Outdoor rock climbing
A page within Adventure program
Group Provides:
- Personal gear such as proper clothing, rain gear, food, etc.
- Transportation to and from Devil's Lake
- Parking Passes
- Camping arrangements and fees if it is an overnight trip
UWL Adventure Programs Provides
- All rock climbing gear including; helmets, climbing shoes, harnesses, ropes, hardware, etc.
- Climbing instruction
- Maps and directions to Devil's Lake
- Headlamps if needed
Excursion Liability Form
If you are interested in rock climbing at Devil's Lake, you will need to view and sign the PRINTABLE Excursion waiver form. Participants under 18 years old must have the wavier form signed by a parent/guardian. Facilitator will check to make sure each member of the group has a wavier form filled out correctly. Those without wavier forms will be unable to participate.