Reporting Bias Incidents
A page within Center for Civil Dialogue & Civic Engagement
Frequently asked questions
What is a Bias Incident?
What is a Bias Incident?
A bias incident is any action or attitude that interferes with impartial judgement that is motivated (or appears to be motivated by, in whole or in part) by an individual's actual or perceived race/ethnicity, religion, national origin/immigration/citizenship status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, economic status, language, age, pregnancy or family/marital status, disability, veteran or military status, size, or any other identity status protected by University policy.
Bias Incident vs. Hate Crime
How is a bias incident different from a hate crime?
Both bias incidents and hate crimes consist of conduct that is motivated by bias. Bias incidents do not necessarily involve criminal activity and may come in the form of noncriminal acts or attitudes such as microaggressions, name calling, slurs, or belittling jokes. However, a hate crime involves any criminal act or attempted criminal act such as graffiti, vandalism, or harassment.
For an act to qualify as a hate crime, two variables must be present:
- A crime must take place;
- That crime must be motivated by bias against characteristics included in federal, state and/or local statutes.
If you believe you have been the target or witness of any crime, including that of hate crimes, call 911 immediately or contact our campus police at (608) 789-9999.
Additionally, any Bias Incident Reports that may be considered crimes or violations of the University/UW system conduct code will be directed to campus police and/or the UWL Student Life office.
Purpose of Reporting Form
What is the purpose of this form?
The purpose of this reporting form is to monitor potential bias incidents that occur on and/or off campus that impact UWL students or employees. The identity of the reporter and/or person(s) impacted will be kept confidential to the extent possible under applicable under university policy as well as state and federal law. Submitting this form may or may not result in criminal or university action, depending on the type of incident and any necessary further action.
Please note that incident reports will be routed to one or more of the following university entities to ensure that response is quick and appropriate: the Bias Support & Education Team, Human Resources, Affirmative Action, Title IX, University Police, or Student Life. The report contact will work to direct your report the the appropriate office while upholding confidentiality.
Who Should Report?
Who should complete this form?
Anyone who has experienced, witnessed, or learned of a potential bias incident should complete this form.
You may fill out as much or as little information as you choose. The ability of the University to respond may be limited if key information is not provided and we are unable to learn more from the reporter. Please include your name if you wish to be contacted.
If a crime was committed on campus, please call the UWL Police Department (608-789-9999 for emergencies; 608-789-9000 for non-emergencies). If committed off-campus, please call 911 for emergencies.
Please be aware that our reports may be subject to disclosure under Wisconsin’s Public Records law. Names of students are confidential, but employee names and other information may be made public if requested. If you do not wish to create a record that may be subject to disclosure or have any other questions or concerns please contact us by phone at 608.785.5093 or in person at 1120 Centennial Hall before submitting a report.
What Happens After I Submit a Bias Report?
I submitted a bias report. Now what?
What Other Campus Resources are Available?
What Other Campus Resources are Available?
- Student Life (608.785.8062)
- University Police (608.789.9000)
- Title IX (608.785.8043)
- Affirmative Action (608.785.5099)
- Human Resources (608.785.8013)
If the incident occurred off-campus, you may contact Student Life (608.785.8062) or the City of La Crosse Police Department (608.785.5962).
In case of emergency, or if someone's physical safety is at risk, please call 911 or 608.789.9999 (University Police) immediately and fill out the form later.