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Regents' Teaching Excellence Awards

A page within Academic Affairs

Lindsay Steiner: 2023 Regents' Teaching Excellence Nomination

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Specialty areas:

Professional & Technical Writing, Content Strategy/Writing, UX Writing, Usability & User Experience, Social Media Writing, Visual Rhetoric & Document Design, AI & Writing, Writing Technologies, Organizational & Nonprofit Writing, Grant Writing, Qualitative Research, Community Engagement Projects, Internships, Career Readiness, and Collaborative Learning.

Nomination Letter for Renee Redman


The purpose of the Regents Teaching Excellence Awards is to recognize outstanding teaching in the UW System.

Each nomination must provide evidence of outcomes and impacts such as:

• Excel at teaching and deeply value learning. This commitment to excellence might be demonstrated through activities that advance the quality and practice of teaching, learning, and advising in the individual classroom, in the department, across the curriculum or discipline, or college- and university-wide.

• Use effective pedagogy to enhance student learning, including (but by no means limited to) active learning, learning communities, student portfolios, assessment of student learning, and innovative uses of technology in the classroom.

• Have a significant impact on students' intellectual development, helping students to develop, for example, critical and creative thinking skills, effective communication skills, intercultural knowledge and understanding, and individual, social, and environmental responsibility.

Some of UWL's past nominees in the Instructor category include:

2023: Lindsay Steiner, Associate Professor of English

2020 & 2021 (Winner): Renee Redman, Senior Lecturer of Biology

2018 & 2019: Betty DeBoer, Professor of Psychology

2015 & 2016: Stephen Brokaw, Professor of Marketing

2013: Víctor Macías-González, Professor of History

2012: (Winner): Jennifer Kosiak, Professor of Mathematics and Statistics

2011: Greg Wegner, Professor of History

2010: Lise Graham, Professor of Finance

---Past Winners---

2001: Gary Gilmore, Professor of Health Education & Health Promotion

1995: Alan Bigel, Professor of Political Science & Public Administration 

The purpose of the Regents Teaching Excellence Awards is to recognize outstanding teaching in the UW System.

Eligibility for this award involves displaying evidence that a department recognizes and fosters excellence in teaching, such as:

• Active support for innovative instruction, for a diversity of teaching models and approaches, and for continuous improvement in teaching, learning, and advising.

• Department- or program-based awards; consideration of teaching excellence in merit pay, promotion and tenure decisions; or other incentives or rewards for outstanding teaching.

• Professional development for graduate students, instructional academic staff and/or part-time and adjunct instructors as effective teachers and advisors.

• Evidence of, and recognition for, the scholarship of teaching and learning, related publications, software, and other work that advances the practice of teaching and learning.

Some of UWL's past nominees in the Department category include:

2023: MBA Consortium (Eau Claire, La Crosse, & Oshkosh)

2021: Exercise and Sports Science

2018 & 2019: Chemistry

2014 & 2015 (Winner): Mathematics and Statistics

2012 & 2013 (Winner): Biology

2010: Sociology & Archaeology