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Capstone — College of Arts, Social Sciences, & Humanities Alumni publication

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Sociology & Criminal Justice kudos

Mikaela Robarge

Mikaela Robarge, Sociology & Criminal Justice, received first place in the Wisconsin Sociological Association Student Paper Competition at the Wisconsin Sociological Association Annual Conference on Nov. 1 in Waukesha, WI.

Submitted on: Nov. 27

Lisa Kruse

Lisa Kruse, Sociology & Criminal Justice, was interviewed by Spanning the State with Brian Noonen and Kristin Brey of WTMJ Radio on Wednesday, Oct. 16. Kruse was interviewed about the Department of Corrections Reentry Simulation that took place on UWL's campus Monday, Oct. 7. 

Submitted on: Oct. 16

Lisa Kruse

Lisa Kruse, Sociology & Criminal Justice, was interviewed by Pete Zervakis of Spectrum News One's In Focus on July 26. The topic was prison understaffing and the impact on reentry.

Submitted on: July 29

Dana L. Radatz, Andia M. Azimi and Shanna Felix

Dana L. Radatz, Niagara University; Andia M. Azimi, Sam Houston State University; and Shanna Felix, Sociology & Criminal Justice; co-authored the chapter "The Consequences of Polyvictimization among Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People" in Queer Victimology: Understanding the Victim Experience published on Wednesday, April 24 by Routledge. This chapter provides a critical and scoping review of the existing literature on polyvictimization among transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) people. Polyvictimization refers to repeated, chronic victimization throughout an individual's lifetime. Scholarly literature shows that polyvictimization carries higher risks for negative outcomes, and the literature shows that TGNC people are at an increased risk for victimization in general. However, the research on TGNC peoples' risks for polyvictimization is limited, and is explored in this chapter along with implications for future research in this area.

Submitted on: April 24

Enilda Delgado

Enilda Delgado, Sociology & Criminal Justice, presented "Assessing the Cost of an Undergraduate Education a Decade Later: Was it Worth It? " at Pacific Sociological Association on March 22 in San Diego, CA. This presentation was based on national longitudinal data from NCES, Baccalaureate & Beyond 2008 and 2018.

Submitted on: Mar. 27

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