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UW System Events

A page within Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning (CATL)

Universities of Wisconsin options for professional development

Various opportunities are hosted by the Universities of Wisconsin (UW) Office of Professional and Instructional Development (OPID) and offered to instructors/staff at UWL. 

Spring Conference on Teaching and Learning

OPID | Spring Conference on Teaching & Learning

THE JOYS OF TEACHING: Engaging Students

April 18 & 19, 2024 in Madison, WI

  • Great keynotes - Flower Darby and Bryan Dewsbury
  • Great presenters - a variety of topics and presenters from across the various UW schools
  • Great theme - engaging students

Opportunities to participate: 

  • Submit a proposal to present at the conference. Proposals due January 8, 2024
  • Attend the conference with the UWL delegation! CATL will support up to 6 UWL attendees, paying their registration and associated travel fees. Apply before February 16, 2024. You will know soon after this date if you were selected to be part of the delegation with fees. CATL will complete your registration if you are selected for the delegation. 
  • Attend the conference on your own. You can register to attend the conference and ask that your department or other funding source pay your registration and associated travel fees. Register on your own via the UW website. It would be appreciated if you notified CATL of your attendance. 
Faculty College

44th Annual Faculty College 2024:
Rethinking/Redesigning Student Assignments

MAY 30-JUNE 2, 2023

Faculty College 2024’s keynote speaker and guest facilitator is Dr. Ashley Finley, Research Director and Advisor to the President, American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U). She will guide university teams in conceptualizing student assignments to implement at their home institutions.

Our theme for Faculty College 2024 – Rethinking/Redesigning Student Assignments – intersects with ongoing changes and practices in higher education, including alternative grading approaches, generative artificial intelligence (including large language programs, such as Chat GPT), high-impact teaching practices that necessitate reflection and metacognition, and other emergent approaches to teaching and learning. The reconceptualization of Faculty College is informed by OPID’s Advisory Council and Executive Committee, as well as feedback from past Faculty College participants.

UWL APPLICATIONS ARE DUE by NOON on Friday, January 12, 2024. Complete the short application today! 

UWL will send 10 participants:

  • 2 OPID Advisory Council members – CATL Director and instructor representative
  • Our 2024-25 Wisconsin Teaching Fellows & Scholars (2-3 instructors, WTFS decision TBD) 
  • 5-6 Faculty / Instructors

More information about the event can be viewed off the UW System page

Wisconsin Teaching Fellows and Scholars

The Wisconsin Teaching Fellows & Scholars (WTFS) program is a year-long, professional development program offered by the UW System Office of Professional and Instructional Development (OPID). Participants meet during the year to examine teaching and learning issues at Faculty College, a Summer Institute and several program meetings. Fellows and Scholars are guided through the process of completing a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) project with input from fellow participants and the program co-directors. MORE INFORMATION

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