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Community of Practice, Globalization

A page within Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning (CATL)

CATL is recruiting for a community of practice for Academic Year 2023-2024, as well as encouraging continuation of previous participants. This Community of Practice will focus on ways to bring international themes into the curriculum to help create more globally conscious students. You will work with fellow instructors of all levels of interest to discuss research, learn about teaching strategies that support global learning, and consider ways to embed global learning into your curriculum, departments, and the university. During your participation, you will be asked to think critically about your teaching, and with help from your peers, consider approaches and techniques to improve student learning about being a global learner and citizen. The time commitment for participation is approximately 15-20 hours over the course of the year.

COP Info

Target Population

This CoP is intended to connect instructors interested in bringing a more globalized approach to their classes, no matter what level. It is intended for instructors who are already engaging in global learning in their classes, those who are interested in learning from others about how to more directly add global learning to your classes, and those who might want to reflect on the intersection between one’s own worldview and identities, and personally meaningful international/global learning experiences to better mentor and support student learning.

What are the benefits of participation?

Participating in a CoP provides instructors…  

  • an opportunity to be more intentional, specific, and clear about quality teaching and learning and the various ways they may go about achieving it 
  • independence and flexibility to enhance their courses by helping them identify the areas of globalization/internationalization suitable for their curriculum 
  • time to develop and improve their collegiality through the development of a team that has the potential to provide support and encouragement. 
  • space for turning knowledge and research into practice 
  • an avenue to pursue development of knowledge and skills that facilitate effective intercultural teaching practices in support of global learning for all students 
  • a chance to explore teaching and learning from a different perspective/discipline 
  • insight and/or materials useful to promotion and tenure  
Who can participate?

Anyone who is interested in being more purposeful in how globalization and internationalization are incorporated into their classroom. No prior experience with Collaboration Online International Learning (COIL) or globalization of the curriculum required. Anyone interested in an opportunity to collaborate with peers are about teaching and learning is welcome to participate. 

What is the time commitment?

To participate in the experience over the academic year would take about 15 to 20 hours of your time.   

Dates for Fall 2023 – dates/times will be determined by interested participants registered before September 27

Spring meeting dates will be determined by the group. 

Meetings are intended to connect people who might not otherwise have the opportunity to interact and to provide a shared context to communicate and share information and explore new possibilities in a way that builds understanding and insight.  

Readings, resources, thought questions, etc. will be shared before meetings. Additional investigation, exploration, and is encouraged on your own between meetings.   


Marjorie Bazluki, Senior Instructional Designer, CATL
Adam Van Liere, Assistant Professor, Political Science & Public Administration


Learn more about COP.

Want to participate in a future Community of Practice? Have a theme idea for a COP? Contact to discuss your ideas and interest. 

Globalization COP.

Spring 2024 Meetings.

February 7, March 6, April 3, May 1 - 12-1pm - 161 Wing Technology Center