Recreation Management
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does the graduate program cost?
UW-La Crosse Admissions maintains an updated web page estimating annual costs of a graduate program.
How long does the program take?
You have seven years from the start of your first course to complete your degree, however, we would encourage you to stay within the 2-year plan. Please go to the Graduate Catalog for more information about this policy.
What is the usual class size?
Graduate students take two kinds of classes, 500-level courses and 700-level courses. 500-level means that graduate students and upper class undergraduates take the course together. These courses usually have 20-30 students in them. 700-level courses are graduate students only. These courses often have about 15 students in them.
Do I have to do a thesis?
A student has three options - thesis, project, or internship. A student, by the end of his or her first semester on campus, should make a decision as to which path to take.
Do most students do a thesis or a project or an internship?
The best answer to this question is that it does not matter what most other students do. The options exist in order to cater to the needs of a range of students. For example, students who wish to go on for a Ph.D. should do a thesis. Students who need more practical experience usually do an internship. Projects often are a good option for students currently working in the field; often their place of employment needs a survey, feasibility study, or some other major undertaking that might also serve as a project. In general, however, about half of our graduate students do an internship and about half do either a thesis or project.
What kinds of jobs do graduates get?
Recreation management graduates find work in a wide range of recreation careers. Examples include municipal park and recreation, non-profit organizations (e.g.,Y's, Boys and Girls Club, scouts), campus recreation, tourism bureaus, health clubs, employee recreation programs, camps, resorts, military recreation facilities, nature centers, state and national recreation resource management agencies. Based on the amount of practical experience students have, graduates usually enter the field at middle management or upper management levels.
Will I have to take a summer class?
NO - all of the course work is now offered during the regular semesters.