Depression Screening
A page within Counseling & Testing
____ 1. I have trouble sleeping, either falling asleep or sleeping through the night.
____ 2. I have difficulty finding pleasure or enjoyment in most of the things I do.
____ 3. I seem to be more irritable than usual.
____ 4. I sometimes feel like harming myself.
____ 5. I have difficulty concentrating.
____ 6. I get tired easily and have little energy.
____ 7. I don't have much hope for my future.
____ 8. I feel sad and can't seem to snap out of it.
If you checked 4 or more of these symptoms you MAY be suffering from depression. Depression can be effectively treated! Please contact the Counseling & Testing Center (608.785.8073 or 2106 Centennial) to make an appointment to see a counselor.