University of Wisconsin-La Crosse |
Elementary/Middle Education (EME) and World Languages (grades K-12)
The Elementary/Middle Education (grades K-9) and French education (grades K-12) major provides a pathway for future teachers to be dual-licensed in both regular education (english and language arts, math, science, social studies in grades K-9) and French (grades K-12). Teacher candidates seeking both licenses must complete both the EME-FRE major and a French content minor in order to be endorsed for both teaching licenses. Program requirements typically require five years to complete and include an immersion experience. Candidates may earn retroactive credits in French by placing into 200 or 300-level French courses.
The Elementary/Middle Education (grades K-9) and Spanish Education (grades K-12) major provides a pathway for future teachers to be dual-licensed in both regular education (english and language arts, math, science, social studies in grades K-9) and Spanish (grades K-12). Teacher candidates seeking both licenses must complete both the EME-SPA major and a Spanish content minor in order to be endorsed for both teaching licenses. Program requirements typically require 5 years to complete and include an immersion experience. Candidates may earn retroactive credits in Spanish by placing into 200 or 300 level Spanish courses.
Contact information - EME Program Director
Specialty areas:
literacy, culturally responsive teaching, multicultural children's literature, self-efficacy, multicultural education, teacher education, self-regulated learning