Theatre & Dance
Production policies
Costume fitting
Dressmaker Dummy
Since prompt, courteous attention to all costume fitting appointments, just like rehearsal calls, is a mark of the true professional, the Department of Theatre and Dance enforces the following:
- It is the responsibility of each performer to attend costume fitting appointments when called.
- Stage managers will keep track of missed fittings and report to the director.
Strike policy
- All members of a production and all Theatre Majors (as assigned) are required to participate in strike immediately following the last performance of each production. Strike assignments will be made at the beginning of the semester and emailed to students. Requests to change your strike/production assignment need to be made as soon as possible.
- Please wear appropriate clothing and shoes for all strikes.
- Insurance does not allow for friends, relatives or any non-production member to participate in departmental strikes. Please inform friends and family of your strike commitment and proceed to your assignment immediately.
- Strike assignments will be posted. Crew members and theatre majors should report directly to their strike crew leader at the close of the final performance. Crews will be reassigned as work is completed.
- Performers should change out of their costumes and restore your dressing area before reporting to strike. Check the posted strike list and report to your staff leader for strike assignments.
- All strike members must remain in the theatre until the entire strike is complete.
- At the close of strike, the company will be gathered together to sign out on the strike list. You must be present and sign out. No one may sign out for you.
Complimentary & rush tickets
Each member of the production receives two (2) complimentary tickets that may be used for any performance during the run of the production. (Production members include cast, designers, stage managers, assistant designers, and assistant stage managers.)
Once cast lists and design assignments have been posted, the Box Office Manager will create a ticket code that can be used online to "purchase" the two complimentary tickets. Production members can also reserve their complimentary tickets at the box office during regularly scheduled hours. Any additional tickets must be paid for by cash, check or credit card.
Theatre Majors may request 1 rush ticket 5 minutes prior to the start of the performance, if tickets are available.
Season selection process
The department seeks to create performance seasons of high educational and artistic value representing a broad range of forms and styles to maximize the artistic and critical development of our students. The department also strives to present plays which will contribute to the social and cultural life of the University and the La Crosse community.
Each semester, requests for submissions for the upcoming season of plays are solicited from faculty/students. The Play Selection Committee reads and evaluates the plays based on the following criteria:
- Student Performance/Production Opportunities
- Artistic/Educational Quality
- Male/Female Casting Ratios
- Production Requirements
- Potential Interest in the University and the community
The Department of Theatre and Dance is committed to developing seasons that reflect the multicultural focus of the world around us by presenting works from authors of different historical periods, styles, nations, ethnicities and genders.
The University's SummerStage program was begun in 1979 as a means of bringing semi-professional theatre each summer to the La Crosse area. It is our mission to present high quality theatrical productions for the University and surrounding communities. We enlist students, theatrical professionals and local performers/designers in the creation of our summer endeavors in an effort to expand our academic theatre base. Auditions for SummerStage are held in late April and are open to all UWL students, community members, high school students, alumni and other non UWL students.
Miscellaneous Production Policies
- Smoking in university classrooms and in theatres is a violation of local and state ordinances. It is a director's responsibility to enforce the "No smoking policy." Smoking is allowed outside state buildings. Directors will make every effort to enforce the "No smoking policy" in productions as well. Only when absolutely necessary for the basic needs of the performance, will smoking be allowed on stage.
- Food and drink are not allowed in Toland or Frederick Theatres, with the sole exception of prop food or drink within the course of rehearsals or performances. Please clean up after yourself. Throw away all trash when you leave each day.
- Audience latecomers will be seated at the discretion of the theatre house manager. Shows begin promptly at their scheduled time, so we request that all audience members arrive early to pick up their tickets and to find their seats.
- Recording or photographing any part of a production performance is prohibited. Please check all cameras and recording equipment with the house manager.
- As a courtesy to the performers and members of the audience, beepers, electronic watches and cellular phones should be silenced or left with the house manager.
- Lost and found articles should be turned in to the house manager. Articles that have been lost may be claimed at the coat check or by contacting the Department of Theatre and Dance.