Student Affairs Administration
M.S.Ed. student handbook
MSED Handbook
Program overview
SAA Mission: Our mission is to advance the field of student affairs by preparing diverse scholar-practitioners for leadership in the multifaceted context of higher education.
M.S.Ed. Degree Requirements
- Courses: Courses are designed to increase students' knowledge, skills, and abilities in all of the ACPA/NASPA Professional Competencies.
- Fieldwork: Students must be working at least half-time in the student or academic affairs in higher education throughout their time in the program. Additionally, students will complete a practicum to gain experience in a different area. Requiring field experience in two areas helps us stay compliant with the Council for the Advancement of Standards guidelines for master's level student affairs professional preparation programs.
- Capstone: Students will complete a two-semester sequence in which they develop a substantive literature review / needs assessment academic paper one term, followed by an in-depth intervention proposal and e-portfolio their final term.
- Additional University Graduate Degree Requirements
- Graduation
Policies & procedures
- Graduate Catalog - SAA students are responsible for all policies in the graduate catalog
- Graduate Academic Policies & Procedures
- Student Life Student Handbook
- SAA Department Policies
- SAA Pre-graduation job policy
- Conference Attendance: SAA students are allowed to miss only one day of class per semester for a conference. The instructor must be notified in advance.
- Incomplete Grades: Students may receive a maximum of two incomplete grades, except in extenuating circumstances (need department approval). If a student has two incompletes, the student will not be allowed to enroll in any additional courses.
M.S.Ed. Program Forms
- See Practicum page for the Practicum Form and Substitution request
- Transfer Credit Request Form (Continuing Education classes will not transfer)
Graduate writing standards
- UWL Writing Center
- Purdue Owl - APA Complete the APA workshop.
- Purdue Owl - Academic Writing Complete the Academic Writing tutorials.
- Turnitin: The Plagiarism Spectrum
See the SAA Library Guide for more information on research tools available to students in our program and additional tips on graduate-level writing.
Professional organizations & networking
Students are encouraged to join at least one professional organization during their time in the program.
Umbrella organizations include:
- ACPA: College Student Educators International
- NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education
- NOTE: Many states have their own regional umbrella organizations, like
- Wisconsin College Personnel Association (WCPA)
- Minnesota College Professionals Association (MCPA)
- Iowa Student Personnel Association (ISPA)
Functional-area specific organizations include:
- AACRAO: American Association of Collegiate Registrars & Admissions Officers
- ACHA: American College Health Association
- ACUHO-I: Association of College & University Housing Officers - International
- ACUI: Association of College Unions International
- AFA: Association of Fraternity/Sorority Advisors
- AHEAD: Association on Higher Education & Disability
- AHEPPP: Association of Higher Education Parent/Family Program Professionals
- AIR: Association for Institutional Research
- ASCA: Association for Student Conduct Administration
- ASHE: Association for the Study of Higher Education
- CIVSA: Collegiate Information & Visitor Services Association
- COE: Council for Opportunity in Education
- Consortium: Consortium of Higher Education LGBT Professionals Association
- HECMA: Higher Education Case Managers Association
- IACLEA: International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators
- NACA: National Association for Campus Activities
- NACE: National Association of Colleges & Employers
- NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising
- NADOHE: National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education
- NAFSA: Association of International Educators
- NASFAA: National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
- NCDA: National Career Development Association
- NIRSA: Leaders in Collegiate Recreation
- NODA: Association for Orientation, Transition, & Retention in Higher Education
- Again, many of these offer regional opportunities and/or state-level organizations, like:
- UMR ACUHO (Upper midwest region for housing)
- WACADA (Wisconsin academic advising)
- WAIE (Wisconsin international educators)
Organizations for specific institutional types include:
- AACC: American Association of Community Colleges
- AAC&U: Association of American Colleges & Universities
- Excellent (and free!) publications re: equity and inclusion
- AASCU: American Association of State Colleges & Universities
- ASACCU: Association of Student Affairs at Catholic Colleges and Universities