Professional Studies in Education
Special Education Certificate program
Program consists of 24 total credits over four terms.
* Course name and content changes
are pending. *
The purpose of the Special Education Certificate program is to address the needs of students, teachers, school districts, the community, and the university by building competency and certification (#2801) in K-12 cross-categorical special education instruction. The program will prepare teachers who already hold a WI teaching license in another area to teach students with disabilities, thus increasing the number of licensed special education teachers in Wisconsin. In areas of high need such as special education teachers, school districts in Wisconsin want programs for their teachers that are easily accessible and available. This IPSE program will offer fully online cohorts to meet this need. Teachers who complete the certificate program will be endorsed for a Wisconsin cross-categorical K-12 special education license, #2801. The philosophy of the program is a learning-in-community, constructivist model with an emphasis on culturally relevant teaching.
· To prepare additional K-12 cross categorical special education teachers.
· To meet the needs of school districts in this high need area.
· To prepare educators to serve as advocates and resources for individuals with disabilities and their families.
· To create inclusive educational experiences for children with disabilities.
· To prepare in-service teachers to work effectively across disability categories.
· To prepare, through coursework and clinical experiences, in-service teachers to work students with a wide range of abilities, including students with severe disabilities. The coursework and experiences will span the elementary, middle, and high school ranges, with clinical experiences focusing on the school/developmental range where candidates are already employed.
· To work with teachers with diverse teaching backgrounds and grade levels through differentiating course content in assessment courses, the methods course, and practicum. IPSE already successfully does this in our Learning Community and Reading programs that are K-12 programs.
Standards for Special Education Professionals:
Learning outcomes for the Special Education Certificate program are fully aligned to The CEC (Council for Exceptional Children) Initial Practice-Based Professional Standards for Special Educators and InTASC Model Teaching Standards.
Required Courses for Special Education Certificate Program
- EDU 755 - Introduction to Special Education for In-Service Teachers (3)
- EDU 756 - Inclusive Classroom Practices in Special Education (3)
- RDG 704 - Emergent Literacy (3)
- EDU 757 – Co-Planning and Co-Teaching in Inclusive Learning Environments (3)
- EDU 758 - Advanced Special Education Assessment (3)
- EDU 759 – Advanced Methods: Teaching Students with Disabilities (3)
- EDU 760 - Classroom Management & Positive Behavioral Practices (3)
- EDU 761 - Practicum in Special Education (3) This program meets the requirements for the DPI K-12 cross-categorical special education license, #2801. Given this, courses will include content across all grade levels. Course Sequencing is as follows:
Term 1 |
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
Term 4 |
EDU 755 - Introduction to Special Education for In-Service Teachers (3) EDU 756 - Inclusive Classroom Practices in Special Education (3)
EDU 704 -Emergent Literacy (3) EDU 757 – Co-Planning and Co-Teaching in Inclusive Learning Environments (3)
EDU 758 - Advanced Special Education Assessment (3) EDU 759 – Advanced Methods: Teaching Students with Disabilities (3)
EDU 760 - Classroom Management & Positive Behavioral Practices (3) EDU 761- Practicum in Special Education (3) |