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Anxiety Screening

A page within Counseling & Testing


____ 1. I have feelings of intense discomfort in social situations.

____ 2. I frequently experience physical symptoms, such as a pounding heart, excessive sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, nausea, and/or chest pain, that are not due to exercise or the weather.

____ 3. I am prone to recurrent thoughts or ideas (obsessions) that seem to last for hours.

____ 4. I have excessive fears and apprehensions, e.g. fear of heights, flying, spiders that interfere with my daily activities.

____ 5. I often "freeze up" in performance situations, e.g. taking a test or giving a speech.

____ 6. I feel very stressed because I was involved in or witnessed a traumatic event.

____ 7. I can never relax or get a good night's sleep because of excessive worry.

If you checked 4 or more of these symptoms you MAY be suffering from an anxiety disorder. Anxiety and stress can be effectively treated. Contact the Counseling & Testing Center (608.785.8073 or 2106 Centennial) for more information or to set up an appointment to meet with a counselor.

Emergency & on-campus resources

Emergency Resources 

  • Off-Campus EMERGENCY: 911
  • On Campus EMERGENCY: 608.789.9999 (UWL Police)
  • UW Mental Health Support 24/7: Call 608.785.8073 & press 1
    • UWL Mental Health Crisis and Emotional Support for UWL Students

On Campus Resources

  • ACCESS Center: 608.785.6900
    • Help with accommodations for students with disabilities
  • Center for Transformative Justice: 608.785.5094
    • Support with belonging on campus and reporting a hate or bias incident.
  • Student Life608.785.8062
    • Resource for students in distress and needing resources, faculty with concern about a student disruption, help with meeting basic needs, and campus CARE team.
  • Student Health Center: 608.785.8558
    • Medical providers available for student health care needs including primary care, mental health, and same-day care. 
  • Violence Prevention: 608.785.5126
    • Confidential support and advocacy for anyone in the campus community who has experienced sexual assault, stalking, violence, abuse, or threats. 


More 24/7 Crisis Resources 

  • La Crosse County Mobile Crisis: 608.784.HELP (4357)
    • Local mental health support and evaluation of risk via phone and/or in person.
  • Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988
    • Nationwide mental health support and crisis intervention via phone, text, or chat. Veterans and other service members and their families, press 1 to be connected with specific supports. 
  • Trevor Lifeline: 866.488.7386
    • Crisis and emotional support for LGBTQ+ youth up to age 25.
  • The Steve Fund: Text 'STEVE' to 741741
    • Crisis and emotional support for students of color.
  • Text ‘Hopeline’ to 741741 
    • Nationwide text-based mental health support
  • Great Rivers 211 Helpline: 211 or 800.362.TALK (8255)
    • Local support and help in connecting with resources for meeting basic needs for food, housing, healthcare, childcare, etc. 

After hours contacts