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Member Info Form

A page within Screaming Eagles Marching Band

Welcome to SEMB Registration! Please follow the four steps below. We recommend that you complete the steps in order, but you are able to do them out of order with the exception of step three which requires step two to be completed first. Steps one, two, and three should be completed by July 1st, 2024, and step four must be completed before you come to band camp.


Prerequisite: Admission to UWL, Western Tech, or Viterbo. 

The UWL Marching band is considered a class taken for course credit. Therefore, the first step is to enroll in the course.  All students should enroll in MUS 100 (first year), MUS 200 (second year), MUS 300 (third year) or MUS 400 (fourth year).

If you are a Western Tech student,  Viterbo student, or UWL student with a schedule conflict, please email the director to indicate this, then continue to step two.


The next step involves some measuring! For most sections, we need to get body measurements in order to properly fit you for a uniform. If you are a member of the color guard, poms, or twirlers, you are exempt from this step, and you can go ahead and proceed to step three. (your section leader will help you get fitted for your section's uniform later on)

All the measurements we need (and how to get them) are in the below PDF file.  Once you have collected and recorded your measurements, continue to step three! (The measurement instructions are also embedded in the questions in the form)

Click Here For The SEMB Uniform Measurement Instructions

If you have questions about how to collect a certain measurement, contact one of the Uniform Managers.



Prerequisite: Uniform measurements from step two have been taken. (unless exempt)

The third step is to complete our Member Info form. This form will allow us to collect some information, including the measurements you took in step two. Please submit this form only once, as multiple submissions will create duplicate entries for you on our registration roster. If you have questions or need to change an entry after you submit the form, please email us.

Complete the Member Info form

After you've submitted the form, proceed to step four!


You're almost there! The final step is to complete a health form. Everyone participating in the SEMB must complete a health form. Please print the form, complete it, staple or clip the two pages together, and bring it to band camp and turn it in at Sunday registration. This form will be kept on file should an emergency arise during the season. If you will be under the age of 18 at the start of the season, you'll also need to have a parent or guardian sign the form.

Click Here To Open The SEMB Health Form


That's It!

Once you've completed all four steps, all you need to do is show up at UWL for band camp on your section's start day (see the camp Start Dates & Schedule) and we'll go from there. 

Between now and band camp, please look over the band camp web pages for lots of good information as well as the Schedule page so you can start putting our performances dates into your calendar.

Also, expect to receive a few emails from the director and your section leader over July & August at your school email address 

If you have any questions, please email your section leader or email the director.

We look forward to seeing you at band camp in August!
