctly communicate to an external audience the goals and outcomes of a programmatic assessment and evidence of a continuous process.

For more information, please contact your Dean or the Assessment Coordinator in the Provost’s Office.

iii) Academic Program Review

As part of the 2016 UWL Higher Learning Commission Reaccreditation Report, information on Academic Program Review was consolidated in a webpage.

III. Day to Day Functioning (Business Cards, IDs, Keys, Scheduling, Phone, Procurement Card, Travel, Budget, LENS, TAI)

III. Content

Absence/Leave/Time Sheet Approval

Faculty and staff use the HRS for electronic absence/sick leave/timesheet entry. Absence, leave and hours (for hourly workers) are entered using the HRS Employee Self Service (ESS). As a department chair, you are the supervisor for the faculty and staff in your department and are now responsible for approving absence, sick leave and timesheets where appropriate. University staff supervise student workers and approve student timesheets in a similar manner.  This is done using the HRS Manager Self Service (MSS). If you have any questions concerning this process, you can contact Human Resources for questions on student employment, university staff, faculty or academic staff.

Budget, Transfers and Foundation Accounts

Each College has a budget officer and should be your primary contact in addition to the Budget Office.

ACCOUNT FUND NUMBERS - most common shown below (See Fund/Account Code Definitions for a complete list)

    • 102 - General Program Revenue- main source of department funds
    • 128 - special course fees, seg fees, etc.
    • 131 - differential tuition (includes GQ&A)
    • 133/144 - grants


  • WISER - the web-based financial reporting software that is a component of the UW-System's Shared Financial System. Most of the WISER reports can be downloaded to Excel.
  • GPR - General Program Revenue (state funding)
  • GQ&A - Growth, Quality and Access (UWL's tuition plan) - funding for instructors hired through GQ&A is reflected in a different budget lines than those who are GPR

Expense Transfers

FOUNDATION ACCOUNTS (Contact - The UWL Foundation)

Business Cards, IDs, and Name Badges

Business Cards

University ID

Name Badge Ordering Process  (check with Provost's Office for new faculty hires as this is something that the Provost's Office has purchased in the past).

Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM)
Event Calendar & Web Editing
Facilities - Work Orders, Key Requests, Building Access Requests

iService Desk Request (please select from left hand column for correct request)

  • Building Access Requests (faculty and staff)
  • Building Access Requests (students)
  • Key Requests
  • Work Order Requests
Facility Reservations (Meeting/Event Space, Computer Lab, and other campus areas)

University Reservations

Reservations should be made (requested) no later than 3pm the business day before the meeting/event and will be guaranteed depending on availability. Although later reservations cannot be guaranteed, reservations for academic events (requests for unforeseen meetings) within the regular operating hours of the building and involving no catering or set-up will be provided when possible. Late requests should be made by calling the reservations office.

For late-day requests (ex. after 1pm for the next day). A phone call is better because then they can react to that right away if we are in the office. Please say when you call that it is a late request because they have trained our students to direct people to the survey links.

Food Purchasing
Major/Minor Email List/10 Day Report

How to export Major/Minor student emails from WINGS to desktop Office 365.

Run your Major/Minor List in Wings:

Main Menu - UW-La Crosse – Records and Enrollment – Reporting – Plan Reports – Plan Reporting

                                Select Academic Organization from the magnifier list.

                                Enter desired term or select it from the magnifier list.

                                Click “Generate Report”.

                                Click “OK” from the Message Box that appears with the message:

“Academic Program Report Email successfully sent”.

Once your report is ran, it will be in your email.  Open the excel attachment in that email.  Click “enable editing”.

Highlight and hide rows so that all majors are listed together with no break of headings in between.

Repeat for minors (or other “programs/plans”).  (we keep our lists separate by majors and minors so we create two distribution lists)

In Outlook (desktop version), click on the “New Items” drop down arrow (top left corner on the Home toolbar) and click on “More Items” and then click on “Contact Group”.

In your excel spreadsheet, highlight all of the emails of the majors and press “control c”.  Make sure you don’t have anything else highlighted (i.e. row heading).

In your Outlook window where you have an untitled Contact Group, click on “Add Members” drop down arrow and click on “From Address Book”.

At the bottom of that window where it has a “Members” button, place cursor in the space to the right of the “Members” button and press “control v” to paste the email addresses in the space provided. I normally backspace to the last email address if there is a blank space at the end.

Press “Ok”.

Enter the Name of the Group in the available space at the top of the box.  Press “Save & Close”.

Repeat for next list (minors).

Open Meetings Law

UW-La Crosse uses VoIP, which stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. It's also known as Voice over IP.  Messages left on the phone are sent as email attachments.  It is recommended that users delete the email after listening to the message.

If you have any questions about using your VoIP phone, please contact the Eagle Help Desk at 608.785.8774 or  A helpful tool is the VOIP User Guide.  This guide also lets you know how to add a phone or change ownership of a phone through the IT ticket system.  IT is also able to move a phone through putting a ticket request in as well.

Printing Services
Prizes, Awards and Gifts
Procurement Card
Records Management

Records Management

  • UW System Records and Retention & Disposal Schedules
  • Confidential Records Disposal
  • Confidential Records Disposal Request Sequence

Emptying of Full Confidential Barrels - complete work order through Facilities

ShopUW+ and Purchasing Procedures
Student Employment

Student Employee Supervisors.  The HR website listed here gives you everything you need to know regarding student employment.  

Student Travel Support

Travel policies are documented on the UWL Travel Page. Departments vary in how they fund travel faculty and staff. It is up to the department to make sure department members are aware of the limitations and any special requirements for requesting travel funds.

As department chair, you are now in the role of “Approver” for all reimbursements to members of your faculty and staff.  It is advisable for all faculty to assign their department ADA/USA as an alternate for their travel reimbursements.  

Travel needs to be pre-authorized within the e-reimbursement system (Travel Preauthorization for Faculty & IAS -- Note: In effect February 1, 2016 and reimbursements are provided through the same system: e-Reimbursement).

At any time a traveler has access to see where their expense report is in the system/workflow, to see where the report may be ‘caught’ in the system, or to ensure it has made it to Accounts Payable (AP) for review/final approval.

To do so, click on Queries/Reports | Search | Either select 1 or 10 based on searching for Authorizations or Expense Reports à then click on the details link associated with “Where are my ERs?”

Travelers may also call AP or send an email if they would like to find out what may be holding up their report. If their report is stagnant for more than 2 weeks, there is likely a hold up somewhere in the workflow.

Finally, we recommend that any department chairs as well as their ADA's sign up for the Travel Newsletter ( to keep up to date on any changes in policy.

Transfer Course Evaluation

One of the roles of a department chair is to review courses from other colleges/universities for their transfer equivalent at UWL.   

  1. Transferology is a nationwide network designed to help students determine how their courses will transfer to UWL.  Additionally, students can use Transferology’s “Find a Replacement Course” feature to find out what their options are for taking classes over the summer (or whenever) at another institution to transfer back to UWL.
  2. The Transfer Evaluation System (TES) is an all-in-one solution for researching transfer credit, tracking evaluations, and managing equivalencies.  The TES workflow feature is currently used by department chairs, in partnership with the Admissions Office, to efficiently route, evaluate, and update transfer course equivalencies. Since its inception in July 2020, an activity log allows department chairs and staff to view when a course was last reviewed and by whom the course was approved to transfer. Finally, a “course history” function in TES allows department chairs to easily view how course descriptions may have changed from previous catalog years. 
  3. The same login credentials are used to access both Transferology and TES.  

Currently, there is no set “schedule” by which courses are “re-reviewed” at UWL. Because the number of established equivalencies is typically quite large, we do not recommend taking this on as a large project. Instead, we recommend reviewing a few courses each year and establishing a regular review schedule for your courses in the future. Best practices suggest reviewing established course equivalencies every 5 years or after a major course revision or change in field of study.  Additionally, the authors of the American Association of Collegiate Registrar and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) attached guide, A Guide to Best Practices: Awarding Transfer and Prior Learning Credit recommend, “using 70% matching of content to determine equivalency, unless otherwise needed for specific accreditation, discipline content, or other written requirement.”

Identifying a direct UWL course equivalent is always preferred, whenever possible.  However, if not possible, then identifying a course to fulfill a gen ed or other core requirement is typically a better option than a generic elective credit. For departments that have sequenced courses (e.g., BIO 312 and 313) and multiple prerequisites identified, the issues become more complicated, and we welcome that discussion as well.   

Here are some options if a department would like to review course equivalencies that already exist.

    1. Review your departmental equivalencies in the Transferology Lab. If you do not have a Transferology Lab account, you can request one through this link.
    2. Request a list of departmental equivalencies from Admissions. Departments may want to focus on the top feeder institutions. Scott has this information from IR.  

In summary, departments determine equivalencies, and departments should think broadly about these issues to help students advance. End dates to equivalencies can and do exist, but departments need to let us know if they no longer want a course to be equivalent. Departments can and likely should review course equivalencies on a regular basis (e.g., every five years) or if they have any reason to believe their courses are no longer equivalent (i.e., review after a substantial course revision or change in the field of study). Please reach out to the Registrar with questions or concerns.

IV. Department Chair Role Overview

IV. Department Chair Role Overview

A. The Role of Department Chairs*

*Taken mostly from the Guide for Department Chairs; Knox College, Galesville, IL

A department chair is charged with looking at the big picture: looking at the department as a whole and at the department’s relationship to the college. But the chair is also charged with stewarding the day-to-day operation of the department, and it is easy to drown in the minutiae of paper-pushing, to lose sight of the larger issues that should be of concern. There is much to balance as chair: the small tasks with the large vision, and also the job of chair with the continuing jobs of teacher and scholar. It has been a daunting task to list in this publication all the things a department chair does—the list is long! All the more reason to keep the big issues alive. Approving course substitutions, turning in the year’s schedule, signing up new majors, and all the other small tasks of the chair need to be done, but the real satisfaction of the job comes from things like shepherding a young colleague through the probationary years, conducting a successful search, or re-thinking the department’s curriculum.

One's role in the department changes when one takes on the chair, even though our departments are small, the power of chairs is limited, and faculty tend to rotate through the position. Here are some of the roles generally expected of a department chair:

Role Blocks

The Big Picture Person

It's important for the chair to keep in mind the big picture—of the well-being of the department as a whole, of the department's place in the college, and of the needs of students. Of course it's good for all faculty to have such a perspective, but it's very important for the chair to consistently weigh the needs and desires of individual faculty with the larger good, and to model this for the rest of the department. Some of the issues for which the big picture may need to be invoked:

~most fundamental of all: establishing a collegial environment, one in which much of the above will take care of itself because each person feels valued, that they have a stake in the endeavor, that they are part of a team, that they have ownership in the program

~making time for the department to consider what its goals are, and if those goals are being met through an ongoing process of assessment

~helping people get along with each other (sometimes personality issues within a department are a major challenge)

~sharing the load of service tasks within the department

~finding ways to balance the wide variety of factors that go into what courses are taught when and by whom (see the section on "Course Scheduling" for a more detailed treatment of this issue):

~~~course offerings for majors with general education courses for non-majors

~~~faculty teaching from their strengths while also meeting the needs of the program

~~~faculty teaching in the time slots they prefer while also sharing the burden of teaching in unpopular time slots

~~~sharing the teaching of both introductory courses and upper-level courses across the department

Guide/Mentor for New Faculty

Another section of this guide goes into detail on the variety of specific things a chair should do to help a new faculty person. Over and above these details, and the obvious role of being the first resource for the vast array of questions any new person has, the most important thing you can do for the new person is to make them feel welcome as an integral member of the department and to convey to them that you want very much for them to succeed. We also suggest you keep this welcoming attitude in mind when setting up the course schedule for a person's first year, something that will be done before they arrive on campus. Help insure their success by giving them, as much as possible, courses they'll feel comfortable with. Perhaps there's a popular introductory course that can be offered twice in the year, to cut back on new preparations. If there's something they need to teach that will be a huge stretch for them, see if it can be held off until the second year. Consider giving them first choice of the time slot for their courses.

Liaison Between the Department and the Dean

This is a key function of the chair. You are the person the Dean will turn to with regard to any issues facing your department, and you are the person who will go to the Dean with concerns initiated by the department. You are the representative of the department, a spokesperson, an advocate for the department. You are also the person who will be relating back to the department the perspective and concerns of the Dean. What happens when there is a conflict between what the department collectively agrees are its needs and what is presented by the Dean as the college's needs? The chair serves as the intermediary, conveying the department's perspective to the Dean, and the Dean's perspective to the department. If an issue is particularly contentious, the Dean may meet with the whole department. Examples of some of the issues that routinely call for the chair to consult with the Dean (for more details, see sections on these issues):

~definition of positions in the department (when change is being considered)

~searches (various aspects, from approval of the search through to candidate choice)

~significant curriculum change (e.g., changes in major requirements; rethinking introductory courses)

~some course logistics (e.g., over- or under-enrollment, course times, caps)

Face of the Department

There's a lot of unscheduled traffic that comes to the chair--from students, staff, and faculty—so one needs to be more accessible as a chair than one may have been previously. This means that chairs have less access to one of the perks of faculty life--a flexible schedule and the ability to do much of one's work away from the office. It's important to be in the office, with the door open, more than you may be used to, with certain times of the term especially important (e.g., during registration periods, the first week of any term, etc.). Prompt answering of e-mail will also be appreciated by all the people turning to you for questions. Much of this communication stems from the chair's role as point person for communication to and from the Registrar's Office and other departments.

Role Model

Colleagues will look to you as a model, and they will see what you're doing—in all kinds of ways. They'll see you at the office, and also at any departmental social functions.

STRATEGIES for surviving these demands

Delegate! Departmental cultures vary on how much is done by the chair and how much is delegated to others. We recommend that departments make a conscious effort to divide up tasks. Even though this will mean more work for some faculty in departments where the chair currently does it all, the pay-off will come later, when the next person in turn can rely on the help of others. See the section of this guide on "Delegating" for suggestions about which tasks are most appropriate for delegating.

Seek counsel! When faced with a difficult issue, don't hesitate to seek counsel. You have three natural resources:

~another person in your department who has previously been chair,

~other chairs

~the Dean (who can draw on past experience as a Chair as well as current experience as Dean)

Advice is also available in print and on the web. Some places to begin:

Don Chu, The Department Chair Primer: Leading and Managing Academic Departments (Anker Publishing, 2006)

I. W. D. Hecht et al., The Department Chair as Academic Leader (American Council on Education/Oryx Press, 1999)

the website of the American Council on Education: (under "Programs and Services" select "Department Leadership Programs")

The Department Advisor (a quarterly publication from Higher Education Executive Publications)

B. Length of Term and Transition to a New Chair

As stated in the Faculty Senate Policies (V.C.), the length of term for a department chair is three years. Given the learning curve for the position, it is not unusual for someone to serve a second term. After that, it is probably a good idea to allow someone else to learn the job and have the opportunity to lead the department.

When you know that you're in the last year of your term as chair, think about ways you can help to facilitate the transition to, and for, a new chair, especially if the person has not chaired the department before. You might invite the prospective chair to observe or participate in one or another key task: for example, planning out the course schedule for the next year (an especially important thing for the incoming chair to be closely familiar with). Talk with them about things that are on the horizon that will need to be dealt with on their watch rather than yours. Maybe go through this Guide with them, as a way of prompting discussion of one or another issue especially relevant to your department. Spend some time getting the files in order, so it's easy for the next person to find things. (Paragraph taken from Cornell College Department Chair’s Handbook)

Election Block

i. Elections

Faculty Senate policies guide chairs' elections and eligibility, and particular attention should be paid to the following (B & D).

B. Eligibility Requirements for Serving as Chairperson 

1. All members of a department shall be eligible to serve as department chairperson provided they are: a. Tenured and of the rank of assistant professor or above; b. On staff of this university at least three full semesters; c. Not on terminal contract or temporary appointment.

D. Method of Selection

See page 12 of the Faculty Senate Policies, last updated May 2020

Generally, Deans will ask the current chair of each department up for election to provide two lists. (1) a list of faculty eligible to serve as chair and (2) a list of department members who will be voting (this is determined by department by-laws informed by Fac Senate policies).

Deans are strongly encouraged to communicate with departments on the mechanics of voting. The phrase “nominations” is a bit misleading, as the person who gets 60% of the votes wins the election, so new faculty in particular need to understand it is more of a vote than a nomination. The balloting can be done either by paper or electronic means.

C. Departmental Cultural and Chair Styles*

*Taken mostly from the Guide for Department Chairs, Knox College, Galesville, IL

Each department at UWL has its own culture, which—like culture in general—is reproduced over the generations, often without self-conscious effort. Each of these cultures tends to proceed on the principle that the way things are done are the way things should be done. It's often only in conversation with someone from another department that one realizes a certain practice is not actually a rule, or even a norm. As a new chair, there may be aspects of the departmental culture that you would like to change, which may well be a good thing. But that doesn't mean it will be easy! On the other hand, maintaining a healthy departmental culture doesn't happen automatically; it requires cultivation. Yes, this is a paradox: culture tends to reproduce itself (and so is resistant to change) and it also needs conscious nurturing in order to sustain positive qualities.

Here are some of the factors that contribute to department culture:

~the size of the department;

~the proportion of tenured to untenured faculty;

~how many long-timers there are

~what expectations people have about time commitments (e.g., time spent in one's office, attendance at departmentally sponsored events, departmental socializing off campus);

~incorporation of student input into departmental decisions;

~a tradition of hierarchy or egalitarianism;

~how much is delegated and how much done by the chair;

~reliance on common (or autonomous) decision-making.

An added element of complexity occurs when there are disciplinary divisions within one department, for example: Archeology and Anthropology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Geography and Earth Science, Political Science & Public Administration, and the several languages within Modern Languages. These departments include faculty who may have significantly different sorts of training, and there is often more than one major. This makes for a complicated departmental identity in general, and can also come into play for specific things, such as how advisees are assigned, curricular concerns, position and hiring decisions. The more you're aware of potential difficulties because of different purposes, training, different priorities, the more likely you are to be able to head them off, or bring them into the open for discussion.

If you would like to change some traditional practices in the department, it's likely to be easier if you acknowledge the issue openly, invite discussion, and see where it takes you. Some things are readily changed, and some are remarkably persistent, and one can't necessarily predict which is which.

As department chair, your own habits and inclinations will have a significant impact on the life of the department. Consider whether you fit in smoothly with old patterns, or whether your style will necessitate some accommodation. Some of the factors that contribute to the style of a department chair:

~Do you prefer to have control over all aspects of the department, or do you tend to be laissez-faire?

~Do you prefer face-to-face interaction, or to do most things by e-mail?

~Do you prefer a hierarchical structure or an egalitarian one?

~Are you approachable for professional problems? For personal problems?

~Are you comfortable with number stuff (e.g., budgets, enrollment information)?

Here are some of the qualities of department culture we would hope for in all departments: collegial, functional, supportive, open-minded, communicative, cooperative (everyone willing to chip in), collaborative

D. On Faculty Senate Policy

Senate Blocks

i) Responsibilities

IV. H. The Chairperson is generally responsible for ensuring that the policies and procedures of the department are carried out in accordance with the departmental bylaws and that the department and its members are fulfilling the responsibilities described in A. through G. above. The Chairperson shall assume a prominent role in creating a professional environment conducive to high morale and productivity in the department. Specific department functions supervised or performed by the chairperson include:

Responsibilities Blocks

a) Registration and Scheduling

a) Developing semester and summer session class schedules in consultation with the faculty. b) Monitoring registration and assessing the need to add or cancel classes.

b) Curriculum

a) Implementing the authorized curriculum; initiating discussion of curricular issues; developing proposals for new or revised courses, special projects, grant proposals, curriculum changes; arranging for textbook selection; and participating in the presentation of departmental proposals before the appropriate committees.

b) Receiving and responding to concerns about curriculum and acting on substitution and waiver requests brought by students and others.

c) Budget, Textbooks, Equipment and Facilities

a) Preparing the annual departmental budget for travel, services, supplies and equipment; ordering all budgeted items; and managing expenditures in accordance with the budget plan.

b) Making recommendations for textbook and library budgets and other budgets as requested.

c) Reporting textbook choices to the Textbook Rental Service in timely fashion.

d) Making assignments of offices, classrooms, and other work areas; obtaining other facilities when needed; and requesting maintenance for repairs for equipment, offices, classrooms, and other work areas.

d) Meeting and Committees

a) Establishing a schedule of department meetings and presiding at same.

b) Ensuring that departmental committees are meeting to fulfill their responsibilities.

c) Attending meetings of appropriate departmental, college, and university committees.

d) Designating or recommending department members to serve on committees as requested.

e) Arranging for representation and participation of the department at professional meetings and placement centers as appropriate.

f) Serving on committees as required.

e) Personnel

a) Conveying to the appropriate administrative officer the personnel needs of the department for faculty and academic staff, graduate assistants, classified staff and student help.

b) Monitoring all departmental search and screen activities for compliance with UW-L Affirmative Action hiring procedures.

c) Describing and publicizing faculty and academic staff vacancies and corresponding with applicants and placement agencies; scheduling and participating in interviews; making recommendations to the appropriate administrative officer regarding hiring; and providing orientation for new members regarding departmental policies and procedures, departmental expectations for faculty and academic staff, and faculty and academic staff responsibilities.

d) Arranging for the required evaluations of faculty and academic staff; scheduling student evaluation of department members; monitoring department personnel committees with regard to conformance with UW System, UWL and department procedures; and informing individual members of any recommendations regarding them.

e) Describing and publicizing graduate assistantship positions; making recommendations to the appropriate administrative officer regarding hiring of graduate assistants; providing orientation and assignment for graduate assistants; and participating in the evaluation of graduate assistants.

f) Arranging for the selection, hiring, training, overseeing, and evaluation of classified staff and student help.

g) Recommending summer school appointments to the appropriate administrative officer within university, college and departmental guidelines. h) Ensuring the continuation of classes during prolonged faculty absences.

f) Students

a) Receiving and responding to student questions, concerns, and complaints regarding courses, curriculum requirements, faculty and grades.

b) Coordinating advising activities for the department.

g) Teaching

a) Teaching a reduced load in the department in accordance with by-law VIII.B.

h) Other Responsibilities

a) Responding to inquiries from the university, the UW System, and external accrediting agencies regarding department programs.

b) Conferring, as needed, with other chairpersons in the university and with other departments of the same discipline in the system and area.

c) Corresponding with prospective students, teachers, and the general public on their inquiries.

ii) Academic Year Remuneration and Course Reduction

VI. Remuneration of Department Chairpersons

1. There will be a fixed chairperson's stipend paid to each department chairperson in the form of additional lump sum compensation during the academic year. The amount of the fixed stipend shall be reviewed periodically by the Promotion, Tenure and Salary Committee.

2. Chairpersons shall be evaluated annually by their departments in accordance with current university policy applicable to faculty evaluation and merit pay.

B. Reduction of Load

1. Department chairpersons are to be assigned a reduced load depending on department size:

a. A reduction of one-quarter time for a chairperson of a department with fewer than 10 full-time faculty positions.

b. A reduction of one-half time for a chairperson of a department with 10 or more full-time faculty positions.

2. Exceptions to the preceding guidelines are permitted when justified by the volume of departmental business or by other university responsibilities held by the chairperson. Such exceptions shall be arranged in consultation with the chairperson's dean.

E. Summer Responsibilities/Remuneration

Department chair duties do not end with the academic year. From writing annual reports (more later), participating in Freshmen Registration, and closing out budgets, certain responsibilities can only be accomplished during the summer. Summer remuneration for chairs is at the discretion of the Deans. The following list of summer responsibilities for chairs was developed by the Deans in conjunction with the chairs and provost, and was reaffirmed in 2015: UWL Department Chairs: Summer Responsibilities

F. Evaluation

As a member of the department, the Chair will go through the same Annual (Merit) Review as the other faculty in the Department. Check your departmental bylaws to see whether there are additional materials required for the chair’s annual review. Some departments will ask for specific feedback from department members on the chair’s service relative to department chair duties. In addition, the Dean may be asked to supply a letter evaluating the chair. Departmental bylaws should specify how the non-instructional portion of the chair’s duties will be evaluated.

In addition to the department evaluation through the Annual Review process, as of Summer 2015, the Provost has requested that all department chairs be formally reviewed at least once during each 3-year term. The review should involve feedback from the membership of the department and from the Dean. The format and timing of the review is up to each Dean. While some departments are already incorporating this additional feedback, for others it will be a new level of chair evaluation. This formal review need not be tied to the merit review.

V. Relationships with Colleagues

Relationships Blocks

A. Relationship to Tenured Faculty*

*Taken mostly from the Guide for Department Chairs, Knox College, Galesville, IL.

Tenured faculty need your attention too! Perhaps not in as concentrated a way as untenured faculty, but they will also benefit from encouragement, support, and attentive listening. The vitality of a department depends on the continued energy, productivity, and intellectual edge of all faculty. Stay interested in the teaching and research/creative work of tenured faculty. Offer to look at work in progress. If the department has a colloquium, encourage them to present. Encourage them to apply for grants and to continue to attend conferences. If you see that there may be an issue with their keeping up in the field and/or with technological developments related to the field or to teaching, give encouragement; you might even offer to engage together in some aspect of new developments. Talk with them about their agenda for the future, and do all that you can to facilitate it. Be aware that the life-course continues to have its ups and downs, even after tenure. Midlife crises or significant transitions are normal. Just when one thinks everything is settled, the ground can shift, whether in one's personal life or in professional interests. Be as supportive as you can during these midlife changes. It will be much appreciated! You can also consult with the Dean about any concerns you have; he/she can play an important supporting role—to you, to the faculty member, or to both.

In whatever stage they are, tenured colleagues are a great resource. They may have been chair before you—ask for their counsel and help. They may be the chair after you— involve them in decisions and tasks so that they not only are helping you but are learning valuable information and skills for the future.

B. Dealing with Complaints and Problems

See below.

Complaints Blocks

i) Concerning Students

As a faculty member, you are likely aware that your department bylaws should include a section on dealing with student complaints, grievances and the appeal process for both academic and non-academic issues. This section is a part of the bylaws template, originally approved by Faculty Senate in 2009. The template was slightly modified in 2012 and has been updated most recently in August 2015. Student conduct issues are also addressed in the Student Handbook.

There may also be concerns about students unrelated to misconduct. Faculty and staff are often some of the first to notice student behaviors that may be helped by counseling or medical attention, i.e., depression, sudden weight loss, exhaustion, alcohol/drug use. For this type of concern, you should contact the Student Life Office, and in particular the Campus Assessment Response and Evaluation (CARE) Team. The CARE Team was created to meet regularly to review critical incidents and students in crisis. They are trained to deal with these issues.

As department chair, you are likely to be seen as a resource for your faculty staff on what to do with students in the case of suspected cheating or other type of misconduct, or concerns about a student’s welfare. You should be well-versed in the policies and procedures so that you can advise your faculty and staff as needed.

ii) Concerning Faculty and Staff

As department chair, you are now likely to be first in line for student complaints about faculty/staff or faculty/staff complaints about other faculty/staff.

C. Delegating*

*Taken mostly from the Guide for Department Chairs, Knox College, Galesville,IL.

Earlier in this Handbook after going through the multiple demands on a department chair, we gave some suggestions for strategies for dealing with such demands (Role of Department Chairs). Now we elaborate on the first suggestion: DELEGATE! As we wrote earlier: "Departmental cultures vary on how much is done by the chair and how much is delegated to others. We recommend that departments make a conscious effort to divide up tasks. Even though this will mean more work for some faculty in departments where the chair currently does it all, the pay- off will come later, when that person in turn can rely on the help of others."

Here are some of the tasks or areas that are easiest to delegate to others:

  • club advisor
  • organizer of social events for majors
  • liaison positions
  • information on internships, careers, and/or graduate school in your discipline
  • information about alums
  • information about achievements of current students
  • departmental prizes
  • supervising student worker(s)
  • updating the departmental webpage
  • some of the tasks involved in a faculty search
  • arrangements for guest speakers

When dividing up tasks, play to the experience and strengths of individual faculty members. For example, if one person has strong organizational skills, ask them to take on arrangements for guest speakers.

As chair, you still have the overall responsibility for seeing that all of these things get done, which may mean that you have to remember to remind someone else about what needs to be done. What if delegating a particular task isn't working, even with reminders and some discussion with the person you've asked to take charge? First, keep in perspective what counts as a good enough job, even if it is not being done the way you might do it yourself. If that doesn't solve the problem, then rotate the task to someone else, and ask the first person what they might prefer to do instead.

D. Department Meetings

Department chairs are responsible for scheduling, planning, and running department meetings. It is important to remember that department meetings, as well as meetings of departmental committees are subject to the Open Meetings Law. Please use the Events Calendar. When you submit your meeting to this calendar, the requirements of the Open Meeting Law are fulfilled.

Anyone running a meeting should become familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order. There are many different summary pages, introductions and tip sheets available. Here are a few that you may find helpful:

Overview of Robert's Rules (5 pp.)

Chart of Motions (2 pp.)

Robert's Rules of Order official website - includes FAQ

We’ve all been in “bad” meetings…the meeting that goes on and on with nothing getting accomplished…the meeting where everyone is checking their email…the meeting the gets hijacked by one person who just keeps talking without really saying anything…the meeting where everyone is wondering “Why am I here?!” Meetings are often unpopular because they take up time, and poorly run meetings can be a waste of time. But there are good meetings and bad meetings. Meetings can be a great use of time if they are well run, but effective meetings don’t just “happen.” There are ways to run effective, efficient meetings that will leave the participants energized rather than drained. If you’re not a natural meeting leader, meeting management skills can be learned. If you are new to running meetings, or would just like more ideas, there are lots of available resources. Here are just a few to get you started:

Seven Steps to Running the Most Effective Meeting Possible

The 6 Golden Rules of Meeting Management

VI. Chair and ADA/USA Development Resources

Resources blocks

Recommended reading

Buller, J. L. (2011). The essential department chair: A comprehensive desk reference (Vol. 132). John Wiley & Sons.

Chu, D. (2012). The department chair primer: What chairs need to know and do to make a difference. Jossey-Bass.

Gmelch, W.H. & Miskin, V.D. (2011). Department chair leadership skills. Madison, Wisconsin: Atwood Publishing.

Gunsalus, C. K. (2006). The college administrator's survival guide. Harvard University Press.

How to lead effective meetings.

Online Resources
ADA Resources

ADA Checklist For New Faculty/Staff Hires

Benefits Information

Budget 101 - College Business Manager

Outlook training - likely to be a "power user" and need desktop client

Purchasing meeting and P-card overview - Business Services

SEI overview 

Student Payroll - HR

Travel policies and e-reimbursement - Business Services 

Textbook Rental policies, procedures - Textbook Rental

University photo for the website - University Communications

Work-Study student considerations - Financial Aid

Web editor training - University Communications