Software Engineering
Student resources

Software Engineering program resources
The program director provides general advising on course selection and other MSE related work (financial support, completing graduation requirement and so on). The capstone project adviser provides project guidance and any academic tasks/events related to the capstone project (conducting oral exam, selection of venues for publications etc. ) after the MSE student's proposal is approved.
Student handbook
It is the responsibility of the student to review the current handbook and policies.
Capstone projects
The capstone project is the central feature of the MSE program - an opportunity to integrate the technical and program management skills you have developed through your courses.
Students are encouraged to work on projects that benefit organizations such as non-profits, churches, or businesses. Some capstones have been used by companies to manage significant portions of their corporate activities; others have formed the basis for a student's first company.
Here are the steps to capstone completion:
- Identify a faculty supervisor and a sponsor. The faculty supervisor will ensure that the project meets the academic criteria required for the MSE capstone. The sponsor serves as the client or product owner for the developed software system. While your supervisor or you may serve as the sponsor, it is preferable to include an outside entity for that role.
- Develop a capstone project proposal for review and approval by a faculty committee. Proposals are accepted every semester and are due November 15th for the fall semester and April 15th for the spring. Please contact the program director if there is a need to submit at some other time.
- When the project is completed, submit a detailed academic report and defend the project in a formal oral presentation to another faculty committee.
The links below connect to examples, templates, and guidelines to use in developing and writing up your capstone project.
The department maintains an excellent array of computational systems and services that support the teaching, learning, and research needs of the program. Our services run on servers totaling 312 general-purpose cores, four NVIDIA V100 Tensor Core GPUs, an NVIDIA A100 GPU system, and a XiLinx FPGA board. Services include a general-purpose host accessible using SSH, a Eucalyptus infrastructure-as-a-service deployment, a server capable of hosting Docker-compatible containers, a private instance of GitLab, a private instance of Autolab, our departmental web server, and a number of core network services. Additionally, the department maintains a general-purpose computer lab made up of 29 Linux workstations and a number of other devices such as 3D printers and a well equipped robotics lab.
UWL graduate student resources
Graduate students should be aware of resources available as well as the policies and guidelines impacting graduate education. Links to this much of this important information are available below. If you can't find what you need below, please contact us,
Academic policies
Graduate students must adhere to university policies as well as program specific requirements. University policy information is available within the Graduate Catalog.
For information related to how to make changes in your student status, such as changing program, adding a concentration or certificate, or requesting a time extension for degree completion, please refer to the Changes in student status page on the Graduate Education website.
Campus resources
Graduate students at UWL have access to numerous campus resources. Visit the Campus Life page to learn about services that are available to grad students.
International student resources
International Education & Engagement
International Education & Engagement (IEE)
The International Education & Engagement office team of advisors and knowledgeable student staff are here to offer specialized support for international students.
Grants & scholarships through Graduate & Extended Learning (GEL)
Graduate and Extended Learning with support from the Academic Initiatives Differential Allocation Committee, and the Graduate Student Organization work to provide funding opportunities for our graduate students. The grant writing and scholarship competition processes involved also serve as unique professional development opportunities for students.
Visit the program's Financial Aid page for additional scholarship opportunities.
Representation - Make your voice heard, get involved
As a graduate student, you are eligible to serve on campus committees and to run for Student Association. University involvement can be an important professional development experience during graduate school, we encourage you to check out the opportunities on our Get involved page!

Not sure where to start?
Graduate & Extended Learning is dedicated to helping graduate students from application through commencement. We are here for you throughout your UWL journey. Email your questions to