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Department Chair

Adam Van Liere  Profile of Adam Van Liere  Adam Van Liere saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Global governance and international organization, foreign policy and global diplomacy, active learning, international education, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Academic Department Associate

Faculty and Instructional Academic Staff

Jeremy Arney  Profile of Jeremy Arney  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Venue shopping during the agenda-setting stage of the policymaking process, collective action theories, and crowd disorders.

Alan Bigel  Profile of Alan Bigel  Office hours

Specialty areas:

I have a wide and deep knowledge of all areas of Constitutional Law.

Anthony Chergosky  Profile of Anthony Chergosky  Anthony Chergosky saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

American government and politics, Congress, American presidency, political parties, campaigns and elections, political communication, Wisconsin government and politics, American public policy, the scholarship of teaching and learning.

Timothy Dale  Profile of Timothy Dale
Regina Goodnow  Profile of Regina Goodnow  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Democratization, institutional change, women's and minority representation, Post-Soviet politics (with a focus on Russian and Ukrainian politics), the scholarship of teaching and learning

Agatha Hultquist  Profile of Agatha Hultquist  Agatha Hultquist saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

civil war; terrorism; ethnic conflict; nonviolence; repression; authoritarian regimes; identity politics

John Kovari  Profile of John Kovari

Specialty areas:

Local government, public budgeting, economic development, tax incremental finance (TIF)

Kristina LaPlant  Profile of Kristina LaPlant  Kristina LaPlant saysMeet with me

Specialty areas:

American politics, campaign advertising, conspiracy theories, emotions, gender stereotypes, political behavior,  political psychology, public opinion, and research methodology.

Samuel Scinta  Profile of Samuel Scinta

Specialty areas:

American government; Political theory; American political history and thought; Judicial process and policy.

James Szymalak  Profile of James Szymalak  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Public Law & Administration, Public Personnel Management, Ethics, Religion in Government, and Military Law & Administration

I also direct the Legal Studies Minor and serve as a pre-law advisor

Adam Van Liere  Profile of Adam Van Liere  Adam Van Liere saysMeet with me  Office hours

Specialty areas:

Global governance and international organization, foreign policy and global diplomacy, active learning, international education, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.