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Provost Initiatives

Community Engaged Learning

Community Engaged Learning (CEL) is a classroom to community relationship that involves Academically-based community engaged courses where student learning takes place in partnership with a community organization/business. The student has course content related reflection and/or faculty mentorship that enhances student learning while also providing a service to the partnering agency. There are two types of Community Engaged Learning: Community Engagement in Research & Scholarship and Community Engagement in Teaching & Learning.

Learn more: Community engaged learning.

Constitution Day

Every Fall, on or near Constitution Day, and in honor of the founders of the USA, UWL hosts a Constitution Day exhibit in the Murphy Library.  Murphy Library also provides an online resource guide on the U.S. Constitution and Constitution Day is also available. 

Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin

Freshwater Collaborative at UWL

  • The Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin (FCW) is a partnership of Wisconsin's 13 public universities, connecting with industry partners, local communities, policymakers and advocacy groups. The mission of the FCW is to train the next generation of water professionals, and to establish Wisconsin as a global leader in water-related science, technology and economic growth.
  • UWL Freshwater Collaborative Fast Fact Sheet
  • UWL Freshwater Advisory Committee Membership
    • Chair/Convener -David Schumann (Biology/River Studies Center/Applied Fish Ecology Lab)
    • Karolyn Bald (International Education & Engagement)
    • Joan Bunbury (Geography/Earth Science)
    • Meredith Garcia (English/SOE)
    • Laurie Harmon (Rec Management/Rec Therapy)
    • Margot Higgins (Sustainability/Environmental Studies)
    • Lisa Klein (Community Engagement)
    • David Mindel (Murphy Library)
    • Kelly Nowicki (Management)
    • Eric Strauss (Biology & River Studies Center)
    • Kelly Sultzbach (Sustainability/Environmental Studies)
    • Meredith Thomsen (Graduate & Extended Learning)
    • Jennifer Williams (Art)

Student on the Mississippi in La Crosse, WI

Enrollment Management

Enrollment Target Setting

Targets for incoming first year students and transfer students will be determined annually in September and reported to Joint Planning and Budget. The targets will be set by a committee composed of the following individuals. 

Assistant Vice Chancellor of Admissions and Recruitment (convener)

Director of Residence Life

Budget Director

Director of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning

Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance

As needed as consultants:

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs 




Leadership Development

Academic Affairs encourages leadership development within units and departments. Interested individuals are encouraged to speak to their supervisors about opportunities and training. Supervisors are encouraged to provide professional development opportunities for staff and faculty in the realm of leadership.

Academic staff members may be able to secure funding through Academic Staff Council’s Professional Development Program.

Staff and faculty new to leadership roles are encouraged to utilize the resources of Human Resources - especially their Employee Relations Specialist in terms of aspects of supervising and job training.

Many professional organizations have leadership development programs and individuals may find these programs the most applicable to their work lives.  Below additional examples of programs are provided.

For whom


Academic Staff


UW’s leadership program

CIC Academic Leadership Program

Department Chairs/Program Directors

Discipline Specific Chair Development

ACE Department Chairs Workshops

Academic Leadership Academy

Associate Deans/Deans

AACSB Deans’ and Associate Deans’ conferences

AASCU’s Becoming a Provost Academy

Academic Leadership Academy

Council of Colleges of Arts & Sciences (CCAS)

Council of Graduate Schools

Harvard Institute for Higher Education Leadership

International Council of Fine Arts Deans (ICFAD) Fellows Program

Specific skills and/or populations

CASE - Educational Fundraising

HERS Leadership Institute: Higher Education Leadership Development Program

LGBT Leadership Conference

Mediation Skills at Winnebago Conflict Resolution Center

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity - Faculty Success Program


Minds Matter: Quality Initiative
State Authorization

The University of Wisconsin – La Crosse has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.

More information on authorizations may be found here.


TEDx: In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. Our event is called TEDxUWLaCrosse, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organized.