Physical Therapy
Biomechanics lab photos
Physical Therapy student in motion capture experiment to obtain "real time" movement based feedback that is being projected onto the screen behind.
Participant in a motion analysis study. Reflective markers are used to measure motion.
Our laboratory has extensively studied drop landing biomechanics. Markers on participant are used to estimate skeletal motions. We hope to better understand anterior cruciate ligament injuries in female athletes.
Markers on participant during landing from a jump
Representation of marker data of landing from a jump on one leg
Representation of marker data of landing from a jump on two legs
We have also studied running biomechanics in various types of footwear, running using different foot strike patterns and with difference cadence and have examined runners with patellofemoral pain and those with tibial stress fractures.
Participant running across the lab to obtain motion analysis and force plate data
Visual representation of motion analysis and force plate data. The blue line depicts the force between the participant and the ground in running
Visual representation of motion analysis and force data during the running cycle
We examine plantar loading during walking with a multisensor platform. Data can be used to estimate loading on different plantar regions of the foot. These data can be also measured in-shoe with a different instrument in our lab.
Plantar loading during walking barefoot between the foot and floor. The hotter colors represent higher loading.
Participant walking across a pressure sensitive plate. The plate shown below has multiple sensors to measure dynamic loads in walking
We also examine the amount of muscle activation using electromyography (EMG). This allows us to determine the amount of neural activation of muscle during movement performance.
Participant with motion capture markers and electromyography sensors. This allows us to measure motion at the same time we are measuring muscle activity
Example muscle activation data from several muscles in landing from a jump. The intensity of the signal is reflective of greater muscle activation.