Professional Studies in Education
MSED - Educational Leadership (5051) & Director of Instruction (5010) Certification
Cohort Start Date - Spring 2021!
Online Program
The MSED Educational Leadership/Director of Instruction Emphasis program is a dual license, 42-48 credit program. The philosophy of the program is based on a learning-in-community, constructivist model with an emphasis on culturally relevant teaching where students join the program in a cohort. In a learning community that is constructivist, learners come together as a group to share common emotions, values or beliefs in education and are actively engaged in learning together from each other. This model is considered advanced pedagogy and experiential in nature.
The program meets the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) standards, the Wisconsin Administrator Standards for Principal and for Director of Instruction, and professional educational requirements for Principal (5051) and Director of Instruction (5010) licensure in Wisconsin and most other states. A core set of courses includes: Introduction to Educational Leadership, The Principalship, Data-based Decision Making for Instruction, Supervision and Instruction, Leadership and Cultural Competence, School Law, School Finance & Resource Allocation, Inclusive Pedagogical Practices, Educational Research, Practicum in the Principalship & Seminar, Curriculum and Leadership, Practicum for Director of Instruction, and a Thesis option.
The Director of Instruction license adds only two additional 3-credit courses to the Educational Leadership program. The Director of Instruction license “fits” with many positions within PK-12 environments such as: Principal; Director of Professional Development; teacher coach positions like Educator Effectiveness Coaches or Instructional Coach or PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports) Coaches; Learning Coordinators; Dean of Students; and Assistant or Associate principals. Individuals with the Principal and Director of Instruction licenses are also uniquely qualified for positions within CESA (Cooperative Educational Service Agency) programs in WI, positions within state departments of education, and university College/School of Education positions.
MSED: Educational Leadership/Director of Instruction Emphasis for teachers who are interested in both licensure programs, Principal (5051) and Director of Instruction (5010). Offering the master’s degree with both licensure areas is efficient and allows learners to apply for financial aid.
Fall for Education 2020 had been cancelled.
The Fall for Education Conference is the first full weekend in November annually. The conference is part of learning outcomes for each IPSE program including Educational Leadership, Director of Instruction, MSED Learning Communities, and Reading. A Special Course Fee of $60.00 is incorporated into fall tuition for the conference to help compensate for meals and breaks. Attendance at the conference is a program requirement.
Non-Wisconsin Teaching Licensure/Certification
UW-La Crosse programs offering a licensure or certification in Wisconsin will need to be reviewed by the State Board of Education of any other state in which the student plans on teaching. The individual state education boards determine what courses transfer in to meet license or certification requirements of each state.
Program Admission Requirements
To qualify for unconditional admission to the MSED: Educational Leadership Emphasis with Director of Instruction Certification, a candidate for the program must have:
- A baccalaureate degree in education from an accredited institution.
- An overall undergraduate grade point average of at least 3.00 on a 4.00 scale.
- 1 year of full time teaching experience in PK-12.
- Successful completion of Criminal Background Check (CBC) initiated by UWL. Old CBC cannot be used.
- Departmental or school/college approval to enter the graduate program chosen.
Admission on probation:
Students may be admitted on probation if they do not meet the minimum academic or graduate program admission requirements. Upon completion of nine graduate credits or two terms (whichever comes first) with a grade point average of 3.00 or above, the students will be removed from probation. Students admitted on probation will be dismissed from graduate study if their cumulative GPA is below 3.00 after completing nine graduate credits or two terms (whichever comes first).
Criminal Background Check:
The WI Department of Public Instruction (DPI) requires that candidates for admission to a teacher education, administration, or pupil services program successfully pass a criminal background check (CBC) as one criterion for admission. By applying for admission to one of these programs, candidates agree to provide the necessary personal information to UWL in order to initiate their CBC and to complete their portion of the process prior to the deadline specified in their admission letter. Applicants are responsible for all costs associated with their criminal background check(s).
Term 1 | Term 2 | Term 3 | Term 4 | Term 5 | Term 6 |
EDU 765
EDU 766 |
EDU 767
EDU 768 |
EDU 769
EDU 770 |
EDU 771
EDU 772 |
EDU 773
EDU 782 |
EDU 774
EDU 775 |
Overview of Curriculum – Two Options
EDU 765 Introduction to Educational Leadership 3
EDU 766 Principalship 3
EDU 767 Data-based Decision Making for Instruction 3
EDU 768 Supervision and Instruction 3
EDU 769 Leadership and Cultural Competence 3
EDU 770 School Law 3
EDU 771 School Finance & Resource Allocation 3
EDU 772 Inclusive Pedagogical Practices I 2
EDU 641 Educational Research I 2
EDU 642 Educational Research II 2
EDU 773 Practicum in Principalship 4
EDU 774 Curriculum and Leadership 3
EDU 775 Practicum for Director of Instruction 3
EDU 782 Inclusive Pedagogical Practices II 1
Option 1 (Culminating Events: Classroom Action Research Project and Portfolio)
EDU 743 Educational Research III 2
EDU 744 Educational Research IV 2
Total 42 credits
Option 2 (Culminating Events: Thesis and Portfolio)
EDU 776 Thesis (New Course) 6
Total 48 credits
Program Completion
Eligibility for Educational Leadership (5051) and Director of Instruction (5010) certification is contingent upon:
- Cumulative graduate grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0
- Satisfactory completion of Educational Leadership and Director of Instruction Program coursework, associated experiences, and artifacts (including portfolio)
- Successful completion of at least three years of teaching at the PK-12 level.
EDU 765 Introduction to Educational Leadership
In this course learners will explore the concept of educational leadership. More specifically, what is the role of the principal in ensuring they lead a school whereas all of their students can achieve the highest levels of academic success? What is the role of principal in creating and building a school community focused on continual reflection and improvement? With that, we will explore educational leadership via a cognitive approach grounded in the following three elements:
- Socio-cognitive leadership – A shared cognitive approach to decision making present in schools that have successfully closed achievement gaps.
- The Dimensions of Leadership for Learning – Where school principals focus their time and attention as a catalyst for student improvement.
- Levers of Change – The individual, organizational, and community levers that master principals use to further the Dimensions of Leadership for Learning (Kelly & Shaw, 2009).
In addition to a focus on socio-cognitive leadership, learners will consider the balance between the symbolic and technical sides of educational leadership. Finally, the concept of educational leadership will be grounded in conversations related to the importance of principal professional development to include the importance of personal development and personal satisfaction.
EDU 766 Principalship
The task of a principal in the PK-12th grade environment is both demanding and complex. It requires that the leader be skilled in personnel administration, staff development, evaluation, instructional leadership, and the reflective process along with a myriad of additional skills needed to successfully navigate the experiences of being a building principal. This course focuses on the six standards of the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC Standards) using the reflective process as provided by Thomas Sergiovanni.
EDU 767 Data-based Decision Making for Instruction
This course explores the use of data as a tool to enhance decision-making processes for continuous school improvement by providing a framework for improving teaching and learning. Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to analyze, report, communicate, and use multiple measures of data for continuous school improvement. This course emphasizes how data can guide leaders through curriculum alignment, supervision of instruction, and professional development. Through assignments and activities learners will put theory into practice.
EDU 768 Supervision and Instruction
This course is intended to examine the foundations of a teacher supervision and evaluation structure which includes emphasis on classroom supervision, adult learning theory, coaching, administration which promotes professional growth, standards for effective teacher evaluation and performance-based methods for teacher growth /school improvement that are closely associated with student learning outcomes. The emphasis of this course will highlight the professionalism of teaching by examining how teachers may actively contribute to determining the emphasis of their professional / outcomes while emphasizing student scholarship as their core mission.
EDU 769 Leadership and Cultural Competence
This foundation course in leadership and cultural competence enhances the learner’s abilities to comprehend, evaluate, and offer culturally sensitive and competent educational opportunity to diverse school populations. This course gives students the opportunity to reflect upon their own cultural development and to be more responsive to the needs of all students.
EDU 770 School Law
This course examines the federal and state school law for educational leaders addressing legal issues impacting the operation of public schools. The topics that will be studied include organizational structures of school, federal, and state systems, church-state related issues, teacher’s rights, rights of students with disabilities, instructional issues, tort liability, and equal opportunities in education.
EDU 771 School Finance & Resource Allocation
This course examines the financial contexts and legal requirements of educational budgeting. The roles of federal and state laws, regulations, and tax policies are considered, as are local conditions and concerns, in raising and distributing revenue. The processes of budgetary planning, preparation, management, and control are carefully evaluated.
EDU 772/782 Inclusive Pedagogical Practices
In this course learners will explore how to create and sustain schools that are successful for each of their PreK-12 students. Focus will be placed on shifting school structures from programmatic thinking to a model of service delivery. In addition, discussion will focus on using standards as a catalyst for creative uses of responsive curriculum, innovative teaching strategies, and ongoing assessment. Consideration will be placed on how funding and various laws can be leveraged to support the achievement of all students. Throughout this course learners will examine (1) preventive strategies for fostering student success versus adopting a ‘wait until they fail’ approach, (2) instructional strategies that engage a wide-range of students, (3) how principals can ensure the success of their students, (4) how principals can support their teachers and staff to ensure student success, and (5) standards-based teaching grounded in the needs of a diverse student population. Finally, inclusive educational pedagogies form the spine of this course.
EDU 773 Practicum in the Principalship & Seminar
The purpose of this course is to provide you with practical experience in the school principalship. This practicum is developmental and provides opportunities for learners to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the WI Content Guidelines for Principal (5051) Licensure Programs. Performance will be measured via two observations by a school-based supervisor and two by the UW-L supervisor. In addition to observations, learners are required to engage in online discussions anchored to the practicum seminar. These discussions are grounded in the day-to-day lives of principals and will support learners in gaining a deeper, authentic understanding of the principalship. Learners will also engage in professional discussions with an experienced administrator/cooperating principal and their practicum supervisor. The practicum also affords learners experience engaging in authentic activities including the opportunity to take risks under the guidance of a cooperating principal and university supervisor. Finally, practicums lead to numerous networking opportunities that can translate into informal support systems post practicum.
EDU 641/EDU 642 /EDU 743/EDU 744 Educational Research
In this course, students will gain knowledge of action research and implement an action research study in the workplace. Students will understand and experience all stages of the action research process. Students will recognize the value of data in making decisions regarding PK-16 teaching and learning. Students will complete an action research study and disseminate the results.
EDU 776 Thesis
A Master's Thesis is a study project resulting in a substantive document that involves original collection or management of data and/or results. The final product of a Master's Thesis is a document of publishable quality. The Master's Thesis, like a doctoral dissertation, encompasses original research and represents an original contribution to scholarship.
At the University of Wisconsin La Crosse, the Thesis is an option, to be completed within a designated time period pertaining to a graduate student in the Educational Leadership program. It is intended to be a significant exercise in the design and demonstration of written material. Students select their own topics, in consultation with their faculty advisor. Students should consult their faculty advisor for guidelines pertinent to the thesis requirement.
EDU 774 Curriculum and Leadership
The history of the field of curriculum, as well as curriculum theory will be explored. A study of curricular paradigms that give form and shape to school practice will be included.
An over-all purpose of this course is to study the historical development of the curriculum field, as well as the diversity of theoretical positions that stem from these historical underpinnings. This study will form a basis for our analyzing/studying the foundational ideas that provide the underlying rationale(s) for school practice with a heightened focus on the role of administrators in district curriculum decisions.
EDU 775 Practicum for Director of Instruction & Seminar
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with practical experience for Director of Instruction. Per PI 34.32 all candidates seeking administrative licenses in the area of the Director of Instruction must participate in a supervised practicum before graduation from their program. This practicum shall be developmental in nature and provide opportunities that afford the Director of Instruction candidate to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the Wisconsin Content Guidelines for Director of Instruction Licensure Programs. Performance in the Director of Instruction practicum will be measured via two successful observations by a school-based supervisor (i.e., cooperating director) as well as by the supervisor assigned from UWL. In addition to successful observations, Director of Instruction candidates are required to engage in online seminar discussions anchored to the practicum seminar. These discussions are grounded in the day-to-day lives of Directors of Instruction and will support Director of Instruction candidates in gaining a deeper, authentic understanding of the Director of Instruction position.
Further, during the practicum experience, Director of Instruction candidates will also have the opportunity to engage in professional discussions with an experienced administrator/cooperating director and their practicum supervisor. The practicum affords Director of Instruction candidates experience engaging in authentic activities to include the opportunity to take risks under the mindful guidance of their cooperating Director of Instruction and university supervisor. Practicums lead to numerous networking opportunities that can translate into informal support systems post practicum.
The focus of your work during this course will be completing practicum requirements at your site as well as recapping your work through the totality of your participation in the Director of Instruction program at UWL. Your seminar will serve as means to debrief your practicum experiences and share and learn from your fellow Director of Instruction comrades.
SCHOLARSHIPS ~ take tuition down to only $396/credit
We are pleased to announce the offering Logo depicting the word scholarshipof scholarships to our entering students for our programs. Scholarships will be available to students with an undergraduate grade point average (GPA) minimum of 3.5. Minimum GPA will change to 3.6 effective summer 2021 term. Scholarship will be in the amount of $54/credit. Since our existing tuition is $450/credit, the applied scholarship to qualified applicants will take this amount down to $396/credit. For new students, we will look at your entering undergraduate GPA at application and use that GPA for qualification standards. After initially qualifying for the scholarship at time of application, a 3.5 GPA must be maintained throughout the program to continue receiving the scholarship each term. Check out further scholarship opportunities here. Scholarship program contingent upon funding.
Other Fees
A $56 application fee is charged at time of application. There will be a Fall for Education Conference special course fee of $60 in addition to your fall tuition. Each semester there is also a $25 registration charge and a $2 per credit fee for the learning management system, Canvas. There is a $38 graduation fee charged your last semester to cover the cost of the diploma, cover and commencement ceremony.
The WI Department of Public Instruction (DPI) requires that candidates for admission to a teacher education, administration, or pupil services program successfully pass a criminal background check (CBC) as one criterion for admission. Minimum cost of the CBC is $35.This is not a requirement for any of the MSED programs that don't result in licensure.
If you have questions about fees, contact the Cashier's Office or the Office of Admissions. The Board of Regents reserves the right to change tuition and fees without published notice.
In addition to tuition, book costs will average $100-200 per semester. Your facilitators will communicate required book lists throughout the semesters. Also budget for school supplies (paper, pens, folders, etc.).
Financial Aid
Financial aid is available for the Director of Instruction program if completed in the term immediately following the completion of the MSED Educational Leadership emphasis program.
Step One: Application to Graduate School
Complete the Application for Graduate Admission form and remit a $56* nonrefundable application fee online at:
*Nonrefundable: The $56 application fee will be refunded if the class session does not reach the minimum enrollment of 14 students for online or 18 students for blended and face-to-face sessions.
Complete the Application for Graduate Admission form online at
Here is what you will choose in the application:
- Degree
- US Citizen. Yes or no
- Graduated High School
- I have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher
- Graduate Degree
- Continue
- Choose UW-La Crosse (Save & Continue)
- Choose: Professional Development *, Masters
- Delivery: Choose Online
And then the application goes on further from here.
Once complete with the application, please watch your email for further information and to choose your specific program.
Request ALL OFFICIAL UNDERGRADUATE transcripts from ALL previous post-secondary institutions attended. This includes transfer credits even if they appear on another school transcript. If you attended UW-La Crosse, you do not need to request those transcripts. Please contact each institution individually to request your academic records. Most universities allow you to request transcripts online.
All official transcripts must be sent directly to:
Graduate Admissions Office
142 Cleary Center
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
1725 State Street
La Crosse, WI 54601
Or by email to:
Step Two: Financial Aid - IF APPLICABLE
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at You will be asked to insert the Federal School Code for UW-La Crosse which is: 003919
Step Three: Criminal Background Check
The WI Department of Public Instruction (DPI) requires that candidates for admission to a teacher education, administration, or pupil services program successfully pass a criminal background check (CBC) as one criterion for admission. By applying for admission to one of these programs, candidates agree to provide the necessary personal information to UWL in order to initiate their CBC and to complete their portion of the process prior to the deadline specified in their admission letter. Applicants are responsible for all costs associated with their criminal background check(s).
The UWL Office of Field Experience will initiate your CBC based on information provided in your admission application. Please watch your email for information on completing the CBC. Applicants cannot be admitted until they have passed their CBC.
Step Four: Registering for 1st Semester Courses
Registration opens when the cohort is confirmed. Once the cohort is confirmed, registration materials, book lists and other information will be emailed to you a couple weeks prior to the beginning of your first weekend.
Register for your first semester courses using our WINGS system at: