Incident reports
A page within Business Services
Incident Report: ONLINE FORM
The Risk Management office should be notified any time an incident occurs that results in any of the following:
- Property damage or personal injury to any individual on UWL property.
- Property damage or personal injury to any individual in connection with an event or activity sponsored or organized by UWL or any UWL department or organization, regardless of location.
- Breach of security or unauthorized access to any university property or assets (including electronic systems or data).
- Violation of law or monetary liability (actual or potential) on the part of the university or on the part of any individual acting in the scope of their employment with the university.
The first step in this process is for the individual(s) with knowledge of the incident to complete an Incident Report, using the online form. (If multiple people have independent knowledge of the incident, each one is requested to complete their own incident report.)
No personal information submitted using either the online form or the written form will be used for any purpose other than investigating the incident.
If you have any questions, please contact Risk Management at 608.785.8730 or