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IMPORTANT REMINDER: English Majors beginning with the 2018-2019 catalog year must complete an English Major Exit Portfolio in order to graduate. Students in prior catalog years will not need to complete an exit portfolio.

What is the English Major Exit Portfolio?

As students take courses in the English Major Core, they will do the following for each class:

  1. Select an artifact (see below).
  2. Upload it to Canvas.
  3. Complete an artifact reflection.

We recommend that students complete these steps at the end of each semester for each course in the core. English majors will be added to a Canvas site called, "English Exit Portfolio."

What courses are included the English Major Core?

Instructors teaching in the core are responsible for ensuring that English Majors are informed about the portfolio requirement. 

The English Major Core includes these courses:

  • ENG 300 Introduction to English Studies
  • ENG 311 Critical Theory
  • ENG 330, 331, 332, or 336 (Language and Linguistics)
  • ENG 301 or 302 (Literary Studies)
  • ENG 313 or 333 (Writing and Rhetoric Studies)
  • ENG 305 or 335 (Creative Writing or Professional and Technical Writing) 
  • ENG 413 (Capstone Research Project *for W/R and Lit/Cult Emphasis Majors only)

How do I incorporate the English Major Exit Portfolio into my course? 

Add Language to Your Syllabus if You Teach a Core Class

"If you are majoring in English, you will need to complete an exit portfolio in order to graduate. Your exit portfolio will include work you have completed in the English Major Core. ENG ____ is part of the English Major Core. By the end of this semester you will upload one artifact from this class to your English Exit Portfolio to Canvas. Let me know if you have questions about which course artifact to upload to your exit portfolio. Portfolio artifacts are examples of work you complete for a class that demonstrate your progress toward English Major Core Learning Outcomes. If you have questions about the English Exit Portfolio, please visit this page:"

Refer English Majors to English Major Core Learning Outcomes

When students upload artifacts to Canvas, they will be asked to reflect on program learning outcomes for the English Major Core. 


Students successfully completing the English Major Core will be better able to

  1. Identify and investigate enduring questions, concepts, and theories relevant to English Studies.
  2. Analyze, interpret, and critique a variety of texts and media.
  3. Situate diverse authors and genres within and across cultural contexts.
  4. Describe and analyze how language works socially, historically, and systematically.
  5. Use individual and collaborative writing processes to create effective texts in a range of genres.
  6. Articulate how English Studies applies to their personal, professional, and civic lives.
  7. Engage ethically with communities and audiences both inside and outside the university.

Recommend an Artifact for the Exit Portfolio

For each class you teach in the core, identify an artifact (or range of artifacts) that you recommend that students upload to their portfolios. Examples of artifacts are listed below.

Artifacts may be written work in any genre, including the following:

  • Research papers
  • Essays
  • Literature reviews
  • Case studies
  • Creative writing
  • Lesson plans
  • Reflections
  • Journal entries
  • Exam responses
  • Proposals
  • News stories
  • Collaborative projects

Artifacts may be in different modalities:

  • Slideshows
  • Presentations/Recorded Presentations
  • Websites or Blogs
  • Videos or Podcasts
  • Presentations
  • Posters
  • Infographics
  • Brochures
  • Pamphlets
  • Digital/multimodal projects

Remind Students to Upload an Artifact from Your Class

English majors will receive periodic emails reminding them to upload artifacts from the courses they’re taking in the English Major Core, but students will require additional reminders from you throughout the semester. For more information about how students will be uploading artifacts, refer to the Exit Portfolio page.