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Each course is three credits unless otherwise indicated.  See the Graduate Catalog for SAA course descriptions.  The curriculum is subject to change to keep current and consistent with the standards of the profession. The SAA Department reduced its program to 36 credits and updated several other courses in Spring 2018; and in Summer 2022 updated the elective requirement. The courses below reflect this new curriculum. 

Required Courses

SAA 700 Foundations of Ethical & Professional Practice in Student Affairs 3
SAA 702 Student Development Theory 3
SAA 704 Leadership and Organizational Theories 3
SAA 705 Values, Philosophy, and History  3
SAA 706 Advising and Supporting 3
SAA 708 Social Justice & Inclusion  3
SAA 720 Special Topics in Student Affairs Administration (2 cr.)                                            2
SAA 730 Law, Policy, and Governance 3
SAA 760 Administration of Human and Organizational Resources 3
SAA 765 Assessment in Student Affairs 3
SAA 775 Practicum in Student Affairs (One 1-cr. practicum is required, more credits are required for international students. Credit for prior learning is an option for those with requisite prior experience)  1 or more
SAA 780 Capstone Research & Proposal 3
SAA 790 Capstone in Student Affairs Administration* 3
Total Credits 36


*Attendance at the SAA Capstone Project Presentations, at UWL, is expected. Travel grants are often available; virtual options will be provided, as needed.