Event Planning
A page within ACCESS Center
Universal Design for Programming
UWL is committed to ensuring that all events are accessible for students with disabilities.
Universal Design for Programming emphasizes the importance of providing multiple means of engagement, interaction, and connection.
The ACCESS Center recommends the following when planning an event:
- Make sure accessibility is part of the planning process from the beginning.
- Think about how you can include the most amount of people by considering the informational, attitudinal, physical, sensory, and social environment of your event.
- If possible, include the voices of disabled people in your planning process.
If you are planning an event, take some time to check out the following resources:
UD Programming Kit Checkout
The ACCESS Center offers programming kits for student organizations and departments to rent to create more inclusive and accessible spaces for disabled students.
Universal design kit for programming. On the left is the plastic bin to carry the items. There are color communication badges in green, yellow, and red with a informational sign. In the middle of the image are the fidgets, accessibility checklist, and food allergy labels. On the right of the image are hand sanitizer, ear plugs, and coloring sheets.
Programming kits include:
- Fidget toys
- Color communication badges
- Ear plugs
- Coloring supplies
- Labels for food allergies
- Hand sanitizer
- And more...
Use this form to checkout a programming kit.
UD Programming Kit Guidelines
- Complete the checkout form.
- Kits are checked out on a first-come first-serve basis.
- Pick up your UD Programming Kit from the ACCESS Center, 124 Wimberly Hall the day of your event.
- Set up your kit at the beginning of your event.
- Encourage participants to utilize color communication badges and fidget toys.
- Collect all reusable supplies (fidget toys, communication badges, coloring supplies).
- Use the cleaning supplies to sanitize any used fidget toys and badges.
- Return the UD Programming Kit to the ACCESS Center the day following your event.
If you have any questions, please contact the ACCESS Center at accesscenter@uwlax.edu.