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The Honors Program is a nine-credit, multi-semester sequence that starts Spring semester designed to give qualified students the opportunity to design and conduct independent psychological research under the supervision of a faculty adviser. Traditionally, students complete the program in three semesters, the first semester in the Spring of their third year (i.e., junior year) and the remaining two semesters during their last year (e.g., senior year). The Honors Seminar (PSY 489) is only offered in the Spring, and the application for the Honors Program is due at the time of Fall registration.

The program starts annually in the Spring. The next Online Application deadline is the first Monday in November by 11:59pm and includes:

  • An online application: The application requires you to upload an unofficial transcript and answer some short essay questions.
  • Recommendations from two UWL faculty members, one of whom must be your PSY 331 instructor. After securing the instructor's consent to provide a recommendation, copy and paste this link into an email to that instructor's email address.

The Honors Program has two tracks--one for all eligible psychology majors (Honors), and one for psychology McNair Scholars (McHonors). Requirements for admission to the program:

  • Junior standing (60 credits or above)
  • Completion of PSY 100, 331, STAT 145 before beginning PSY 489: Honors Seminar
  • PSY 420 before PSY 489 or concurrently with PSY 489
  • a 3.25 grade point average in the psychology major
  • a cumulative overall grade point average of 3.00
  • acceptance into the program

Requirements for earning a degree with Honors in Psychology are:

  • Completion of psychology major 3.50* cumulative grade point average in psychology courses
  • A cumulative overall grade point average of 3.25*
  • Completion of Honors Seminar (PSY 489, three credits total) AND completion and presentation of Honors Project (PSY 482, three credits, of which at least one must be completed in the candidate's last semester)
    • OR successful completion of a McNair** project associated with at least 1 credit of PSY 481 or 482 associated with a project with a psychologically-related topic.

Course Catalog

*GPA calculations are based on the last term prior to the term of graduation.

**McNair Scholar psychology students must be accepted into the McNair Program prior to applying to Psychology Honors, preferably during the same semester they are applying to honors. It is recommended that students who are eligible for McNair apply to McNair after completing PSY 331 or concurrently with enrollment in PSY 331.

Commencement Information Regarding Psych Honors

1. There are no cords associated with Psychology Honors - but you are listed both as a regular graduate and in a separate part of the printed program under departmental honors.

2. There are "honor" cords provided by the university on commencement day for students by GPA. You must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.50 to wear the honor cord (silver) or at least 3.75 to wear the highest honor cord (gold) and your name is starred in the program.

3. Those of you who are Psi Chi members can order a cord/medallion/sash (one/two or all three) through the local chapter.