Transition from high school
A page within ACCESS Center
Differences Between High School and College Disability Services
The ACCESS Center understands that the transition from high school to college can be especially difficult for students with disabilities. We believe it is important to let you know about the differences between your support in high school compared to your support at UWL. Below you will find some common topics that we'd suggest you explore!
High School
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and/or 504 Plan provided at no cost
IEP and 504 may be sufficient. Documentation guidelines are provided based on each category of disability, and the evaluation comes at student's own expense.
High School
The student is identified by the school with input from parents and teachers. Teachers will intervene if they believe the student needs accommodations provided.
The student must self-identify to Disability Resource Services and are responsible for initiating the accommodation process. Students are expected to communicate the need for assistance
Parental Involvement
High School
Parents have access to student records and can be apart of the accommodation process.
Parents do not have access to student records without the student's consent, and the student is expected to advocate for self.
Classes and Instructors
High School
Teachers may choose to modify curriculum or assignments. Students are given short reading assignments and class participation is usually satisfactory enough to learn the material.
Professors are not required to modify their curriculum or deadlines. Students will be assigned substantial reading assignments that may include information that is not reinforced in the classroom.
Grades and Exams
High School
Modifications to a test format may be available. Testing usually covers small amounts of material frequently with makeup tests available. Students are given numerous reminders of assignments and deadlines.
Modifications to an exam format is usually unavailable. Accommodations such as extended time, noise-reduced environment, or enlarged font can be provided with support of professional documentation. Exams are infrequent and cover large quantities of information and make-up exams usually are not an option. The course syllabus identifies when assignments are due because professors often will not provide reminders during class.
Study Skills
High School
Tutors may be part of services provided through an IEP or 504 plan. Minimal study time is required for tests and students can often study the night before or day of the exam.
Professors will announce if tutors are available for the class. On average students need to spend about 2-3 hours of studying outside of the classroom for every 1 hour in the classroom. Students need to manage time and study material after each lecture so they do not fall behind. Exams cover too much information to cram into studying a day or two before an exam.