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Physical Therapy

Learn more about 3-D camera based motion analysis system


The laboratory has a 9 camera motion analysis system and 4 integrated force platforms.  Data are captured at high speed (up to 480 frames per second) from reflective markers placed on the participant.  These data are tracked with software and rigid bodies representing the skeleton are created.  Figures can be rotated in any direction and viewed from any perspective.  Joint motions can be measured in any plane, estimates of joint moments, reaction forces and even muscle force can be determined from these data.  Reflective markers determine three dimensional coordinates which are used to determine rigid body segments. These are used to estimate skeletal motions.

MAS Main


Motion capture space

Cameras "see" markers locations from many perspectives allowing three dimensional data to be determined during many types of movement skills.

MAS Capture2


Performance of the movement

The next step in the data collection process is to have the subject perform the desired movement. In this example the subject is standing on a force plate embedded into the runway.  The second photo shows the same participant running.  Reflective markers are tracked during this time.  When participants make contact with the force platform (show by tape placed on floor) additional measurements can be obtained.  Below, capturing movement.

MAS Performance


Clinical and research uses of motion analysis

We have studied running, walking, and drop landing in our lab.  Many of these investigations have been published by researchers in our lab.  See laboratory publications.

To learn more about 3-D Camera Based Motion Analysis System please visit Motion Analysis

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