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Communication Club

Members develop personal and professional growth through campus and community involvement. We facilitate resume writing, interviewing, portfolio development and web design workshops. Meetings are held in a fun and casual atmosphere that enhance our interpersonal communication skills. For additional information about Comm Club contact one of our advisors, Dr. Dan Modaff or Dr. Jennifer Butler Modaff. Visit the Comm Club Facebook page.

Find us on Instagram at @uwlaxcommclub or on MyOrgs for the meeting link and more information.

Lambda Pi Eta

Lambda Pi Eta is the official Communication Studies honor society of the National Communication Association. The purpose of the organization is to recognize outstanding Communication Studies students and provide them with professional development opportunities. Currently about twenty members belong to the UW – La Crosse Chapter of Lambda Pi Eta (Zeta Omega). Some of the activities they have been busy with include volunteering at the Career Fair, speaking with prospective students at Campus Close-Ups, and hearing from guest speakers on a variety of topics such as salary negotiation and graduate school. 

To be a Lambda Pi Eta member, you must have completed at least 60 semester credit-hours, have a minimum GPA of at least 3.0 for all courses taken, be in the upper 35% of your institutional academic class, have at least a 3.25 GPA for all Communication Studies courses taken, and have completed 12 semester credit-hours in communication studies. For additional information contact the Lambda Pi Eta co-advisors, Dr. Beth Boser and Dr. Ashley Edwards