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Transfer credit policy

A page within Admissions

Undergraduate Transfer credit policy

If you would like to begin to evaluate how your credits might transfer to UW-La Crosse, use the following guidelines and consult the Undergraduate Catalog:

Transfer Credit Policy. Credits considered for transfer to UWL must have been earned at regionally or nationally accredited institutions, e.g., Higher Learning Commission.  Courses must be similar in nature, level, and content to a course in our undergraduate curriculum and applicable to one of our academic programs. Continuing education courses, graduate-level courses, and courses that are remedial, technical, vocational, or doctrinal in nature are not transferable.

International Coursework Foreign institutions must be recognized by the appropriate authority in the country, such as the Ministry of Education. Course descriptions from all university-level courses are required. If detailed course descriptions are not provided, transfer credit will not be awarded.  Please note that English language courses are not transferable to UW-La Crosse, as they are not offered at university-level in the United States.

Equivalent Credit. Courses completed at other colleges or universities that have descriptions that closely match the descriptions of courses taught at UW-La Crosse generally will transfer as a direct course equivalent.

Elective Credit. Courses completed at other colleges or universities that don't have direct course equivalents at UW-La Crosse will generally be equated as elective credits within the appropriate academic department. Elective credits count toward a degree in the same way that a direct course equivalent does.

General Education. Usually, General Education requirements will be satisfied by students who have completed associate degrees in college parallel programs at accredited four-year institutions, two-year collegiate transfer programs from two-year institutions, community colleges or junior colleges. Students accepted under the transfer policy are still required to meet all core, professional, diversity, major, and minor requirements. The university reserves the right to review the student's associate degree and require additional General Education courses.

Transfer of "D" Credits. A course in which a grade of "D" was earned and accepted by this university may be applied to General Education and/or core requirements but will be subject to re-evaluation at a later date if the student chooses to major or minor in the subject area or discipline in which the "D" grade was earned.

Maximum Number of Credits. The maximum number of transferable credits from a two-year college is 72. There is no credit limit on transferable credits from a four-year university.

Conversion of Quarter-Hours and Units. All transfer credit processed from quarter-hour institutions will be converted to semester credits at UW-La Crosse. Similarly, course work measured in units will be converted to semester credits. This will ensure you will receive the equivalent number of credits. To make the quarter-hour to semester-hour conversion, we will multiply your quarter credits by .666. For example, if you have 40 quarter credits (40 x .666 = 26.64), you will receive 27 semester credits.

Transfer Wisconsin. The Universities of Wisconsin maintains the Transfer Wisconsin website. If you are planning to transfer from a University of Wisconsin campus, Wisconsin Technical College, or Wisconsin Tribal College system campus, use this site to find out how your credits transfer to UWL.  The Transfer Wisconsin site offers tools and a wealth of resources for you to take the next steps toward enrolling at UWL.

Transferology.  Transferology is a free, nationwide network that can help provide information on courses that will transfer to UWL.  Simply enter your courses to find equivalent courses at UWL or use the Transferology site to inform UWL about coursework that has not yet been evaluated.

Credit by Exam. We offer credit for a variety of exams, including Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and the College-Level Examination Program. Official transcripts must be submitted to the Admissions Office for evaluation to determine how academic credit will be awarded. We cannot accept credit recorded on previous transcripts.

Military Credit. Students at UWL may earn credit for the completion of basic training and advanced individual training.  Military service school credit may be granted in transfer based upon recommendations of the American Council on Education.  Generally, we accept credit for baccalaureate courses.  Credit for vocational/technical training or in a Military Occupational Specialty will not be accepted.  The Joint Services Transcript (JST) is the basic document used to evaluate transfer credits.  To request an official copy of your transcript, please visit the Joint Services Transcript site.  Air Force enlisted personnel will continue to receive their official professional military education transcript from the Community College of the Air Force

Degree Requirements. Specific degree requirements differ among the various UW-La Crosse schools and colleges. Transfer credit will be applied toward degree requirements appropriately, depending upon which major and/or degree you intend to complete. To learn more about degree and major requirements, consult the Undergraduate Catalog or the appropriate undergraduate major. Admission to UWL does not assure admission to specific degree programs.  All transfer students must meet the same criteria as continuing students (e.g. grade point average, course requirements, etc.) for admission to specific majors or programs.

Grade Point Average. Grades received in the courses transferred into UW-La Crosse will not be calculated into your UW-La Crosse resident grade point average.  Some select programs utilize transfer grades when determining GPA for admission purposes.

Transfer Credit Appeals. Students have the right to appeal their transfer credit decisions. If you believe an error has been made or that a more appropriate equivalent course exists for one or more of your credits, you can initiate an appeal by first contacting the Admissions Office at Indicate the course(s) for which you are requesting a review and attach a syllabus or course outcomes statement for each course from your previous institution. 

Faculty determinations of course equivalencies are final. Reviews are based on the level, comparability, and applicability of coursework. In the event that changes are made to your transfer credit report, you should work with your academic advisor to determine whether changes to your plan of study are warranted.