Military Science (ROTC)
About Army nurses
NurseSpecial 2, 3, and 4-year scholarships are designated for nursing students. For Viterbo nursing students, an Army ROTC scholarship can be worth as much as $80,000.00!
Army Nursing is an integral part of the cadet battalion population. In March 1996, Viterbo University was selected by U.S. Army Cadet Command as one of only 41 schools nationwide to participate in the Partnership in Nursing Education (PNE) Program. Under provisions of this program four-year Army Nurse Scholarship winners must attend one of the 41 designated schools.
If nursing is your professional goal, there is no better place to begin your nursing career than in the Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC). Only Army ROTC offers you the unique opportunity to gain practical experience while you receive financial assistance for college.
You have chosen a most demanding profession. It will require a cool head and clear thinking in the face of a medical emergency. ROTC enhances your undergraduate nursing education by providing the unique leadership and management training along with the practical experience needed for success, either in the Army or in a civilian career.
There are advantages in Army ROTC that are not found in traditional nursing programs. As an ROTC nursing student, you will be able to combine college courses in military science with an invaluable summer nurse experience. You will develop your professional skills while you learn some meaningful things about yourself and what you can accomplish. You will also develop leadership skills, self-confidence, flexibility, and adaptability while having fun.
Medcom graph
MEDCOM Headquarters
Fort Sam Houston, TX
Major Subordinate Commands
- AMEDD Center and School, Fort Sam Houston, TX
- U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine (CHPPM), Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
- U.S. Army Dental Command (DENCOM), Fort Sam Houston, TX
- U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (MRMC), Fort Detrick, MD
- U.S. Army Veterinary Command (VETCOM), Fort Sam Houston, TX
Regional Army/Medical Commands (AMC/RMC)
- Brooke
- AMC, Fort Sam Houston, TX
Great Plains RMC - Dwight D. Eisenhower AMC, Fort Gordon, GA
Southeast RMC - Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany
Europe RMC - Madigan AMC, Fort Lewis, WA
Western RMC - Tripler AMC, Honolulu, HI
Pacific RMC - Walter Reed AMC, Washington DC
North Atlantic RMC - William Beaumont AMC, Fort Bliss, TX
no RMC - Womack AMC, Fort Bragg, NC
no RMC
- Fort Detrick, MD
- Fort Sam Houston, TX
- Walter Reed AMC, Washington, DC
Medical Department Activities (MEDDACs) & Equivalents, with Collocated Dental Activities (DENTACs) or Clinics
- Alaska (Fort Wainwright)
- Fort Belvoir, VA (no DENTAC)
- Fort Benning, GA
- Fort Campbell, KY
- Fort Carson, CO
- Fort Drum, NY
- Fort Eustis, VA
- Heidelberg, Germany
- Fort Hood, TX
- Fort Huachuca, AZ
- Fort Irwin, CA
- Fort Jackson, SC
- Japan (Camp Zama)
- Fort Knox, KY
- Fort Leavenworth, KS
- Fort Lee, VA
- Fort Leonard Wood, MO
- Fort Meade, MD
- Fort Polk, LA
- Redstone Arsenal, AL
- Fort Riley, KS
- Fort Rucker, AL (U.S. Army Aeromedial Center)
- Fort Sill, OK
- Fort Stewart, GA
- U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY
- Wuerzburg, Germany
* Regional Veterinary Commands partially vary from these boundaries in order to better support VETCOM's worldwide Department of Defense mission.