Medical Dosimetry
Latest News
Clinical Educator Award of Excellence Recipients 2024
Students submit nominations for the Clinical Educator Award annually. As one of the largest programs in the nation with 140 clinical internship sites and 317 clinical instructors, recipients of this award demonstrate qualifying characteristics of clinical instructors dedicated to the education of medical dosimetry students.
Clinical Educator Award 2024
Graduate Featured in UWL News
Jacob Wudtke, a 2023 graduate of the UWL medical dosimetry program, was selected to speak at the Graduate Hooding Ceremony during the commencement ceremony in December. His speech was well received by attendees. Key points from his speech and an update on his recent employment was featured in the Campus Connection news at UWL.
Say it in 6 Competition Winners
The annual Say it in 6 graduate school competition took place in October/November. The medical dosimetry program had 2 graduate students enter this contest: Allison Wright and Shelby Wingold. Take a look at their entries - very impressed! There were 47 entries for this contest.
One of our medical dosimetry graduate students won 3rd place! Congrats to Allison Wright!!
2023 Clinical Educator of the Year Award
Alyx Alfson, CMD - UW Health Radiation Oncology, Madison WI
Congratulations to Alyx Alfson on being named the UWL Medical Dosimetry Program Clinical Educator of the Year!
Current students submitted nominations for this award. Nominations were evaluated based on the quality of their submissions and the qualifying characteristics provided in the nomination.
Student Nomination:
“In my educational [journey], I have had the privilege of being taught by several excellent instructors, but Alyx is at the top of the list. As I have worked through my medical dosimetry internship year, there have been many challenges and hardships, and Alyx was there every step of the way. Alyx is not only my preceptor, but she is also the dosimetry instructor for the CAMPEP accredited medical physics residency program at UW-Health. If that alone is not enough on her plate, she is also the senior dosimetrist of our department. She constantly takes accelerated treatment plans to ease the burden on the rest of the team, even if it means that there are nights where she will be working after hours. Through all that responsibility and extra work, I was always given the help and attention that I needed. Whether it be 7 o’clock in the morning, or 5 o’clock at night, Alyx was always there with a smile on her face willing to help. Throughout the course of my internship, she always gave me beneficial constructive criticism on every one of my plans. This special attention helped get me to where I am today, and I feel confident that I would be able to effectively plan just about any case that is presented to me. She gave me the ability to be independent, and never belittle my ambition to try difficult plans. I felt confident throughout my time as an intern in being able to get out of my comfort zone, knowing that if I was ever in a difficult situation, she would always be there to help. Alyx has a way of teaching in a way that is specific to the individual, and explaining things in a way that is effective, yet simple to understand. She is the main reason I am confident in my decision to transition into a full-time dosimetry role at UW-Health upon completion of my internship. Alyx is an empathetic leader who cares about everybody on the team regardless of their role. No matter the student, employee, or patient she will do whatever it takes to make sure they get the help they need. I aspire to become a motivating leader like her.”
Past clinical educator recipients of this award
2023 Scholarship Winners
Oct 2023: The AAMD Foundation announced scholarship winners. Congrats to UWL medical dosimetry students (and program director) who received scholarships!
- Katelyn Fischer, Margaret Koehn, Sydney Raver, Joshua Dutton, Jaclyn Wanie, and Kristen Eberhard
Scholarship Winners
2023 AAMD Student Writing Competition
For the 2nd year in a row, it was a clean sweep for UWL medical dosimetry graduates in the AAMD national student writing competition (June 2023)!
2022 Clinical Educator of the Year Award
Wesley Zoller, CMD | The James Cancer Center at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Congratulations to Wesley Zoller on being named the UWL Medical Dosimetry Program Clinical Educator of the Year!
Current students submitted nominations for this award. Nominations were evaluated based on the quality of their submissions and the qualifying characteristics provided in the nomination.
To read the full story, view the 2022 Fall Newsletter
Wesley was among 11 clinical educators nominated for this award by students. Congrats to all the outstanding clinical educators who were nominated for this respected award!
- Joann Li - University of Rochester Medicine - Wilmot Cancer Institute, Rochester NY
- Wesley Zoller – The James Cancer Center @ Ohio State University, Columbus OH
- Nick Piotrowski – Froedtert Hospital, Milwaukee WI
- Lon Marsh – Spectrum Health - Lakeland, St. Joseph MI
- Susan Gehr - University of VA Medical Center - Couric Cancer Center, Charlottesville VA
- Lloyd Campbell - Georgetown University Hospital, Washington D.C.
- Kimberly Lovell - Baylor Scott and White - Rock Prairie, College Station TX
- Matt Tobler - Renown Regional Medical Center, Reno NV
- Hanaan Habibulla - NY Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn NY
- Zeke Ramirez - UCSF, San Francisco CA
- Charity Rogstad - Bismarck Cancer Center, Bismarck ND
Past clinical educator recipients of this award
Student Success Stories
MDCB Exam Pass Rate
September 2022: Congrats to the 2021 Graduates as their cohort achieved a 100% pass rate (22/22) on the national Medical Dosimetrist Certification Board Exam. 2021 Cohort Exam Results
2022 AAMD Student Writing Competition
It was a clean sweep for UWL medical dosimetry graduates in the AAMD national student writing competition (June 2022)!
1st Place: Case Study of a Bolus Helmet used to Maintain Optic Chiasm and Nerve Sparing while Improving Target Coverage using IMPT
Authors: Keith Larsen, BS, RT(T); Jenna Cimmiyotti, BS, RT(R)(T); Rashad Momoh, BS, RT(R)(T); Ashley Hunzeker, MS, CMD; Nishele Lenards, PhD, CMD, RT(R)(T), FAAMD; Daniel Mundy, PhD
Institution: University of Wisconsin La Crosse
2nd Place: A Survey of Medical Dosimetrists’ Perceptions of Efficiency and Consistency of Auto-Contouring Software
Authors: Amber Coffey, BS, RT(R)(T)(CT); Jose Moreno, BS, RT(T); Nishele Lenards, PhD, CMD, RT(R)(T), FAAMD; Ashley Hunzeker, MS, CMD; Matt Tobler, CMD, RT(T), FAAMD
Institution: University of Wisconsin La Crosse
3rd Place: Radiation Therapists’ Perspectives about Barriers to Continuing Education in Medical Dosimetry
Authors: April Parker, BS, RT(R)(N)(CNMT); RaeLyn Iacobo, MSHS, RT(R)(T)(MR)(CT); Jessica Pagan, BS; Nishele Lenards, PhD, CMD, RT(R)(T), FAAMD; Ashley Hunzeker, MS, CMD; and Sabrina Zeiler, MS, CMD, RT(T)
Institution: University of Wisconsin La Crosse
Quiz Bowl Competition
Current UWL Medical Dosimetry students placed in the Top 10 at the Quiz Bowl Competition during the annual AAMD Meeting (June 2022)
There were students who participated from all dosimetry programs. UWL had 4 current students who placed in the Top 10!! Quite an accomplishment considering our students are not even half-way through the program yet!
Rank |
Student |
Program |
1 |
Simran Rai |
University Wisconsin-La Crosse |
2 |
Diana Nguyen |
Suffolk University |
3 |
Keegan Sanborn |
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse |
4 |
Meisane Troeung |
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center School of Health Profession |
5 |
Joshua Barrus |
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse |
6 |
Whitney Gee |
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center School of Health Profession |
7 |
Ajaya Banskota |
University of Maryland |
8 |
Ashley Valdez |
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center School of Health Profession |
9 |
Lauren Jankowski |
University Wisconsin-La Crosse |
10 |
Talha Mojawalla |
Stony Brook |