Information for presenters
To enhance the success of your presentation from the technology perspective, we have taken steps to ensure that appropriate support is available.
A special speaker support team is available to assist all presenters throughout the meeting. Please do not hesitate to use the services of the staff on hand.
Audio visual
Please email your electronic presentations to Doug Wilken, AVLS Coordinator at dwilken@uwlax.edu by Friday, June 30. Or if you prefer, simply provide Mr. Wilken with an electronic link so he may download your presentation.
Electronic presentations will be installed and tested on our campus equipment prior to the meeting. Presentations provided to Mr. Wilken electronically will be available for your use during the meeting utilizing our campus equipment. You may also contact Mr. Wilken directly at 608.785.8871 for additional information or for special audio/visual or computer equipment requests.
Are you bringing a laptop?
If you plan to use your own laptop at the meeting, please bring a backup copy of your presentation on a USB Flash Drive. Our staff can install the backup on our equipment and test it in your meeting room prior to your presentation. This will provide you with a recovery plan in the event of equipment failure.
Would you like to test your presentation?
A Board of Regents and UW System Administration Staff Office will be in Room 3110, Student Union. Presenters can also use this space to review and troubleshoot any presentation issues prior to their presentations with IT support staff on hand.