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Ron and Jane Rada River Studies Center Margins of Excellence Grant Program

Overview ||  Award Types  ||  Guidelines  ||  Timeline/Process  ||  Application ||   Examples  ||  Program Objective 5-year Benchmarks



Eligibility Information:

·    Who May Submit Proposals:

o   Any RSC member currently employed by UW–La Crosse.

o   Non-RSC co-investigators are not discouraged, but should clearly incorporate separate funding mechanisms for their support (e.g., UWL faculty research grants, FCW grants, etc.) into the project.  For example, such investigators could include colleagues from the USGS, USFWS, MVC, and other RSC partners.


·    Who May Serve as PI:

Any RSC member currently employed by the UW–La Crosse.


·    Limit on Number of Proposals per PI/Co-PI:

o   Only one Confluence Award proposal can be funded per year for each unique combination of collaborating RSC members.

o   Members may have two funded Confluence Awards within a 3-year period.

o    Members are expected to serve on the Confluence Award proposal review committee the year after being awarded a Confluence Award.

o   Members can submit one Tributary Award proposal per funding cycle.



Reporting Requirements:

·      The RSC Director and Assistant Director will review each awardee’s progress in a face-to-face meeting that will be held within a month after the end of an award funding cycle.

·      This will include a review of progress in completing the specific aims and utilization of funds. 

·      At the completion of each project, awardees will provide a final report listing all products and an accounting of funds expended. 

·       Awardees who do not submit timely reports will forfeit the opportunity to apply for subsequent grants for a minimum of two funding cycles. 

·       For the purposes of grant management, an RSC Grant Award Code will be provided for all products and presentations generated for awardees to insert in acknowledgement sections. 

Donor support will also be acknowledged in any publication or public presentation resulting from the award.

Funding Cycles:

  • The funding period for Confluence and Tributary Awards is 1 year; all funds must be expended within a year of the award date.
  • Awardees requesting extraordinary payments (EOPs) are required to submit approved EOP forms to the UWL Office of Business Services no less than one month prior to initiated work on the project.
  • The RSC Director and the Dean of the member’s college will provide signatory approval for all EOPs associated with this grant program.