Set up a DigiCopy account
A page within Business Services
To set-up an account for printing/copying with DigiCOPY, e-mail, with the information noted below. Please be sure to copy this e-mail to your supervisor; this e-mail serves as campus authorization for you to charge printing/copying to your department account.
In the SUBJECT line of your e-mail, please enter: DigiCOPY Account Set-Up
In the BODY of your email, please include:
- First and last name
- E-mail address
- Campus phone number
- Department name and address
- Funding code(s): list all funding codes that you plan to use when ordering print/copy from DigiCOPY. Example: 128-1-072499
- Remember to copy your supervisor!
Once your request is reviewed and verified by the Purchasing Agent, this information will be sent to DigiCOPY and your account will be set-up. You will be notified when the on-line ordering system is "live" for you to use. Please be sure to include all the information requested above for a quick turn-around time!
If copies are needed before your account set-up is complete, contact UWL's DigiCOPY Customer Service Representative at 608-782-4355.