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Hotel Information

A page within Conference Experience for Undergraduates (CEU)

About the CEU Hotel

The CEU program works to house all students accepted into the CEU program who need local accommodations. We have a block of rooms set aside for this purpose. If you have CEU housing, you do not have to worry if the conference hotel is full or booking your own room.  At the end of the conference, the CEU program will pay the hotel for all of the rooms.

To minimize costs and maximize the students who are housed the following policies are in place:

  • Students are placed in triple rooms when possible, however, each student will have their own bed. The room usually consists of two queen beds and a roll-away bed.
  • If a student would like a guaranteed double or single room, they cannot stay in the CEU block and must book and pay for their own room.
  • CEU only pays for students to attend the conference and not the workshop.
  • Roommate requests are not guaranteed, however, gender preferences are guaranteed. 
  • Check-in and check-out dates are required. CEU will not book your room without these dates.