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MSED Handbook

Program overview

SAA Mission: Our mission is to advance the field of student affairs by preparing diverse scholar-practitioners for leadership in the multifaceted context of higher education. 

M.S.Ed. Degree Requirements

Policies & procedures
  • Graduate Catalog - SAA students are responsible for all policies in the graduate catalog
  • Graduate Academic Policies & Procedures
  • Student Life Student Handbook
  • SAA Department Policies
    • SAA Pre-graduation job policy
    • Conference Attendance: SAA students are allowed to miss only one day of class per semester for a conference. The instructor must be notified in advance.
    • Incomplete Grades: Students may receive a maximum of two incomplete grades, except in extenuating circumstances (need department approval). If a student has two incompletes, the student will not be allowed to enroll in any additional courses.

M.S.Ed. Program Forms

Graduate writing standards

See the SAA Library Guide for more information on research tools available to students in our program and additional tips on graduate-level writing.

Professional organizations & networking

Students are encouraged to join at least one professional organization during their time in the program. 

Umbrella organizations include:

Functional-area specific organizations include:

Organizations for specific institutional types include:

Graduate student organizations