Posted 8:41 a.m. Tuesday, July 16, 2024

WIAA Statewide Scholar Athletes share how they found a sense of home at UWL
UW-La Crosse continues to draw talented students from across Wisconsin, welcoming four WIAA Statewide Scholar Athlete Award winners to campus this fall. Among them is Alana Durtschi, whose journey to UWL began with a visit to cheer on friends at the WIAA State Track & Field Championships, held annually on the UWL campus.

"I remember driving through La Crosse and thinking the bluffs were beautiful and that the town had a lot to offer," Durtschi recalled. "Although I only saw a small part of campus, there was something inside me telling me this could be my home for the next four years."
Durtschi toured campus the following October and says it was not a single moment but a series of impressions that fostered a sense of belonging and home at UWL. That’s a sentiment shared by many fellow incoming students.
UWL is attractive to scholar athletes like Durtschi, Teegan Streit, and Ben Matczak, all attending UWL this fall. They were recognized by the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association in May for their exemplary performance in athletics and academics. UWL Associate Director of Admissions Sam Pierce attributes their college choice to the competitive nature of UWL's admission requirements and Division III athletic programs.
“These students want to be challenged in their sport and in the classroom,” he says. “UWL provides a challenging academic and athletic environment while also supporting our students to be successful.”
UWL has a strong reputation for consistently encouraging and motivating students to grow and exceed their own expectations, adds Assistant Vice Chancellor for Admissions & Recruitment Corey Sjoquist.
“That atmosphere expands beyond academics and into student engagement, from multiple athletic opportunities to numerous student organizations,” says Sjoquist. “The energy and excitement on campus is absolutely a reason why Wisconsin Scholar Athletes looking to challenge themselves choose to become UWL Eagles each year.”

For Teegan Streit, attending UWL became a clear choice after witnessing the vibrant atmosphere during the state track meet.
“I have been going to the state track and field meet since I was four years old and have always seen how amazing the area is during that time and those moments persuaded me to go to UWL," Streit remarked.
Similarly, Ben Matczak’s multiple visits to UWL as he repeatedly qualified for the state track meet left an impression early on.
“Throughout my junior year, I toured several colleges, but none of them resonated with me the way UWL did from the start,” says Matczak. “After seeing the campus and running on the amazing track, it already felt like a place I could call home.”

Beyond athletics, these scholar athletes are eager to pursue their academic passions at UWL. Durtschi, set to major in physical education, expressed her excitement about becoming a teacher. "Becoming a teacher has been a goal of mine for a while, and I'm excited to start that journey," Durtschi shared.
Streit is also planning to major in education while joining the Track & Field team, and Matczak will pursue a degree in finance.
Matczak says athletics has greatly influenced his academics by teaching him about accountability and the importance of being part of a team. “Being in a group or team setting drives you to excel and support one another. The people I surrounded myself with have shaped who I am today. My advice is to surround yourself with individuals you admire and go from there,” says Matczak.