National History Day
NHD Logo
What is National History Day?
The College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities and the and History Department are proud sponsors of National History Day (NHD), a program that engages middle school and high school students in historical research and academic competition. Research begins in late fall, and culminates in school, regional, and state-level contests beginning in the spring. NHD provides University of Wisconsin-La Crosse students the opportunity to engage with young scholars at a number of stages in the research and competition phases. At UWL all history and history education majors and minors are encouraged to participate in National History Day.
The National History Day program at UWL is overseen by History Faculty Taylor Hamblin thamblin@uwlax.edu
National History Day -- 2025
Cogs and Wheels
Rights & Responsibilities in History
To continue the celebration of our 50th anniversary, NHD’s 2025 theme is Rights & Responsibilities in History. To study rights and responsibilities in history, we must ask questions. Who decides who has rights? Does everyone have the same rights? Who decides on the limits individuals should or should not have? Why? What led to establishing certain rights, and to whom were they given? How have people, governments, or institutions decided what parameters should be set to enforce responsibilities? How are such decisions justified?
The key to this theme is addressing BOTH rights AND responsibilities. These are two powerful forces in history, but one does not work without the other.
Click here for 2025 results!
Key Websites for Teachers and Students
Wisconsin Historical Society
National History Day
Library of Congress American Memory Project
National Archives Digital Classroom
Internet Modern History Sourcebook (Fordham University)
Smithsonian Museums
United State Holocaust Memorial Museum
La Crosse History Unbound
Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)
2025 NHD Regional Competition Photos
Photos of students with their projects