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Thinking of Declaring the Major?

Need help deciding if sociology studies is the major you want to declare? You're invited to meet with the department chair Kim Vogt or any other faculty advisor at any time to ask questions and explore various options. Office hours for every faculty member are posted on their office doors. If you're thinking of declaring the major, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible in order to establish a plan of study and be eligible to take courses restricted only to majors.

Program Options: Majors and Minors

Program Options: Majors and Minors

The department has programs leading to the B.A. and B.S. in sociology and minors in sociology and criminal justice. 

For more detailed information about each program, see the program summary for each: anthropology, criminal justice, and sociology. If you have any additional questions, or if you need help deciding if a sociology degree is right for you, stop by and see the department chair Kim Vogt or talk to one of the faculty members. Office hours are posted right outside each faculty member's office door.

Declaration Requirements and Procedures

Sociology Majors: In order to declare a sociology major, you must complete a major declaration form in the College of Liberal Studies Office. Students declaring sociology as a major should take SOC 110 as soon as possible, since it is a pre-requisite for most of the other sociology major requirements. Once you have declared, you will also be able to register for some classes that are restricted to majors/minors only.

Information for Minors

Two different minors are available in the department: Sociology and Criminal Justice. To declare either one of these minors, go to the College of Liberal Studies Office and ask to complete a "change of minor" form.

Applying for Graduation

When to apply for graduation 

Plan to apply for graduation at least one semester prior to your semester. For example, if you're graduating in the Spring, you'll need to apply for graduation during the Fall. 

How to apply for graduation

Make an appointment with an advisor in the College of Liberal Studies to do a credit check. Plan to do this well in advance of registration. Plan to bring a copy of your advisement report/academic requirements (found in WINGS) so your coursework can be evaluated (unofficial is fine, off the web). The final step will be to turn in your intent to graduate form. These forms are available in the College of Liberal Studies.

Considering Graduate School?

For more information, see: 

Graduate Training in Sociology

Need Help?

If you have any additional questions, contact the department chair or your faculty advisor.