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Advising FAQ

How do I declare a major?
How do I apply for admission to the CBA?
What do we do when we meet?

A meeting with an advisor early in a student’s program is about planning classes. As the student progresses, the discussion becomes more about extracurricular activities, internships, and career opportunities. Bring any questions you have!

How often will I meet with my advisor?

The Department of Management highly encourages students to meet with their advisor each semester before registration. It is also highly recommended that you schedule an appointment with your advisor before applying to the College of Business Administration and before applying for graduation. You are welcome to meet at other times too - to talk about classes, careers in management, and related topics.


What if I'm struggling academically?

Schedule an appointment with your advisor if you are having any difficulties, such as, you think you are going to fail a course, you are on probation currently, or think your GPA may fall below 2.0. Likewise, if you are having difficulty handling day-to-day activities and responsibilities for any reason, please let your advisor know so he or she can direct you to UWL staff qualified to help you with your particular situation.

What if I'd like more of a challenge or a new experience?

Many management students complete at least one internship and are encouraged to be active in extracurricular activities such as SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management), CEO (Collegiate Entrepreneur Organization) Club, and Delta Sigma Pi. However, it is not required.

Adding a minor, second major, or study abroad experience are other excellent choices.

How do I apply to graduate?

The Application for Graduation can be found in the Student Center in WINGS. Click the drop down arrow found under the Academics section of the Student Center. Click Apply for Graduation and click the double arrow icon (this will go to the My Academics page). Click on the Academic Program link. Select the Expected Graduation Term and select Continue. Read the Graduation Instructions and Continue. Verify all of the information is correct. If so, click on Submit Application. If not, click the Select Different Program and make the necessary adjustments.  

After the application is submitted, the student’s College Academic Services Office will review the student’s academic record to verify the completion of all requirements for the degree. The student will be notified by email if any degree requirements are not satisfied.


What are my options after graduation?

Management majors have great placement rates and success in their careers. Internships before graduation often lead directly to permanent career placements as operations specialists, business analysts, and human resource managers. Graduates are employed in virtually all aspects of business including accounting, finance, and management positions.

Internships  Careers

Can I change my academic advisor?
How can I change my academic advisor?

Faculty Advisors

Once admitted to the College of Business, a student is assigned a faculty advisor from the department of their major. Faculty advisors guide students in their academic requirements and specific career goals for their major field of study. Your academic advisor is listed on the right-hand side of your WINGS Student Center or Navigate.

Contact Information

Department Phone Location
Advising - College of Business Administration (608)-785-8090 1205 Wittich Hall
Department of Management (608)-785-8110 2229 Wittich Hall
Student Support Services (608)-785-8535 2131 Centennial Hall
Academic Advising Center (608)-785-6950 1209 Centennial Hall

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