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CATL's Core Curriculum

Posted 4:53 p.m. Monday, Sept. 5, 2022

Photo by Seema Miah on Unsplash

Teaching Topics for Quality Learning Experiences

The mission of CATL is to support improvement of teaching and student learning at UWL. Our overarching goal is to help instructors improve the design and implementation of instructional materials, assignments, teaching practices, assessment and evaluation of student learning. 

To further support the CATL Mission, the CATL staff created a core curriculum: a set of teaching and learning topics that have continually and consistently been researched to create quality learning experiences.  

These are the topics: 

  • Assessment - creating and using fair and equitable assessments that aid in determining student success in developing necessary skills and knowledge  
  • Course design - aligning activities with outcomes, scaffolding content, and balancing the instructional process to support learning
  • Course delivery - engaging students in a meaningful way to promote learning
  • Inclusive teaching - creating a classroom space that is welcoming and accessible to all students 
  • Feedback and grading – providing students with information about how to improve their learning
  • Collaborative Learning - supporting students in their efforts to learn together with peers
  • Reflection/revision - reflecting on and revising our courses to improve teaching for optimal student learning 

Every academic year, the CATL staff will work together to determine and offer workshops related to each core curriculum topic and these workshops will make up the CATL Core Curriculum Workshop Series. The specifics of the topic offering will vary each year based on current campus needs, as well as current research in the scholarship of teaching and learning. The workshop will be labeled so you can identify which workshops are part of the series.

Here is what we have planned for Academic Year 2022-2023: 

FALL 2022 

  • Sept 22 - Inclusive Teaching - Share Expectations or Missed Connections?
  • Oct 20 - Course Delivery - Strategies for Engagement
  • Nov 16 - Feedback/Grading - Reflective Writing Assignments and Eagle Advantage


  • Jan 26 - Assessment - Creating Assessments with Colleagues
  • Feb 22 - Course Design - Designing with Alignment in Mind
  • March 23 - Collaborative Learning - Evidence-Based Strategies for Improving Group Work 
  • April 27 - Reflection/Revision - Reflect, revise, revamp: Using a reflective process to adjust your course to optimize student learning

We welcome you to join us at any or all of the workshops in this series. In addition, you can consider this Core Curriculum the staples on our consultation menu. At any point, if you would like to talk with CATL about any of these topics either individually, with a group, or with your department, simply reach out to schedule something.  

Thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey as an educator. We are excited to support this core curriculum and look forward to interacting with you in support of these important teaching and learning topics.  

~ The CATL Staff, 22/23 ~  
