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A page within Academic Staff Council



I. Introduction

These Bylaws and subsequent amendments function in the context of the Wisconsin statutes, chapter 36.09 (4m) and the UW System academic staff policies and procedures:

The academic staff of each institution, subject to the responsibilities and powers of the board, the president, the chancellor and the faculty shall be active participants in the immediate governance of and policy development for such institution. As such, the academic staff shall have primary responsibility for the formation and review of policies and procedures of concern to the academic staff, including personnel matters. The academic staff of each institution shall have the right to determine their own organizational structure and to select their representatives to participate in institutional governance.

Academic staff, represented by the Academic Staff Council at UW-La Crosse, is defined as general academic support professional staff, and does not include faculty, classified staff, limited term employees, employees-in-training, and student assistants.

Instructional* academic staff and academic librarians are represented by the Faculty Senate for university governance purposes. (Articles of Faculty Organization, /faculty-senate/articles-bylaws-and-policies/)

  • Academic staff whose assignment prior to March 10, 2005 included classifications as both instructional* academic staff and academic staff shall make a one-time choice between the Faculty Senate or the Academic Staff Council to represent them for governance purposes. 
  • Academic staff with a new contract that includes classification as both instructional academic staff and academic staff shall, at the time of their appointment, make a one-time choice between the Faculty Senate or the Academic Staff Council to represent them for governance purposes.
  • All references in this document to instructional* academic staff refer to those individuals who made a one-time choice to be represented by the academic staff council as stated above.

Amendments to the UWL Academic Staff Council Bylaws may be adopted at any regular Academic Staff Council meeting by a two-thirds vote, of members present, provided that any proposed amendment has been read at the preceding regular council meeting.

Local Personnel Rules Supplementary to the UWS and Board of Regents Mandated UWL Rules


The operational areas shall be determined by the official UWL Organizational Chart. The official UWL Organizational Chart is updated annually in January by the Chancellor's Office and is found on the UWL web site at /globalassets/orgchart.pdf.

Operational areas include the Administrative units, Academic Affairs/Colleges, and Student Affairs.

The Administrative units includes all offices that have reporting lines to the Chancellor’s Office, University Advancement and Administration & Finance.

The Academic Affairs/Colleges area includes all offices that have reporting lines to the Deans of CBA, CLS, or SAH, or the Provost Office.

The Student Affairs area includes all offices that have reporting lines that to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.

Membership Academic Staff Council (UWL 9.01, UWS @ UWL 9.02)


Council members must have an academic staff FTE appointment of .50 or above.


The Council shall consist of eleven members. Eight members shall be elected from the operational areas of the university. Three members shall be elected at-large. The representation shall be as follows:

Academic Affairs/Colleges 2 members
Administrative Divisions 2 members
Student Affairs/Diversity & Inclusion 2 members
At-Large 3 members

The composition of the Council shall be reviewed annually. The at-large positions are open to non-instructional academic staff member and instructional* academic staff.


Term of service shall be three years, beginning with the first Council meeting following the completion of the election process. The terms shall be staggered, with a minimum of three members elected each year. A minimum of one at-large member will be elected each year. Elected members who change operational areas will be allowed to complete their term.


Elected members who resign, or are terminated from the university or resign from the Council prior to the expiration of their terms shall be replaced by the person receiving the next highest number of votes when the vacating member was elected. In the event that more than one person receives the second highest number of votes, the Academic Staff Council shall appoint the replacement to serve the unexpired term from among the tied candidates. If the person receiving the second highest number of votes is no longer with the university or chooses not to serve, a special election shall be held, administered by the Bylaws, Elections, and Policies/Procedures. If an elected member was unopposed at the previous election, a special election shall be held, administered by the Bylaws, Elections, and Policies/Procedures Committee.

Notes: Fill vacancy with person whom received the second highest amount of votes, no matter which constituency they reside under, from the most recent election.


  1. Communicate with constituents and represent their needs at ASC meetings
  2. Serve as a representative on one (1) or more ASC committees, as assigned, and report on activity; convene committees as necessary.
  3. Attend all ASC meetings
  4. Attend ASC programming
  5. Other duties as needed


The Annual Election process shall begin during the month of February. 


All non-instructional academic staff and instructional academic staff who have chosen to be represented by Academic Staff Council are eligible to vote in Council elections. 


  1. The Bylaws, Elections, and Policies/Procedures Committee shall conduct elections and shall serve as a final arbitrator in all election disputes.
  2. Candidates for positions representing operational areas are required to obtain petitions with at least three signatures from academic staff members in their operational areas.
  3. Candidates for at-large positions are required to obtain petitions with at least three signatures from eligible academic staff members in the university.
  4. Candidates must return petitions to the committee within 10 working days following distribution of petitions.
  5. Members of the academic staff in areas electing Council members shall receive ballots for the elections within 5-7 working days following the petition deadline. Academic staff members may vote only for candidates representing their respective operational areas. For at-large positions, all academic staff members may vote.
  6. Should any seat representing an operational area remain open following an election, that seat may be converted to an at-large position. This position shall be elected by all operational areas for the entire three year term. The seat will revert to the unrepresentative operational area at the end of the term.
  7. Voting shall be by electronic ballot using the ASC login information. The By-laws, Elections and Policies/Procedures Committee reviews the results within 3-5 business days from close of voting.
  8. If three or less candidates are nominated for any represented position, the person receiving the most votes shall be declared elected. If more than three candidates are nominated for any category, a special runoff election shall be conducted no later than five (5) working days following the announcement of results of the first election. The three persons receiving the most votes for the positions shall be included in the runoff election.
  9. The Academic Staff Council sends out petition information to all eligible Academic Staff.




The Executive Committee shall consist of the chairperson, vice-chairperson, communication chair, UW-System academic staff representative and programming chair. The Council shall elect three officers annually from its membership: chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary annually from its membership. This election shall take place and take effect during the first full council meeting following the completion of the election process. The candidates receiving the most votes shall be declared elected. The UW-System AS Representative and Programming Chair will be nominated by the Council Chair and approved by the Academic Staff Council.


  1. Prepare for and conduct full ASC meetings and executive committee meetings
  2. Collaborate with shared governance leaders (e.g. Faculty Senate, University Staff Council and Student Association)
  3. Meet regularly with UWL administration (e.g. Chancellor, CFO)
  4. Act as primary account holder for ASC email and budget account
  5. Produce monthly updates for Academic Staff through video, newsletter or other format
  6. Hold ASC members accountable to the bylaws and their responsibilities
  7. Maintain and oversee ASC budget and accounts
  8. Represent Academic Staff in all formal activities and communication
  9. Attend ASC programming
  10. Other duties as needed


  1. Serve on Joint Planning & Budget committee as a voting member.
  2. Oversee Academic Staff Council committee selection process
  3. Assist and fill in for chair as needed; become Chairperson should Chairperson become vacant
  4. Fill in for Madison representative as needed
  5. Represent Academic Staff in all formal activities and communication
  6. Attend ASC programming
  7. Other duties as needed


  1. Reserve meeting rooms for all ASC meetings, including current and future years; work with chair to disseminate information to council and campus
  2. Maintain organizational system with ASC email
  3. Maintain OLF cabinet, online file storage/resources, historical documents and other important files.
  4. Take minutes at all official ASC meetings, publish to ASC website.
  5. Fill seats for Academic Staff committee positions; maintain and publish committee information.
  6. Fill in for Vice Chairperson as needed, become Vice-Chairperson should Vice-Chairperson become vacant
  7. Represent Academic Staff in all formal activities and communication
  8. Attend ASC programming
  9. Other duties as needed


  1. Attend UW System Academic Staff meetings either in person or digitally
  2. Maintain regular communication with fellow Madison Representatives
  3. Attend all ASC meetings
  4. Represent Academic Staff in all formal activities and communication
  5. Assist Programming Chair, as needed; attend ASC programming
  6. Other duties as needed


  1. Schedule monthly activity for Academic Staff (e.g. lunch social)
  2. Organize and promote Fall Kickoff celebration
  3. Plan open forums, after hour socials, etc. as needed/requested; Attend events
  4. Attend all ASC meetings
  5. Represent Academic Staff in all formal activities and communication
  6. Fill in for Secretary as needed
  7. Other duties as needed


  1. Review committee member assignments and committee conveners from the Communication Chair prior to Council approval.
  2. Nominate or appoint candidates for ad hoc university committees as requested.
  3. Advise the chairperson on Council meeting agendas, as appropriate.
  4. Act on behalf of the Council, when the situation requires immediate action and reports these actions to the full council for review.
  5. Act as steering committee for ASC
  6. Other responsibilities as the Council may designate.
Executive Committee


The Executive Committee shall consist of the chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, UW-System academic staff representative, and one at-large member. The UW-System AS Representative and At-Large member will be nominated by the Council Chair and approved by the Academic Staff Council.


  1. Review committee member assignments and committee conveners from the Communication Chair prior to Council approval.
  2. Nominate or appoint candidates for ad hoc university committees as requested.
  3. Advise the chairperson on Council meeting agendas, as appropriate.
  4. Act on behalf of the Council, when the situation requires immediate action and reports these actions to the full council for review.
  5. Other responsibilities as the Council may designate.


Roberts Rule of Order (latest edition) shall determine procedures, unless those rules conflict with these bylaws.


Meetings shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the Wisconsin open meeting law. (See 66.77 Wis. Stats. Open Meeting Law.)


The Council shall meet regularly at dates and times set by a majority of Council.


There shall be a minimum of one general meeting per year for all academic staff.

  1. The date and time of general meetings shall be set by the Council.
  2. Additional general meetings may be called at the discretion of the Council.
Powers and Duties of the Academic Staff Council


The Council shall counsel, advise, and make recommendations to the chancellor on issues concerning academic staff, including:

  1. Administrative appointments.
  2. Budget allocations.
  3. Professional development and research programs.
  4. Salaries, personnel policies and procedures.
  5. Any other issues the chancellor or the Council deems appropriate.


The Council shall serve as a general forum for academic staff affairs. To this end, it will receive grievances and complaints from academic staff, channel them to the appropriate offices and/or committees, and serve as a clearinghouse for information.


The Council shall serve as a repository of information concerning academic staff issues, past and present.


The Council shall appoint members to committees as described by Bylaws IX, X, XI and XII. All Academic Staff status regardless of percentage of appointment status may be appointed to committees.


The Council may write additional Bylaws for the Academic Staff Council.


The Council shall add to or amend the policies and procedures for academic staff subject to the approval of the chancellor and the Board of Regents.

Academic Staff Council Committees

General Note on Committee Membership: 

Committee membership is established by the specific committee. All committees will have at least one alternate, unless specified by the committee. When necessary, alternates will serve as a committee member in place of absent members. Alternates will become active members of the following year. 


  1. Membership: The membership of the committee shall consist of at least four persons recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by majority vote of the Academic Staff Council. One member shall be a member of the Council. The four members should represent at least two operational areas. A chairperson and a recording secretary shall be elected by the committee from its membership.
  2. Term: Each term shall be three years in length, except the term of the member who represents the Council. That member's term is a yearly appointment.
  3. Responsibilities of the Committee are to:
    1. Recommend Bylaw changes to the Council for approval.
    2. Conduct Council elections as described in Bylaws IV.
    3. Recommend changes to the Academic Staff Policies and Procedures web pages linked from the Human Resources web site.


  1. Membership: Membership shall consist of six persons appointed by the Executive Committee and approved by majority vote of the Academic Staff Council. Membership will include one member of the Council; one member each from the three operational areas represented by the Council; and two at-large members from any group represented by the Council, see III, B., At-Large Member. The committee shall elect a chairperson and a recording secretary from its membership.
  2. Term: Each term shall be three years in length, except the term of the member who represents the Council. That member's term is a yearly appointment.
  3. Responsibilities of the Committee are to:
    1. Develop and maintain institutional plans for the administration of Academic Staff professional development funds.
    2. Receive and review academic staff professional development proposals and recommend funding. No member of the Professional Development Committee shall participate in the approval of his or her own request for professional development funds.
    3. Review UW-La Crosse and UW System professional development policies and procedures and recommend changes.
    4.  Review UW-La Crosse and UW System policies on fee reimbursement for employment-related course work and recommend changes.
    5. Disseminate professional development information to the academic staff.
    6. Develop additional professional development opportunities for academic staff through research of additional funding mechanisms and consultation with the UW-La Crosse Foundation.
    7. Receive and review Academic Staff Excellence Award applications. Committee members nominated for the award are excused from the committee for the duration of the process. If a majority of committee members are nominated the Academic Staff Council shall appoint additional members to complete the process. 


  1. Membership: Membership shall consist of six persons recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by majority vote of the Academic Staff Council. Membership will include one member of the Council; one member each from the three operational areas represented by the Council; and two at-large members from any group represented by the Council, See III, B., At-Large Member. A chairperson and a recording secretary shall be elected by the committee from its membership.
  2. Term: Each term shall be three years in length, except the term of the member who represents the Council. That member's term is a yearly appointment.
  3. Responsibilities of the Committee are to:
    1. Recommend changes in UW-La Crosse academic staff policies and procedures for consideration by the Council.
    2. Review UW-La Crosse and UW System salary guidelines as requested by the Academic Staff Council and recommend procedures for distributing salary and discretionary funds for academic staff salary adjustments.
    3. Review procedures and develop criteria for evaluating academic staff personnel. Recommend policies for staff titles, length of contracts, probationary leading to indefinite appointments, evaluation, retention, and promotion.
    4. Review employment conditions and policies and make recommendations concerning changes. 


  1. Membership: Membership on this Committee shall consist of four academic staff, one from each of the operational areas See Bylaw II (A), who are not currently serving on Academic Staff Council and one representative appointed from the Council membership.
  2. Term: The term of each regular member shall be staggered two-year terms.
  3. Responsibilities of the Committee are to:
    1. Seek nominations from all academic staff for each Administrative Search and Screen Committee or other University-wide search.
    2. Review and recommend a pool of candidates for each search and screen committee to the Academic Staff Council Executive Committee. 


  1. Membership: The Title Review Committee will consist of a representative from Human Resources and six members of the academic staff who either have titles in the director series (assistant, associate or no prefix), Program Manager III or have a senior designation in the professional titles including those who are at comparable title levels.
  2. Term: The six academic staff members shall serve a staggered three-year term.
  3. Responsibilities of the Committee are to:
    1. Advise the Academic Staff Council on the administration of the academic staff title and salary structure.
    2. Annually conduct reviews of the title assignments for changes within a title and across title. The chair of the Academic Staff Council and the chair of the Title Review Committee present recommendations resulting from the annual review to     the Chancellor. The chair of the Council shall report the results of the annual review to the Council.
    3. Ensure that the academic staff title and salary structure is applied fairly and equitably across the UW-La Crosse campus. 


  1. Authorization: The Academic Staff Council shall appoint a Non-Instructional Hearing Committee, as authorized by UWS and UWL 11.03, UWS and UWL 12.04, and UWS and UWL 13.03.
  2. Membership: The committee shall consist of nine regular and three alternate non-instructional academic staff members. As discussed in UWL 11.13, the committee shall elect its own chairperson and recording secretary.
  3. Term: The term for regular members shall be three years in length. Three regular members shall be replaced each year. Alternate members may be replaced each year. They shall serve no more than three consecutive years as alternate members. Regular members shall continue beyond their three-year term for any cases initiated during their term of office. For such cases they shall serve until all hearings and reports are completed. Alternate members shall replace regular members who resign from the committee, resign from the university, or are not renewed by the University. They shall also replace, temporarily, regular members who are disqualified for a particular hearing, due to bias, conflict of interest, extended illness or leave of absence. The Academic Staff Council may assign new members or other temporary appointees to the hearing with the consent of both parties.
  4. Responsibilities of the Committee are to: The committee shall participate in dismissal for cause hearings (as discussed in UWS and UWL 11.03), layoff appeals (as discussed in UWS and UWL 12.04), and complaint hearings (discussed in UWS and UWL 13.01) for members of the non-instructional academic staff. Procedures for these activities are discussed in the following sections.
  5. Dismissal for cause hearings.
    1. Indefinite academic staff appointments (cf UWS 11.01) If a dismissal for cause hearing is held, the administrator engaged in the investigation shall be at the level specified in UWS 11.03. Appeals shall comply with the rules in UWS 11.02; UWS and UWL 11.03-11.07; and the other applicable provisions in the Academic Staff Bylaws. (1) "Just Cause" Considerations (cf UWS 11.01 (2)) "Just cause" for a dismissal shall be related directly and substantially to the fitness of the academic staff member in professional capacity.
    2. Fixed term or probationary academic staff appointments (cf UWS 11.11). If a dismissal for cause hearing is held, it shall follow the procedures of the reconsideration meeting specified in UWS and UWL 10.04. The administrator engaged in the investigation shall be at the level specified in UWS 11.11. Appeals shall accord with the rules in UWS 11.11; UWS and UWL 11.03-11.07; and the other applicable provisions in the Academic Staff Council Bylaws. Any notification of dismissal shall include a report of the adverse decision, the reasons for it, and specific evidence in support of them. 
  6. Layoff Appeals: If a layoff appeal is held, it shall follow the rules and procedures specified in UWS and UWL 12.01 through 12.11. 
  7. Complaints: If a complaint hearing is held, it shall follow the rules and procedures specified in UWS and UWL 13.01. A sanction shall be any of the sanctions specified in section 5a(3) above. A minor penalty shall be any of the minor penalties specified in section 5a(3) above. 


As authorized by UWS 11.03, the Faculty Senate Hearing Committee shall hear dismissal for cause hearings for academic staff that teach in credit-producing courses. Such hearings shall be governed by UWS and UWL 4.03 and UWL Faculty Senate Bylaw I. Layoff appeals (cf UWL 12.04) and complaints (cf UWL 13.01) for academic staff that teach in credit-producing courses shall also be heard by the Faculty Senate Hearing Committee. See Faculty Senate Bylaw I. 


  1. Authorization: As authorized by UWS and UWL 12.01, a Consultative Layoff Committee shall be appointed.
  2. Membership: Committee shall consist of six academic staff members. The Academic Staff Council shall appoint three members, and the chancellor shall appoint three members. The six members should represent as many operational areas as possible. The committee shall elect a chairperson and a recording secretary.
  3. Term: The term shall be three years in length. Two members (one selected by the chancellor and one selected by the Academic Staff Council) will be replaced each year. The committee shall be convened at least six months prior to appropriate notice periods for layoffs.
  4. Responsibilities of the committee are to:
    1. The committee shall consult with the chancellor, to give consideration to layoff decisions for reasons of budget or of program, to make recommendations regarding the necessity of layoffs, and to recommend possible methods of     avoiding layoffs.
    2. The chancellor shall make available to the committee financial and other needed information. If the Faculty Consultative Layoff Committee is meeting on layoff problems, the two committees shall interchange information and ideas through     a liaison representative. For exceptions to layoff procedures, see UWS 12.03. 


  1. Authorization: The Academic Staff Council shall appoint a Non-Instructional Grievance Committee as authorized by UWS and UWL 13.02.
  2. Membership: The committee shall consist of nine academic staff members, and three alternate academic staff members, none of whom shall be a dean or director, nor a member of the instructional* academic staff, nor a member of the Academic Staff Council. A minimum of six committee members will hear the grievance. The committee shall elect a chairperson and a recording secretary from its membership.
  3. Term: The term shall be three years in length. Two members shall be replaced each year.
  4. Responsibilities of the Committee are to:

The committee shall investigate and conduct hearings on grievance following procedures delineated in UWL 13.02. If the committee finds that administrative action is warranted, it shall recommend to the chancellor one of the following: (1) warning, (2) private, formal apology; (3) public, formal apology; (4) temporary letter of reprimand (removed from personnel file within twelve months); (5) permanent letter of reprimand; (f) reassignment of duties, including a change of supervisor and/or change of physical environment; (6) correction of personnel benefits; (7) salary adjustment, including appropriate retroactive adjustments; (8) award of personnel benefits. 

5. Freedom from Reprisals

Academic Staff members using the grievance procedures are guaranteed freedom from reprisal. Any action taken by the supervisor intended to harass the employee shall be considered a reprisal. Normal administrative prerogatives and procedures such as reassignment of duties or employee evaluation are not forms of reprisal unless the academic staff member can substantiate intent of harassment. An academic staff member who believes that reprisal is being threatened or effected may bring a statement of facts to the chairperson of the Academic Staff Council who will investigate the situation within 10 working days and report the finding with a recommendation to the chancellor. The chancellor will act upon this recommendation within 10 working days of receipt. 

6. Right of Representation: An academic staff grievant or group of academic staff grievants may authorize an agent to represent and assist them. This agent shall not have any rights not possessed by the principal(s) in the grievance process. Members of the Academic Staff Council shall not serve as authorized agents in a grievance.


Ad Hoc committees of the Academic Staff Council may be authorized by Council action; the Council shall determine titles and duties.

  1. Membership: the Academic Staff Council shall determine Membership. The committee shall elect a chairperson and recording secretary from its membership.
  2. Responsibilities of the Committee are to: Address immediate needs or concerns not addressed by existing standing committees.
University Committees


  1. One delegate and one alternate will be appointed to serve a one year term.


  1. One delegate and one alternate will be appointed with two year staggered terms.
  2. Members of this committee may be called on to serve with faculty and students in cases of student misconduct (either academic or nonacademic).  
Joint Committees

All academic staff appointments to the following Joint Committees are made by the Academic Staff Council.


  1. Membership: The committee shall consist of 26 members that include:
    1. Seven faculty appointed by Faculty Senate including the vice-chair of the faculty senate, one representative from the College of Liberal Studies (CLS), one from the College of Science and Health (SAH), one from the College of Business Administration (CBA). It is preferred that one of the faculty representatives be an instructional academic staff member. Faculty members will serve for up to six consecutive years with the length of appointment determined by Faculty Senate. A one year break is required after six consecutive years of service for additional reappointments.
    2. Six academic staff appointed by the Academic Staff Council including the vice-chair of the academic staff council. Preference for representation across units. Academic staff members will serve for up to six consecutive years with the length of appointment determined by Academic Staff Council. A one year break.
    3. Seven administrative members. Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance (convener), Provost/Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, the Assistant Chancellor and Dean of Students, the Assistant Chancellor for Advancement, the Dean of CLS, the Dean of SAH, and the Dean of CBA. Length of term is indefinite.
    4. Two classified staff members appointed by the Classified Staff Advisory Council– one represented classified staff, one non-represented classified staff. Classified staff and non-represented classified staff will serve for up to six consecutive years with the length of appointment determined by the Classified Staff Advisory Council. A one year break is required after six consecutive years of service for additional reappointments.
    5. Four student representatives appointed by Student Senate (at least one graduate student preferred) - student members will serve for up to six consecutive years with the length of appointment determined by Student Senate. A one year break is required after six consecutive years of service for additional reappointments.
    6. Ex-officio (non-voting) consultants to the committee shall include:
      • Assistant Vice Chancellor for Budget and Finance (official source of budget data)
      • Director of Institutional Research (official source of enrollment management data)
      • Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (Graduate Studies & Sponsored Research)

2. Terms: Academic staff members will serve for up to six consecutive years (2 3-year terms) with the length of appointment determined by Academic Staff Council. A one year break is required after six consecutive years of service for additional reappointments.

3. Duties and responsibilities of the JPB Committee: 

a. Joint Planning and Budget (JP&B) is an advisory committee that represents the university community in regards to planning and budget decisions. The mission and strategic plan of the university should drive both planning and budget.

b. The committee will make recommendations to the Chancellor regarding budget planning and proposals and reporting actions to the governance groups and the campus community.

c. JP&B shall provide guidance regarding planning and budgeting processes including, but not be limited to, involvement in campus mission and strategic planning, new programs and units, new initiatives, shifts in resources from one division or unit to another, input on budget reductions, and/or the allocation of new resources.

d. JP&B may solicit, study, and review all available and pertinent information relating to the university budget and budget issues.


  1. Membership: Membership of JMAC shall consist of seven faculty, three academic staff, one university staff, and three students. The Associate Dean for Campus Climate and Diversity shall serve as a voting ex-officio member of JMAC. Representatives from various campus offices and organizations can serve as consultants to JMAC as necessary.
  2. Terms: Terms of the Academic Staff on this committee shall be for three years.
  3. Duties and responsibilities of JMAC shall include: 
    1. Advising the Associate Dean for Campus Climate and Diversity on the implementation of Inclusive Excellence. 
    2. Serving as an advisory committee for the Office of Multicultural Student Services. 
    3. Advising the Chancellor of any recommendations concerning minority affairs. 

The committee shall report directly to the Chancellor. 


  1. Membership: Membership shall consist of nine persons recommended by the three campus governance bodies. The Academic Staff on the committee shall include the UW System AS Representative and two academic staff members approved by the Academic Staff Council. The Faculty on the committee shall include the UW-System Faculty Representative and two faculty members approved by a majority vote of the Faculty Senate. The Students on the committee shall include three students approved by a majority vote of the Student Senate. Ideally, membership will represent a variety of operational areas, departments and classes (Freshmen-seniors). However, interest in this aspect of governance should have a higher priority than ensuring representation from all areas. The committee shall elect a chairperson and a recording secretary from its membership.
  2. Terms: Terms for UW-System AS Madison Representative shall be one year. Other appointees a term staggered three years in length. 
  3. Duties and Responsibilities of the JLRRC Committee:
    1. Increase awareness of legislators/regents of the contributions of academic staff, faculty and students to the university and issues of concern for academic staff, faculty and students.
    2. Increase awareness among academic staff, faculty and students about legislative and regent issues that affect the university in general, and academic staff, faculty and student governance groups specifically.
    3. Assist campus governance groups in researching legislative or system-related actions that potentially impact academic staff, faculty and students, and make recommendations to the campus governance groups.
    4. Actively advocate on legislative and regents issues.
    5. Coordinate efforts with other campus legislative activities.
    6. Encourage information-sharing and joint activities with academic staff, faculty and students at other campuses. 


  1. Membership: Membership of the committee shall consist of six students (including a member of Environmental Council, the Student Association Environmental Sustainability Director, and the University Centers Sustainability Coordinator), five faculty, two academic staff members, two classified staff members, and the manager of UW-La Crosse’s Environmental Health, Occupational Safety and Sustainability program. Consultants to the committee shall include the Vice Chancellor for Administration & Finance and a representative from Residence Life.
  2. Terms: Terms of the faculty and staff shall be 3-year terms. To promote committee continuity, it is recommended that faculty and staff appointments be staggered and that interested students be reappointed so that they may serve more than 1 year. 
  3. Duties and responsibilities of the committee shall include:
    1. Recommending actions that promote environmental sustainability including, but not limited to:
      • Implementing the Talloires Declaration;
      • Creating an institutional culture of sustainability;
      • Educating for environmentally responsible citizenship;
      • Fostering environmental literacy; 
      • Collaborating with stakeholders and promoting interdisciplinary approaches;
      • Enhancing capacity of primary and secondary schools; and
      • Broadening service nationally and internationally.

b. Promoting discussion among students and staff regarding environmental sustainability.

c. Soliciting/reviewing proposals funded by the Environmental Sustainability Reserve (“Green Fund”) and forwarding recommendations regarding these proposals to the Apportionment Committee.

d. Recommending actions concerning environmental sustainability to the Chancellor and university community.

The committee shall report directly to the Chancellor.

Student Association and Faculty Senate Committees



  1. Duties and responsibilities of the committee are outlined in the Student Association's Segregated Fee Allocation Committee which can be found on the committee website (
  2. Membership of the committee shall include four faculty members, two academic staff (appointed by ASC), and six students.



  1. Duties and responsibilities of the committee are outlined in the Faculty Senate Bylaws II. P. found on the Faculty Sentate website. (/FacultySenate/ABP/bylaws.html#P._The_International_Education_Committee)
  2. Membership of the committee shall include nine faculty members, one academic staff (appointed by ASC), and three students.

*All references in this document to instructional academic staff refer to those individuals who made a one-time choice to be represented by the academic staff council as stated in Section I of this document and in the Articles of Faculty Senate).