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Science & Health News

Science & Health News is an online magazine published twice annually for alumni and friends of UWL's College of Science & Health.

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Archived publications (in PDF format)

Biology kudos

Ross Vander Vorste

Ross Vander Vorste, Biology, co-authored the article "Variable inundation across Earth's terrestrial ecosystems" in "Biogeosciences," published on Feb. 24 by European Geosciences Union. In this collaborative effort, we explored similarities among variably inundated ecosystems, including hillslopes, non-perennial streams, wetlands, floodplains, temporary ponds, tidal systems, storm-impacted coastal zones and human-engineered systems.

Submitted on: Feb. 27

Tisha King-Heiden

Tisha King-Heiden, Biology, presented "Minnow Models for Toxicology" at Phenological initiatives for INdigenous Peoples in Limnology (PhIN) on Feb. 7 in the Trout Lake Research Station in Minocqua, WI. The workshop was co-organized by the Lac du Flambeau Tribal Natural Resources Department and the UW Center for Limnology Trout Lake station. She was honored to be invited to participate in this workshop where she learned about Tribal approaches to protecting water quality. The workshop infused Indigenous and traditional foods such as buffalo, milk weed, and fry bread. It also involved making fish decoys used in ice spear-fishing and sharing the origins and use of the games of snow snake and lacrosse.

Submitted on: Feb. 12

Adam Schneider

Adam Schneider, Biology, co-authored the article "Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology" in BMC Biology published on Feb. 6. In this study, 174 analyst teams found strikingly variable answers to pre-specified research questions using the same sets of data, demonstrating diversity in analytical decision-making while shedding light on potential sources of unreliability and bias in scientific processes. The results align with growing recognition that the many choices researchers must make—such as which statistical methods to apply—can lead to divergent conclusions even when the different options are all reasonable. The authors hope their findings will encourage individual researchers, institutions, funding agencies, and journals to support initiatives aimed at improving research rigor, ultimately strengthening the reliability of scientific knowledge.

Submitted on: Feb. 8

Cord Brundage

Cord Brundage, Biology, co-authored the article "Evaluating responses to a canine leptospirosis outbreak in dogs using an owner survey" in Veterinary Sciences published on Feb. 2 by Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute.

Submitted on: Feb. 3

Adam Schneider

Adam Schneider, Biology, authored the article "Multiple genotypes of Phelipanche ramosa indicate repeated introduction to the Americas" in the "American Journal of Botany," published on Jan. 6. This research, aided by student Ellie Euler, and funded by a UWL faculty research grant and private industry support, used genetic analysis to show that disjunct populations of an economically-damaging plant pathogen reflect four independent introductions from Eurasia to Chile, California, Virginia, and the southern U.S., respectively. These results will help inform containment efforts and industry practices. This research previously received local media coverage on WEAU and Spectrum One.  

Submitted on: Jan. 9